Warzone Europe and Qocleusia!



Warzone Europe

For the past week The North Pacific Army (NPA) was once again deployed to the region of Warzone Europe - a protectorate of our ally Equilism to secure and restore the region after It was raided and demolished by The Gray Wardens. The operation was a success and 18 NPAers took part In this operaion. Thanks to all our friends and military partners who helped us out with the operation!

I would would like to award this ribbon to all the NPAers that took part In this operation, feel free to use It In your signatures:



1. Gladio
2. Darcania
3. Hiskjriaana
4. Teesea
5. Zazumo
6. Conantia
7. Mystery Player
8. Goyanes
9. Sasten
10. Larend
11. BaasRed
12. QuietDad
13. General Bolingbroke
14. Brend0g
15. The Honorable Duling
16. IUniques
17. BluieGamer
18. Owenstacey


The NPA also conducted a small training operation (Raid) that was led by one of our officers Sasten. This operation was also a success and 7 NPAers took part.

1. Sasten
2. QuietDad
3. Zazumo
4. Mystery Player
5. Brend0gs
6. Goyanes
7. Darcania


Larend, Conantia, The Honorable Duling and iUniques are promoted to the rank of Private First Class (PFC)

Brend0gs Is promoted to the rank of Corporal (CPL)

General Bolingbroke Is promoted to the rank of Sergeant (SGT)

Congratulations everyone and keep up the good work! :npa1: :tnp: :tnp: :tnp: :tnp: :tnp:

Minister of Defense


You can join The North Pacific Army (NPA) by applying here!
Isaris is the Mayor of Equilism, essentially the Head of Government.
What's a signature?
A signature is a section of your profile, visible in posts, that you can edit to say/write things about yourself or something else. It is up to you. If you click 'Preferences', and then look to the right it will say 'Update Signature'. Click that and it will take you to a page where you can do exactly that. There is a text box, but you can add small images and whatever else you'd like.

Hope I helped! :D
What's a signature?
A signature is a section of your profile, visible in posts, that you can edit to say/write things about yourself or something else. It is up to you. If you click 'Preferences', and then look to the right it will say 'Update Signature'. Click that and it will take you to a page where you can do exactly that. There is a text box, but you can add small images and whatever else you'd like.

Hope I helped! :D
Thanks :)