

Helgraf/Asendavia from TEP:
The rules are simple! Someone makes a wish, and you grant it, but with a twist! You can be as creative or literal as you want! An example might be...

I wish Asendavia could rule the world!

Then the next post would be something of the lines of...

Granted, but then Asendavia collapses 5 years later and Pax assimilates all.

I wish that TEP had more WA nations than TNP.
Granted, but your games dont get any replies.

I wish I had never made this post.
Granted, you're stuck for eternity... asleep.

I wish that this wish isn't corrupted.
Granted, but space and time itself blows up leaving you stuck in time and space for ever

I wish I could kill Kasch
Granted, but I get resuscitated and you're put in prison for life.

I wish that the colour red did not exist.
Granted, but since red has disappeared all the other colors decided to disappear as well leaving you to see nothing but different shades of grey.

I wish that I can escape jail successfully
Grant, You were on TV because you were sent to jail for life

I Wish I could read people's minds
Granted, but the government now controls everyone's movement

I wish I could escape from this world
Granted, but you are sent without a spacesuit to die in temperatures nearing absolute zero.

I wish that my wishes were interpreted without any negatives.
Granted. The logic of your wish crashes the universe.

I wish for an infinitely regenerating chocolate bar.
Granted, but you lose the money on the way home.

I wish I would stop posting without the second part and having to edit it all the time.
Granted. We swap places and you're now banned.

I wish I could reply to everything all at once.
Granted, but you crashed the internet for ever

"HOW dare you how can I spam now" - Moristia

I wish I was unbanned
Granted. You ban everyone else in the process.

I wish I had the ability to enter a post without typing, just thinking.
Granted, Everyone now knows what you are thinking

I wish I was able to take over the world
Granted, but you wasted that wish and the whole world now hates you

I wish I could turn the sky purple
Granted, everyone dies.

I wish someone would reply to the spam thread I just posted.
Granted, everything is fine. Which is bad because this is a thread about wishes going badly.

I wish for infinity.
Granted, your infinity of nothing has arrived at your doorstep

I wish for pizza to arrive at my door right now
Granted, it breaks the door down with full force.

I wish that nothing would be wished for.
Granted you ruin everyone wishes and everyone hates you even more now

I wish for more wishes
Granted you have the most posts. As in you've posted the most letters in the world but the money you used to pay for it was counterfeit so now you're in prison.

I wish to be recognised for what I am.
Granted you become amazing and recognized during so you kill someone and end up in prison for the rest of your life.

I wish For some pizza to turn up in front of me
Granted, pizza appears in front of you. It teleported from your trash can and is covered in mould.

I wish that this wish will be corrupted.
Granted your wish becomes corrupted and you become infected with a deadly virus.

I Wish for a money tree that doesn't inflate my countries currency
Granted but you lose it exactly 1 nanosecond after

I wish for my soul and heart back oh and my friends soul
Granted, your sanity is so boring that you go insane again.

I wish to find the most perfectly looped gif.
Granted, but it makes you delete it and you lose it forever

I wish to find gold in my backyard