Here's the basic, stripped-down story for Manumission Day, for anybody who isn't aware. I may have some details slightly wrong as it was a long time ago: Pixiedance was the democratically elected delegate of TNP, and went rogue. Controlled at various times by Cathyy, Insane Power, and Gracius Maximus, they set up the North Pacific Directorate, banned a bunch of long-term natives, and otherwise tyrannized the region.9. The twenty-sixth of May shall be Manumission Day, and shall commemorate the end of the delegacy of Pixiedance, and celebrate the return of a democratic government to the region.
The GiE (government in exile), the ADN (alliance defense network), and others worked together to fight the coup and reclaim the region. Stars of Sky, a secret puppet of Pope Hope (the leader of the ADN), infiltrated the NPD and rose up its ranks. On Manumission Day, Pixiedance-as-GM resigned from the WA and gave the nation back to Cathyy, the original owner. Cathyy gave it to her insane boyfriend, Insane Power, who, as update was happening, used Pixiedance's remaining access to the delegacy controls to ban Lungwallabad from the region. Lungwallabad became delegate anyway, because update was sometimes very weird back then, and was able to ban Pixiedance (but could not unban themselves). Stars of Sky took power at the next update, and returned the region to the rightful government.
So, we will be implementing a historical coup reenactment, a live action role play, as part of the delegacy transfer from Plembobria to Pallaith. We will be taking some artistic license with the actual reenactment, of course - the delegacy will go straight to Palliath, with no stop for any Lungwallabadian interlude. And GM will not be taking control of Plembobria for the duration of the event.

The rough plan so far is for Plembobria to style his nation after Pixiedance starting on midnight leading into May 25th and change the WFE to an old one used by the NPD. He'll also ban a couple puppets created specifically for this event. We all go on the RMB and rouse rabbles about how terrible the whole thing is during the day. We also organize a last ditch push to get Pallaith - by then the Stars of Pallaith - as many endos as possible. By whatever means necessary, Pallaith will take the delegacy on midnight of May 26th and we will all wake up on Manumission Day itself manumissed and free!
We will, of course, do some coordination with the NPA and with our allies' armies to ensure that Pallaith doesn't take the delegacy too soon, or too late. Worst case, as long as he is in second place, Plembobria can resign right before update to carry the whole show.
So! A couple things to think about:
Is one full day of couping sufficient? Should Plembobria go rogue starting on the 24th, to give us 2 full days of coup and then a final day of freedom?
What other events can we plan for the 26th itself to celebrate our manumission? One idea I had was to reach out to NS veterans who were around back then and participated in the NPD or the GIE or the liberation of TNP and get them to tell interesting stories about things that happened back then. Flem is interested in this, and I think we could also reach out to GBM and Romanoffia internally, GM for a story from the tyrant himself, and maybe some folks like Ananke and CrazyGirl who were much more active in defending back then. Someone who is not me could even reach out to Grosseschnauzer for a tale... but be warned, he might bite.
Any concerns about pulling this off? I admit the timing will be a tad tricky, and we don't have tons of time to plan it all out.
Any other comments or ideas or suggestions?