Opening Address May-September 2017
Hello TNP! As you all know, I’m your newly elected Delegate. I am humbled and honored to have earned your trust and faith in me and the vision I laid out in my campaign. As I have done since I first arrived in TNP 8 months ago, I will get right to work. You can rely on me to be available, curious, and responsive, both to your comments and to your questions. You have put a great team in place with Kasch and Bootsie joining me for the next 4 months. We’ll see to it that the ship of state continues to sail smoothly, and I hope we can say when we are finished that we made TNP better than it was when we got here. You deserve nothing less as members of the greatest region in NationStates.
Before us is an exciting opportunity to take TNP to new heights, and with your help I think we can get there. The theme of my campaign, and the underlying goal for every ministry this term, is leadership. The North Pacific will lead in our alliances, in innovation, in the WA. Our gameside and cultural events will set a standard, for future holiday celebrations and for subsequent joint events with our allies. In WALL and other similar agreements, TNP will make the most of our involvement by being a vocal and active participant. We will be the kind of friends who share our time and our knowledge, who cooperate defensively but also creatively.
To aid me in this effort, I have chosen the following to serve on my cabinet:
Minister of Defense: Sasten
Minister of Home Affairs: Siwale
Minister of Culture: SillyString
Minister of World Assembly Affairs: Sil Dorsett
I encourage all of you to get involved, especially those joining us for the first time. Apply for a position in the Executive Staff in the Docks and show us what you can do. This is especially important in the areas of Foreign Affairs, where we’re always interested in training and building a stronger team of diplomats to aid in our work with other regions; and Communications, where this term we will be making a push to go beyond the writing and publishing of monthly papers by capitalizing on the increased use of our Discord and the strong but short-lived run of our weekly radio program. If these areas in particular interest you, then I want to hear from you because it will take special and dedicated individuals to lead these ministries in the direction we hope to go for the next 4 months. Reach out to me in a PM or on Discord and we can discuss whether or not you are suited for the role. I will continue evaluating these applications as well as other individuals I am considering for the position. This is the very same process that allowed me to first serve as a cabinet minister, and I am keen to give new talent a chance, so don’t hold back. Please note that you do not need to have a name that starts with an S to be appointed, this was only a rather odd coincidence.
In addition, I will be reappointing Eluvatar, r3naissanc3r, Lord Ravenclaw, and Bootsie as Advisors to the Executive Council and the Delegate. I will also be appointing Plembobria to the same.
Whether you’ve been here for years or just got here, you are TNP’s future and we can have no real success without your support and your involvement. I’m eager to get started, so let’s get to it!