
Ladies and gentlemen,
Firstly, thank you all for your help, support, and encouragement over the past four months. Being your Vice Delegate and Minister of Home Affairs has been an honor, so thank you for your trust and co-operation along the way.
Before I get to the meat and substance of this campaign, I want to reflect on our work over the past term:
As Vice Delegate, I have worked tirelessly with the Security Council and our WA population to ensure that SC members are at acceptable endorsement ranges that allow them to deal with emergencies when and if they come up. When I assumed office as VD, only 3 of 8 SC members were in the preferred 800+ endorsement range. The other 5 ranged from below 600 endorsements to barely 700. My initial solution to this dilemma was implementing weekly theme weeks for each Security Councillor; we soon discovered a major flaw in the plan. Many of the SCers could not always guarantee availability.
We did not give in. We compromised. Instead, we focused on, developed and implemented endorsement boosting campaigns that were tailored specifically for each Security Councillor. WA nations in the North Pacific have seen at least one of these telegrams asking you to endorse a specific security councillor. Oftentimes, they listed the said SCer's contributions to the region -- both in their capacity as SCer and as a private citizen -- and thanks to those valiant efforts, the introduction of the WA Keepers program, and and your endorsements, the whole Security Council is now above 800 endorsements, with the majority being at 900 endorsements or 25 endorsements away from 900.
Our region is now the most secure it has been in a long time. That is thanks to your partnership with and support for the Security Council. Endorsements aside, another thing that I have been careful to do this term is security checks for citizenship applications. I am happy to report that we have witnessed ZERO lapses in security checks on citizenship applicants. I have long held the belief that when it comes to regional security, one tiny mistake could cause huge devastation, and that is why I've made it key to analyze and check every applicant to the best of my ability and in the most timely manner.
Lastly but certainly not least, the SC right now is the midst of rounding up discussions on an official disclosure policy. I think that's something that's long overdue for the SC, and I am honored to have led the effort to address and increase transparency and disclosure for the Council. Guys, I could not have done all of this alone without your help and support -- everyone one of our citizens, everyone of our 1,600 WA nations, every single one of you -- you have made our success possible. I'd like to particularly thank the SC for their cooperation with me over the past four months; working with you guys is an honor, and I thank you for your support and guidance. I'd like to give special thanks to Justice Zyvet for his help with the drafting of the disclosure amendment, your contributions are highly valued.
But I am not done yet

In addition to being VD, I also served as Minister of Home Affairs this term. When I received the Ministry, it was in a very inactive state, with the Staff unable to fully complete core tasks such as recruitment and mentoring. In many ways, this was not the government's fault, as NS in general was experiencing a winter slump during that time period. With the help of the Delegate and the support of my deputies, we were able to turn the tide. The result is one of the strongest and most productive Ministries of the term. To this minute, the MoHA is active and going strong.
As much as I would love to take credit for this, it is you, the citizens, that brought the Ministry up to its feet by answering my call of action and by joining its staff. The Ministry of Home Affairs is a testament to the greatness that TNP can and will reach when everyone comes together with a common goal: improving TNP.
Without further ado... I am honored to stand before you as a candidate for Delegate, in the May General Election. I am not standing alone, however. I am elated to announce that I will be running on a joint-ticket with Communications Minister Kasch, who is our Vice Delegate candidate. Kasch is the embodiment and the definition of what a rising star is, and I am honored to be running with a close friend and colleague who I know, for a matter of fact, will do an excellent job as Vice Delegate.
For many of you, this will be your first General Election to view and vote in. I want you to understand that your votes matter. YOUR voices matter. YOU decide TNP's future. In every position Kasch and I have served, we make it our priority to engage with the citizenry. The key to stability, the key to order, and the key to having a successful region lies in the citizenry's hands. Always remember that.
I seek your vote for our campaign. Tomb for WA Delegate and Kasch for Vice Delegate - spread the message if we have your support. We have the experience, energy, and relentless passion for this community, and I know that we can deliver the results that TNP deserves.
Thank you.
Home Affairs Policy:
Home Affairs is a Ministry that I have always supported and mentioned in terms of importance to the region, because it is close and dear to my heart and the work that I have done for this region. The work produced by Home Affairs is directly correlated to the activity and retention levels of the region. The forums can be very intimidating and difficult to navigate for newer members. It is essential that successful recruitment continues. It is paramount that new players are embraced, welcomed and guided through the forums and beyond. Regardless of whether they choose to stay or leave the region, they must feel like they belong.
This upcoming term, we will not be stopping at recruitment and mentoring. We have plans for a plethora of other branches and reaches of the Ministry. One of these branches is the RMB Guardians. Our vision for RMB Guardians is a relatively simple one: they must be more involved, helpful, encouraging and insightful. Whether it concerns the NS forums, out off-site forums, dispatches... you name it, and the RMB Guardians will be there to explain it quicker and better than ever before, we will work extremely hard to make this happen.
One particular scheme that we have laid the groundwork for this term is the reintroduction of TNP Trivia. While we unfortunately did not get the chance to unveil this program, it is complete and I look forward to revealing it. I am confident that with competitive, forum-based trivia run by the Guardians, we will not only see the RMB Guardians assume a more involved role in-game, but we will also see an even greater surge of interest in our forums, which in turns leads to greater participation in role-play, the NPA, the Executive Staff, and virtually all other areas of activity within our region.
RMB Guardians aside, over the coming term, I would like for the Ministry of Home Affairs to partner up with the Speaker’s Office to create some sort of citizenship status notification system. We have many citizens who lose their citizenship due to accidental lapses. This in turn requires the administrators to demask the citizen in question, and a lot of the time, the administrators end up have to recheck and remask them and go through the whole process again when the member decides to apply again. This could be entirely avoided if we notify said citizens of their impending status ahead of time.
Other ideas that the Ministry of Home Affairs will tackle and work on this coming term include but are not limited to: the full implementation of rank and rewards system for recruiters, get out the vote campaigns close to election time, and the revival of TNP's dispatch writing program.
Home Affairs is a Ministry that I have always supported and mentioned in terms of importance to the region, because it is close and dear to my heart and the work that I have done for this region. The work produced by Home Affairs is directly correlated to the activity and retention levels of the region. The forums can be very intimidating and difficult to navigate for newer members. It is essential that successful recruitment continues. It is paramount that new players are embraced, welcomed and guided through the forums and beyond. Regardless of whether they choose to stay or leave the region, they must feel like they belong.
This upcoming term, we will not be stopping at recruitment and mentoring. We have plans for a plethora of other branches and reaches of the Ministry. One of these branches is the RMB Guardians. Our vision for RMB Guardians is a relatively simple one: they must be more involved, helpful, encouraging and insightful. Whether it concerns the NS forums, out off-site forums, dispatches... you name it, and the RMB Guardians will be there to explain it quicker and better than ever before, we will work extremely hard to make this happen.
One particular scheme that we have laid the groundwork for this term is the reintroduction of TNP Trivia. While we unfortunately did not get the chance to unveil this program, it is complete and I look forward to revealing it. I am confident that with competitive, forum-based trivia run by the Guardians, we will not only see the RMB Guardians assume a more involved role in-game, but we will also see an even greater surge of interest in our forums, which in turns leads to greater participation in role-play, the NPA, the Executive Staff, and virtually all other areas of activity within our region.
RMB Guardians aside, over the coming term, I would like for the Ministry of Home Affairs to partner up with the Speaker’s Office to create some sort of citizenship status notification system. We have many citizens who lose their citizenship due to accidental lapses. This in turn requires the administrators to demask the citizen in question, and a lot of the time, the administrators end up have to recheck and remask them and go through the whole process again when the member decides to apply again. This could be entirely avoided if we notify said citizens of their impending status ahead of time.
Other ideas that the Ministry of Home Affairs will tackle and work on this coming term include but are not limited to: the full implementation of rank and rewards system for recruiters, get out the vote campaigns close to election time, and the revival of TNP's dispatch writing program.
Cultural Affairs Policy:
We have had a lot of success in the Ministry of Culture over the past term. But there is no doubt that we still have a lot of work to do in this area. My number one priority for the Culture Ministry is to engage our citizenry by utilizing our culture. Despite being the largest region in the game, TNP has a very close knit yet always welcoming community, which is a good thing. My hope is that through weekly discussions, quizzes, and contests, we can realign the Ministry of Culture so that it's not only become a promoter of RP within the region but also a hub of cultural activity.
To do that, the Ministry of Culture will embark on a #StandUpTNP campaign to try and engage our citizenry (especially newer members) through regional events, competitions, and activities. We will also attempt to find seasoned RPers and aspiring RPers to join our RP world, in order to grow the community, and work on a series of updated RP FAQs and tutorials for newer RPers. It's my hope that through all these initiatives we will see retention rates skyrocket. To further supplement this, starting in July (what's left of May will be used for planning), the Ministry of Culture will aim to have weekly game nights every Friday where the region can get together, play some sort of free online game, and basically do what we do best: goof off and have fun!
The Ministry will also continue the organization of fun polls on our Regional Page on the main NationStates website, and will be establishing TNP Artists' Camp, a program for inspiring aspiring graphics creators to hone their craft. As you guys can see, my goal is to make TNP more fun and engaging. Period. But that cannot happen without your involvement and participation, and we definitely cannot get to it without your vote.
We have had a lot of success in the Ministry of Culture over the past term. But there is no doubt that we still have a lot of work to do in this area. My number one priority for the Culture Ministry is to engage our citizenry by utilizing our culture. Despite being the largest region in the game, TNP has a very close knit yet always welcoming community, which is a good thing. My hope is that through weekly discussions, quizzes, and contests, we can realign the Ministry of Culture so that it's not only become a promoter of RP within the region but also a hub of cultural activity.
To do that, the Ministry of Culture will embark on a #StandUpTNP campaign to try and engage our citizenry (especially newer members) through regional events, competitions, and activities. We will also attempt to find seasoned RPers and aspiring RPers to join our RP world, in order to grow the community, and work on a series of updated RP FAQs and tutorials for newer RPers. It's my hope that through all these initiatives we will see retention rates skyrocket. To further supplement this, starting in July (what's left of May will be used for planning), the Ministry of Culture will aim to have weekly game nights every Friday where the region can get together, play some sort of free online game, and basically do what we do best: goof off and have fun!
The Ministry will also continue the organization of fun polls on our Regional Page on the main NationStates website, and will be establishing TNP Artists' Camp, a program for inspiring aspiring graphics creators to hone their craft. As you guys can see, my goal is to make TNP more fun and engaging. Period. But that cannot happen without your involvement and participation, and we definitely cannot get to it without your vote.
Foreign Affairs Policy:
When it comes to foreign affairs, I have long believed that the foreign arena should be approached using a 3 step strategy. First of all and perhaps most importantly comes the strengthening and reinforcement of ties with existing allies. There exists a common misconception across NationStates that a treaty is the highest level of relations two regions can reach -- after that, there's nothing left to do. That's not right. Just like with any relationship, we must continue to foster and improve our standing with our allies abroad. Culturally, we can do this in the form of cultural events like state visits, joint AMAs, festivals, and/or competitive events.
Alternatively, and if our ally has the capability to do so, it could happen in the form a joint military mission or through co-writing a WA resolution. But no matter what we do, we must reaffirm our commitment to our allies abroad. Another key aspect of my foreign policy is the expansion of relations with other regions abroad. And by that, I am not referring to establishing more treaties. I'm simply in favor of working with other regions abroad that we're not necessarily allied to. All of the venues of action that I described above apply here as well.
A state visit with TAS would allows us to meet and greet their citizenry and government leadership. A tag/detag operation with the Pacific will allow us to establish a working relationship militarily with that region. A festival with the United Kingdom will allow many of us to take a peek into UK culture and how it can shape up a region when employed as a theme. There's a lot of potential out there, and it's important TNP capitalizes on this and work with other regions to further its interests and strengthen its standing abroad. Lastly but certainly not least is the maintenance of our diplomatic corps and the training of diplomats. As much as it may be essential to have active diplomats posted in all of our regions, it is equally important to provide these diplomats training beyond the simple delivery of foreign updates.
If elected, I plan to work with incumbent Minister of Foreign Affairs Guy as well as former Minister of Foreign Affairs Praetor (along with my pick for the position) to try and come up with a comprehensive training strategy for our Diplomatic Corps. As you all know, when it comes to foreign affairs, the only real way to gain experience is by actively tackling and learning from situations and happenings, and so it is important that we figure out a way to relay that experience to newer ambassadors so that they can learn from it and establish a career for themselves as diplomats.
When it comes to foreign affairs, I have long believed that the foreign arena should be approached using a 3 step strategy. First of all and perhaps most importantly comes the strengthening and reinforcement of ties with existing allies. There exists a common misconception across NationStates that a treaty is the highest level of relations two regions can reach -- after that, there's nothing left to do. That's not right. Just like with any relationship, we must continue to foster and improve our standing with our allies abroad. Culturally, we can do this in the form of cultural events like state visits, joint AMAs, festivals, and/or competitive events.
Alternatively, and if our ally has the capability to do so, it could happen in the form a joint military mission or through co-writing a WA resolution. But no matter what we do, we must reaffirm our commitment to our allies abroad. Another key aspect of my foreign policy is the expansion of relations with other regions abroad. And by that, I am not referring to establishing more treaties. I'm simply in favor of working with other regions abroad that we're not necessarily allied to. All of the venues of action that I described above apply here as well.
A state visit with TAS would allows us to meet and greet their citizenry and government leadership. A tag/detag operation with the Pacific will allow us to establish a working relationship militarily with that region. A festival with the United Kingdom will allow many of us to take a peek into UK culture and how it can shape up a region when employed as a theme. There's a lot of potential out there, and it's important TNP capitalizes on this and work with other regions to further its interests and strengthen its standing abroad. Lastly but certainly not least is the maintenance of our diplomatic corps and the training of diplomats. As much as it may be essential to have active diplomats posted in all of our regions, it is equally important to provide these diplomats training beyond the simple delivery of foreign updates.
If elected, I plan to work with incumbent Minister of Foreign Affairs Guy as well as former Minister of Foreign Affairs Praetor (along with my pick for the position) to try and come up with a comprehensive training strategy for our Diplomatic Corps. As you all know, when it comes to foreign affairs, the only real way to gain experience is by actively tackling and learning from situations and happenings, and so it is important that we figure out a way to relay that experience to newer ambassadors so that they can learn from it and establish a career for themselves as diplomats.
Communications Policy:
Generally speaking, Communications is not a Ministry that covers a lot of responsibility. It has a specific role and purpose, and it always works better when the workload is light and efficient, so this is the direction we must intend to move if we want a successful term. A stable, efficient staff and good, strong leadership is all that's needed to make it happen, as illustrated by Minister of Communications Kasch this term.
Obviously, that's easier said than done, but I am convinced by the Ministry's recent success that we can make it happen. And so next term, we will focus on producing four whole TNL issues, continuing the ranking and rewards system of authors, and relaunching the NBS radio, which saw huge success at the beginning of the term.
Generally speaking, Communications is not a Ministry that covers a lot of responsibility. It has a specific role and purpose, and it always works better when the workload is light and efficient, so this is the direction we must intend to move if we want a successful term. A stable, efficient staff and good, strong leadership is all that's needed to make it happen, as illustrated by Minister of Communications Kasch this term.
Obviously, that's easier said than done, but I am convinced by the Ministry's recent success that we can make it happen. And so next term, we will focus on producing four whole TNL issues, continuing the ranking and rewards system of authors, and relaunching the NBS radio, which saw huge success at the beginning of the term.
Defense Policy:
In the area of Defense, we need to continue our successful efforts in the recruitment and training of NPA soldiers. While we currently do have one of the largest militaries in the game (with about 20 active soldiers), I personally have a vision for the NPA to become a 30-40 member army, and fortunately, we have the resources to sustain that. With a WA population of over 1,600 WA nations, an active chain of command, and a plethora of resources provided to us by R3n and Elu, I believe that we can definitely sustain 20 member increase. In addition to that, I personally plan to work with my Minister of Defense to hold training/practice operations every during every single minor starting June. This will be a good opportunity for our soldiers to gain experience and promotions, and it'll help show the NPA's might and talent to the rest of NS.
My other priority for the Ministry of Defense is the continued cooperation with our allies abroad as well as other regions out there. As an independent, I will be holding the NPA to a careful balance by making sure that it participates in both raiding and defense missions. I believe that there is much to gain from working with the both spheres allowing TNP to gain the best from both worlds.
In the area of Defense, we need to continue our successful efforts in the recruitment and training of NPA soldiers. While we currently do have one of the largest militaries in the game (with about 20 active soldiers), I personally have a vision for the NPA to become a 30-40 member army, and fortunately, we have the resources to sustain that. With a WA population of over 1,600 WA nations, an active chain of command, and a plethora of resources provided to us by R3n and Elu, I believe that we can definitely sustain 20 member increase. In addition to that, I personally plan to work with my Minister of Defense to hold training/practice operations every during every single minor starting June. This will be a good opportunity for our soldiers to gain experience and promotions, and it'll help show the NPA's might and talent to the rest of NS.
My other priority for the Ministry of Defense is the continued cooperation with our allies abroad as well as other regions out there. As an independent, I will be holding the NPA to a careful balance by making sure that it participates in both raiding and defense missions. I believe that there is much to gain from working with the both spheres allowing TNP to gain the best from both worlds.
World Assembly Affairs Policy:
The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs plays a huge role in that it's not only a key part of the game mechanics (voting on WA resolutions, etc), but it is an extremely effective and essential tool when it comes to foreign affairs. As the largest region in the game with the largest WA population, TNP has considerable clout and influence in the WA internationally. The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs should maintain the success it has seen over the last term, encourage a more active recommendation writing objective, organize and schedule recommendations, reward consistent and quality recommendation authors and expand their influence within the World Assembly Legislative League (WALL).
I think we have had huge success with the Ministry over the past two terms, and that's because we have had extremely dedicated and involved ministers spearhead the Ministry's efforts and activities. Over the coming terms, I'd personally like to see more one-on-one mentoring of the MoWAA staff to ensure that staff members are well trained in evaluating resolutions and well versed in writing recommendations.
The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs plays a huge role in that it's not only a key part of the game mechanics (voting on WA resolutions, etc), but it is an extremely effective and essential tool when it comes to foreign affairs. As the largest region in the game with the largest WA population, TNP has considerable clout and influence in the WA internationally. The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs should maintain the success it has seen over the last term, encourage a more active recommendation writing objective, organize and schedule recommendations, reward consistent and quality recommendation authors and expand their influence within the World Assembly Legislative League (WALL).
I think we have had huge success with the Ministry over the past two terms, and that's because we have had extremely dedicated and involved ministers spearhead the Ministry's efforts and activities. Over the coming terms, I'd personally like to see more one-on-one mentoring of the MoWAA staff to ensure that staff members are well trained in evaluating resolutions and well versed in writing recommendations. - Tomb/Kasch- with extra words - T/K - Tomb/Kasch- Basic - Tomb/Kasch- Small Pin - T/K - Tomb/Kasch- Basic - Tomb/Kasch- Small Pin
The regions where I hold citizenship: TNP, Balder, Europeia, Lazarus, and United Kingdom.
Balder - I am currently the Statsminister in Balder. By the time our elections end, there will only be around 10 days left in that term, and if I prove to be victorious, I will promptly step down from that role.
UK - I am currently the Minister of Foreign Affairs in UK. However, that term ends on Thursday, and I am not seeking reappointment to focus my energy on TNP.
Balder - I am currently the Statsminister in Balder. By the time our elections end, there will only be around 10 days left in that term, and if I prove to be victorious, I will promptly step down from that role.
UK - I am currently the Minister of Foreign Affairs in UK. However, that term ends on Thursday, and I am not seeking reappointment to focus my energy on TNP.
TNP (Currently Serving): Vice Delegate, Minister of Home Affairs, Deputy Minister of Communications, and Assistant Attorney General. Formerly: Delegate, Minister of Home Affairs, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Communications, Attorney General, Court Justice, Election Commissioner, Deputy Speaker, Deputy Minister of Defence, Deputy Minister of Communications, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, and NPA Chief of Staff.
Osiris: Keeper of the Deshret (Speaker), Vizier of WA Affairs, Vizier of Cultural Affairs, and Deputy Vizier of WA Affairs.
Balder (Currently serving): Statsminister. Member of the Storting. Formerly: Lawspeaker, Foreign Affairs Minister, Cultural Affairs Minister.
Lazarus (Formerly serving): Court Justice
UK (Currently Serving): Foreign Affairs Secretary. Formerly: Member of the Parliament (2x), Minister of Culture, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Prime Minister, Prime Minister, Forum Administrator, and Member of Her Majesty's Privy Council.
CoDN: Minister of Justice
The Rejected Realms: Officer for Communications
Osiris: Keeper of the Deshret (Speaker), Vizier of WA Affairs, Vizier of Cultural Affairs, and Deputy Vizier of WA Affairs.
Balder (Currently serving): Statsminister. Member of the Storting. Formerly: Lawspeaker, Foreign Affairs Minister, Cultural Affairs Minister.
Lazarus (Formerly serving): Court Justice
UK (Currently Serving): Foreign Affairs Secretary. Formerly: Member of the Parliament (2x), Minister of Culture, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Prime Minister, Prime Minister, Forum Administrator, and Member of Her Majesty's Privy Council.
CoDN: Minister of Justice
The Rejected Realms: Officer for Communications