Hello There


Good evening and salutations!

I'm...err....new? Yes, new, and tired, but mostly new...and tired.

I'll elaborate more later, but in the meantime, the Jarcadian people have alot of unpacking to do.

Chop chop, peasants. :voldy:
Thanks for the nice and warm welcome my furry friend! How I'm still able to type despite being tired out of my mind is beyond me, but rest assured, more relevant and worthwhile info will probably be steadily drafted out in the next few days since I have some lengthy work shifts lined up this weekend.
But I guess I'll get this quickly out of the way to give people just a brief rundown of who they're dealing with.


Jarcadia. A relatively young nation as far as establishment goes. A rather bloody revolution, uprising, civil war, or what-have-you is thanks to that. Three bickering, overstuffed (and totally not vilified by the new government) monarchs have been overthrown and kept under lock and key by the new imperial leadership. Jarcadia was well on the way to becoming a fledgling democracy, were it not for the political maneuverings of two very prominent men who forced that extremely short-lived Provisional Government into hiding.

Those men are, Emperor Riordan:

and the Minister of Diplomatic Relations (name yet to be created since, still tired):

So with that teaser out of the way, I'm going to cozy up in my bed until I fall asleep.