SillyString: @everyone please respond, on forum or in this channel!
[10:50 AM] Syrixia: Done
[10:55 AM] SillyString: xD
[10:55 AM] SillyString: TNP mothers day
[10:55 AM] SillyString: celebrating all of our favorite mum
[10:55 AM] SillyString:

[10:56 AM] COE: We could tell the story of the great bight coup using three word story
[10:56 AM] COE: and see how close we get to the truth :stuck_out_tongue:
[10:58 AM] SillyString: hah
[10:58 AM] SillyString: on the RMB?

[10:58 AM] SillyString: ooh we could do it on the RMB and in an agora thread
[10:58 AM] SillyString: and see how the two diverge
[10:59 AM] COE: I feel like things would go to shit on the RMB real fast, with multiple versions, and stuff getting left out
[10:59 AM] SillyString: yeahhhh probably true
[10:59 AM] SillyString: we could make that a new game though, in the game area
[10:59 AM] COE: And a special WFE with a link to the thread
[11:01 AM] SillyString: special, pirate-themed wfe
[11:01 AM] SillyString:

[11:01 AM] COE: Also, I suggest that next year, we take the idea from this year's manumission day and use it for liberation day, and make the celebration of manumission day perhaps more somber
[11:02 AM] SillyString: I don't know how to make that work, really
[11:02 AM] SillyString: We don't have a delegacy transition during july
[11:04 AM] SillyString: I guess we could just have whoever is delegate pretend to go rogue
[11:04 AM] SillyString: and try to get people to make up anti-GB songs and slogans
[11:05 AM] SillyString: but it's not quite the same >_>
[11:14 AM] COE: damn, that's right
[11:15 AM] COE: Would it be treason if we bumped a Security Councilor into the delegate seat for a day and then swapped the delegate back in?
[11:16 AM] SillyString: @Syrixia hey can you reduce the size of the text in your signature? Your name takes up like half my screen, and the signature itself about 2/3.(edited)
[11:16 AM] COE: Why are all our great holiday ideas stymied by the criminal code? :frowning:
[11:16 AM] COE: And NS mods
[11:16 AM] SillyString: hahaha
[11:17 AM] SillyString: that
[11:17 AM] SillyString: um
[11:17 AM] SillyString: it would not be treason, necessarily.
[11:17 AM] COE: We're more like the counter-culture ministry
[11:17 AM] SillyString: but I feel like pallaith would set us on fire