The Horrific Reality and Unreal Insanity of Kyoki Chudoku

This is planned to be a place to store information on Kyoki Chudoku randomly. It's in this category because it doesn't really fit modern tech. More like...modern/post-modern/fantasy tech.


The Supreme Ultimate Country of Kyoki Chudoku, generally known as Kyoki Chudoku or simply as "Kyoki", is an authoritarian dictatorship located in the North Pacific. It comprises of three main islands and several smaller ones, divided into nine "districts". The current rule of the nation is Aozora Chiyumi, who proclaims herself as "Supreme Overlady of All Reality". The nation is a member of the Warsaw Pact. Notable aspects of the nation include its enigmatic use of magic, the insanity of its leading personnel, its military power and influence, and its exports of anime and cookies.


Kyoki Chudoku is under the absolute authority of the Supreme Overlady of All Reality. However, there are also others who have positions of importance. Most notable of these are the Densetsu, a council of unwaveringly loyal and often insane officials who each govern a district, and have a particular role in ruling the nation.

Aozora Chiyumi, Supreme Overlady of All Reality, is known for being a sadistic yet intelligent leader. Her cruelty is immense, but she is also capable of experiencing emotions such as empathy, attraction, sadness, and so on. Aozora has a well-documented enjoyment of torture, and does not hesitate to put her subjects (who she often refers to as "future test subjects) in excruciating pain and even bring them death for her own amusement. Her signature weapon is a scythe, which she used generally for torture but also during combat. She has potent magical capabilities. If aggravated sufficiently, she is known to become incredibly unstable. Aozora also enjoys baking cookies, which she generally poisons. These have become a symbol of her regime and many world leaders are hesitant to eat cookies as a result. The Supreme Overlady of All Reality has no confirmed family, but she does have an adopted daughter known as Sagiri Axelford-Hoffmahn, who was taken in for political reasons.

The Densetsu are known to have a naming convention for their names. These are generally represented as "[NAME], Densetsu [JAPANESE NUMBER] of [DISTRICT NAME] District, head of [ROLE]". They are known to have all undergone the tenshification process, granting them magical capabilities and ensuring their absolute loyalty.


Ordinary humans by far comprise the majority of Kyoki Chudoku's population. However, Aozora is known for her attempts at human experimentation. Thus far, she has developed two species. Notably, both are derived from humans. That is to say, a living, born human undergoes a process to become either of these species.

The first are nekos. Inspired by animated series and her desire for pain, Aozora created this race as an attempt at seeing how effective her human experimentation could be. Nekos physiological resembles humans, with two notable exceptions- they possess feline ears (positioned on top of their heads, rather than replacing human ears, which remain) and tails. To become a neko, a subject is injected with a serum that causes transformation over a timescale generally involving multiple hours, although it varies widely. During the process, the aforementioned feline featured are forcefully produced, causing immense pain to the subject in question. The proecedure is irreversible. It is often used as a kind of warning punishment for lesser crimes, painful but not lethal, and far more humane than many of Aozora's other punishments.

Additionally, there are tenshi. Tenshi are the rarest species of Kyoki Chudoku. They also resemble humans, although often with unusual hair and eye colour. They are capable of performing magic. The exact nature of this varies greatly between individuals. Generally, it is "manifested" based upon a person's past, personality, or in extreme cases, current emotion. Tenshification involves placing a subject inside of a tenshification vat, then immersing them in a magically imbued liquid. This causes constant and excruciating pain to the subject. After several days, the subject either dies within, or emerges a tenshi. To survive, one must not only be physically endurant enough, but also submit to this fate rather than resist it, as struggling prevents the procedure from completing. Tenshi, as a result of psychological alterations, are immensely loyal to Aozora and her regime. The procedure, however, often causes mental instability.
Hello, this is necerierra here. I really like your ramblings man, i hope you can find the motivation. Goodluck lady aozora!
Kyoki Chudoku:
This is planned to be a place to store information on Kyoki Chudoku randomly. It's in this category because it doesn't really fit modern tech. More like...modern/post-modern/fantasy tech.

hi ^^ I really like your walls of text. Could you move some to a Forum topic?

It has been quite a while since I visited this hasn't it? I've still got to get around to actually writing an overview of Kyoki Chudoku here. But for now I'll just respond.

Necerierra: Sorry I took a billion years to reply to this, and thank you. I'm glad you like my random ramblings. My motivation to resume work on this is beginning to rise.

Hong Kong: Thank you, and potentially I could yes.
I have split a number of spam posts out of this topic. Please ensure that posts are kept to roleplay related matters and are, above all, not spam.

This is a general note and not directed at the author of this topic.