Officially "The Republic of Mouxordia," though more simply called "Mošordia," (also spelled "Mouxordia") is a Federal Presidential Constitutional Republic in the central part of the North Pacific, on the continent of Meterra. The small nation is subdivided into 9 states.
Mošordia is the consequence of fifteen years of civil war, wherein in Republican forces fought against a Royalist regime. With the civil war concluded just five years ago, Mošordia still has a lot of work to do to rebuild and normalize a healthy and happy society. With a strong base as a major shipbuilding hub and its contributions toward advancing META goals and industries, the country is on a strong path forward.
1 - Etymology
2 - History
3 - Geography
4 - Demographics ?4.1 - Population ?4.2 - Language ?4.3 - States and Cities
5 - Government ?5.1 - Foreign Relations and Military
6 - Economy
7 - Culture
8 - Infrastructure ?8.1 - Energy
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"Mouxordia” is the romanized translation of the word "Mošordia”, which is must easier to type on a standard keyboard. The word itself is a portmanteau of the names of two kingdoms from which Mouxordia is made: Mošo and Ordja. The royal aristocracies married and eventually bound together into a single kingdom, thus leading to the resulting symbolic binding of the former kingdoms' names into one, which still carries over into the nascent republic.
The standard way to refer to a citizen of Mouxordia is as a "Mošordian/Mouxordian" (Mošord).
The Republic of Mouxordia sits where two kingdoms once did: The Kingdom of Mosho and The Kingdom of Ordja. Both kingdoms were homogenous of the same people, southern slavs that had settled into the region likely due to the ideal climate for vineyards and the abundance of sea life. This was largely the difference between the two kingdoms. Mosho was rich in history and culture derived from that of the mediterranean lifestyle, which heavily involved fishing and sea travel. Ordja was steeped in culture that surrounded around the cultivation of vineyards and the selling and bartering of agricultural products that grew well in the foothills.
Mosho and Ordja were mostly amicable with one another for the larger part of two centuries, until a political dispute arose over the rights to trade the respective goods of each kingdom. Mosho, being based along the coast and having access to the beaches necessary to build a strong port, wished to build a network inland, so that they may trade with landlocked nationstates. Ordja, on the other hand, being mostly inland and having the mountains that Mosho wanted to build through be in their sovereign territory, while desiring a beachhead of their own to establish a port to trade their wines by sea, suggested a trade of land that accomplished both of the kingdoms’ goals. It was agreed upon that the meeting for this trade shall happen, and so it did.
However, the negotiations broke down completely when, in the first half-hour, Emperor Kira?o of Mosho demanded that nearly three-times as much Ordjanian land in exchange for the beachfront that King ?utuvac of Ordja wanted. Kira?o suggested that the desired beachfront was worth more than the land that ?utuvac had offered. Offense was taken at the remarks, and ?utuvac and his entourage left the negotiating table.
A day later, Ordja’s army was occupying the beachfront discussed at the negotiating table. Outraged, Kira?o ordered a contingent of his men to the mountains he wanted, and the rest to confront the Ordjanians on the beach. Thus began nearly 500 years of armed conflict.
From 1521 until 1539, war raged between the Kingdom of Mosho and the Kingdom of Ordja. Both Houses would eventually find peace when both leaders were slain in the Battle of Karanje Hills. Their Houses united under one banner upon the intermarriage of the leading children of both royal dynasties.
The war ravaged the people, especially as technology advanced and produced things such as automatic weapons, armored vehicles, and missiles. They crossed the nearly nonexistent border between Mosho and Ordja regularly, as the war swayed like a pendulum from one side to another. Over the course of 496 years, the people no longer belonged one side or the other, and were tired of conflict, of not having a place to call home.
In January of 2016, Jon Kaline?ka began a campaign of guerilla warfare with the Mošordia Oslobodila?ke Vojske, or Mouxordia Liberation Army (MOV and MLA, respectively) against both kingdoms. The campaign consisted of various operations of cutting not the military’s supply lines, but the Royal Houses’. In conjunction with political rallies and operations designed to win the hearts and minds of those yet convinced of the Royal Houses’ selfish machinations, the militaries were turned against their royal leaders. In less than a year, both Houses fell. Surrounded and besieged, both royal families surrendered without a shot being fired.
On December 12th, 2016, a provincial government was set up, a tribunal held, and all of the royal members of the families sentenced to death by judgement of the people. The executions took place on December 19th, and were conducted by firing squad. They are all buried together, under a monument on the very mountainside Mosho wanted for its inland trade road and overlooking the very shore that Ordja hoped would open routes to the sea. The monument is dedicated to the lives of those lost in the senseless and extended conflict between the two kingdoms, and the last casualties of the war - the royal families.
On January 1st, 2017, the provincial government was abandoned, and a federal presidential constitutional government was formed under the Mouxordian Constitution.
The land area of Mouxordia totals 77,770 km² (48,324 mi²). The climate along its coastline is mostly Mediterranean in nature, meaning dry and hot summers with moist winters. The ?ipro?ka Mountain Range runs along its coastline, with what are known as polje - or large, flat plains - between the peaks of the mountains and hills. The ?ipro?ka reaches heights as tall as 4,529 meters (Mt. ?e?e?a), and the polje are rich, fertile fields dotted with swaths of farms.
Geographical Map of Mouxordia Green are polje <200m, brown are hills 200m-1km,
and red are mountains >1km
Mouxordia has an estimated population of 690 million, though an official survey has yet to be taken with the newly-formed nation. The vast majority of the population are ethnic slavs, including the recently-annexed Brasilistanians which number approximately 1 million. Over 99% of the population is homogenously white. With war over, the birthrate is estimated to be between 18-22%. Due to a large information technology industry and focuses in joint international scientific ventures, Mouxordia also has a large influx of immigrants with technical specialties - more than likely because of this, the vast majority of the population is progressive-thinking, believing strongly in public welfare, education, and socialized medicine, which Mouxordia funds and provides.
Religion is not a large factor in the day-to-day life of most Mouxordians, largely due to the secular nature of the government. However, Mouxordians are free to practice and identify with any religion they so choose, as per the Mouxordian Constitution. In addition, discrimination of religion is illegal, as well as discrimination based upon gender, race, sexual preference, and ethnicity.
Mouxordian (Mošorskom) is the de facto language, with approximately 97% of the population identifying it as their first language. Mercanti is an officially-recognized language, with approximately 81% of the population identifying it at their second language. Brasilistanian accounts for just 0.3% of first languages spoken in Mouxordia - less than the amount of other languages that are present due to migrants from other nations in the region. Despite this, the Brasilistanian language and culture is still strong and prevalent in the state Bracilišta?eveka, where nearly all of the Brasilistanians still live.
4.2 - Language
Mouxordian is a south-slavic language, consisting of 30 letters of the alphabet, 8 of which are not found in the Basic Latin Alphabet, and excludes 4 which are: q, w, x, and y. It also includes three digraphs: "?", "?", and "?" which - despite appearing to be separate letters, are acutally treated as one single character in Mouxordian. It is a basic S-V-O language and, almost uniquely, has only had one publication of its rules of grammar receive the Department of Education’s official seal of approval - Pravopis Mošorskom Jezika (The Orthography of the Mouxordian Language). Developed by Ljudevit Gaj in 1835, it quickly became the standard for the Mouxordian language. Mošorskom is managed by the Vije?e za Mošorskom Jezika (Council on the Mouxordian Language) within the Department of Education.
Brasilistanian (Bracilišta?evekaskom) is a similar-sounding south-slavic language to Mouxordian, but classified as its own branch, and not a dialect of Mouxordian. It is mutually intelligible with Mouxordian and uses the same script and pronunciation as its cousin, but different and archaic vocabulary makes the language and culture surrounding it seem almost foreign. Brasilistanian is managed by its own Department of Brasilistan Affairs and Vije?e za Bracilišta?evekaskom Jezika (Council on the Brasilistanian Language), which seeks to preserve the language and perpetuate its schooling throughout Mouxordia.
Mouxordia is one nation, but subdivided into 9 states for ease of governance. They are labeled in a clockwise spiral leading outward from the capitol state. The capitol of Mouxordia - Cerštuva - is indicated in gold on the map to the left. Large cities (that is, cities with populations totaling over 1 million Mouxordians) are marked in black. Cities with populations less than 1 million but greater than 500,000 are marked by the color pink.
The states are as follows:
1. Cerštuvaka
2. Poklo?aka
3. Gov?orod
4. Središ?i-Mošordia
5. Monta?etva
6. Kakoška
7. ?e?e?aka
8. Štalo?eveka
9. Bracilišta?eveka
Cerštuvaka, in addition to being Mouxordia's capital-state, has a bustling tourism and shipping industry. Many of the people who come to visit Mouxordia visit the capital city of Cerštuva and enjoy its beaches and waterfront. Poklo?aka is largely dependent on the same industries as Cerštuvaka, though with a much heavier dependency on shipping traffic through the large port city of Poklon. Further south on the peninsula is where most of the tourism income is made, where many climb the steps of Mon Planina (Mt. Mon) to get an astounding and picturesque view over the bay. Središ?i-Mošordia is completely mountainous, and mostly devoid of people. Uniquely, it houses the nation's sole nuclear facility - Kapronika Nuklearna Elektrana - which provides nearly dirt-cheap power for the entire country. Štalo?eveka is Mouxordia's powerhouse for agricultural goods, with nearly 91% of the region consisting of arable polje - or flat fields. The other 9% is the state capital of Štalo?a and other outlying communities and villages. Monta?etva is almost completely mountainous, but houses Mouxordia's own ski resort on the mountains that are in the state - a vacationer's choice destination during the winter months. Bracilišta?eveka (Brasilistan), was once its own sovereign nation, but was annexed by Mouxordia after a particularly one-sided war. All of its residents are recognized Mouxordian citizens, and are offered the same rights and privileges as any other Mouxordian. The area is still undergoing reconstruction and repair efforts.
Rank[c]City Name[c]Metro Area Population[c]State[c]1[c]Cerštuva[c]20,003,982[c]Cerštuvaka[c]2[c]Poklon[c]11,103,559[c]Poklo?aka[c]3[c]Kakovi?[c]3,955,111[c]Kakoška[c]4[c]Štalo?a[c]3,831,671[c]Štalo?eveka[c]5[c]Monta?a[c]1,756,412[c]Monta?etva
Mouxordia is a Federal Presidential Constitutional Republic, meaning that it is made up of smaller states that compose a larger whole with an elected official - a President - who governs over the unified country as a whole with a constitution as a guideline that guarantees the people’s power.
The citizens of Mouxordia are subject to three levels of government: Federal, State, and Municipal.
Municipal: Administers local emergency services, as well as other public works, and protects private property rights.
State: Responsible for law enforcement, public education, interstate commerce, public health, and local transportation and infrastructure.
Federal: Located in the capitol Cerštuva, Cerštuvaka, Mošordia, the federal government is responsible for national defense, foreign policy, and guarantees the rights as declared in the Mouxordian Constitution, of which the states cannot override.
The Federal Government is composed of three branches, to ensure a balanced system of checks and balances, with the power securely in the people’s hands.
Executive: Headed by the President of Mouxordia. Can veto legislative bills, appoint cabinet members and Supreme Court Justices, and is Commander-in-Chief of the Mouxordian military.
Legislative: Composed of what is called the Sabor (a unicameral congressional body), it makes federal law, declares war, allocates federal funds, and approves treaties.
Judicial: Made up of the Supreme Court and lower federal courts. Has the power of judicial review, and is the highest legal authority after the Constitution.
5.1 - Foreign Relations and Military
Mouxordia takes an active role in international diplomacy. It is a member of the World Assembly and The North Pacific region. Since its founding, it has been neutral in all armed conflict, with the notable exception of the annexation of Brasilistan.
Despite its neutrality, Mouxordia has compulsory 2-year military service for all males over the age of 18, with female service as voluntary. It boasts a ?182,600,000,000 ($152,100,000,000) defense budget, making it one of the top 20% most powerful in The North Pacific.
The President serves as Commander-in-Chief of the Mouxordian Armed Forces, which is headed by the Department of Defense. The military is divided into four branches: the Air Force, the Navy, the Marines, and the Army. All of these branches serve professionally, and have no other occupation.
Mouxordia operates under a 99% free-market system - 1% being state-owned ventures. According to the statistics, the nominal GDP is $71.20 trillion (?85.44 trillion). The private sector is estimated to constitute 66% of the country's GDP, with federal and state-owned businesses accounting for 1%, and government expenditures taking up 33%. Unemployment is at 17.85%, largely due to the lack of employment opportunities so close after the end of the Foundation War.
Mouxordia is a largely homogenous culture, largely due to its isolation from other nations on the continent. Its culture is considered Western, derived from traditions that left much larger kingdoms and nations.
Mouxordians have been described as a collectivist, kind, and hardworking culture. They are eager to build the nation they’ve always wanted under centuries of repressive rule, and strive for policies that reflect decisions that benefit the whole, rather than the individual. This has evolved into a nation that is socially liberal and politically free with a rapidly growing economy.
Cuisine differs from region to region, though it mostly consists of either fish or lamb. Mouxordia is known for its distinct wine, most prominently white wine. The hills and mediterranean climate of the country make it optimal for vineyards or all sorts of variety.
Leisure activities are a well-appreciated staple of the nation, though sports are of equal - if not greater - importance than even the most relaxing cruise. Volleyball is the most-played sport in Mouxordia, and surprisingly popular along coastal areas as the beach volleyball variant of the sport. The small nation hopes to send a national team to an Olympics, confident in taking home the gold.
Infrastructure is developing with a healthy balance of both personal and public transportation. An interstate system connects each state to one another, with smaller highways and roads that wind their way through mountains or along coastal regions to connect smaller towns. A country-wide rail system ensures the speedy transportation of both good and people to various regions, while metropolitan lines and buses complement one another in the larger cities. Along the coast, there are a few ports, largely for business and commerce, but a few are for cruise ships where tourists often spend their holidays. Mouxordia has but one airport, Cerštuva International Airport (Cerštuva Internacionalna Zra?na Luka), located close to the nation’s capital.
8.1 - Energy
Despite being a small nation, Mouxordia has an extensive nuclear program, for which it mines its own uranium. A single large-scale nuclear power plant powers the entire country, with leftover Megawatts that are being discussed to be sold to other nearby nations.