[Complete][SC] Commend Forest

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
Deputy Speaker
TNP Nation
Category: Commendation
Nominee: Forest
Proposed by: The Rouge Christmas State
Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Impressed with Forest's dedication toward promoting the well-being of environments throughout NationStates,

Amazed that though they lost their original founder early in their existence, they persevered under the leadership of The United Mangrove Archipelago of Ransium, and have been a bastion of democracy for others,

Acknowledging the role Forest has played since 2005 in bringing awareness to a variety of environmental issues and stories, through their newsletter entitled the "Forest News Leaf," and the encouragement of nations to embrace and preserve their environments,

Applauding Forest’s dedication to their allies, such as Philosophy 115, Hippy Haven, and Yggdrasil, further strengthening their friendship through international photo contests,

Further Acknowledging that Forest does not simply promote eco-friendliness, but is also home to some of the most environmentally friendly and beautiful nations throughout NationStates, such as The Eco-Warriors of Araneidae and The Eco-Republic of Mozworld, and recognizes nations for their achievements in Eco-Friendly categories in the list of “Exceptionally Green Nations in Forest,”

Noting that Forest is home to numerous nations that have contributed to NationStates in many ways, such as The Pacific Alpine Commonwealth of Mount Seymour, who has brought light to a previously unknown issue focusing on the environment called, “A Clear-cut Conundrum”,

Recognizing that not only does Forest soar above the rest for showing to nations of the world issues regarding the environment, but also has had their impact on the World Assembly, with notable authors such as The United Socialist States of Caracasus, who wrote a resolution promoting research of unique ecosystems,

Further Noting that the residents of Forest help, inspire, and critique one another in their authorship, bringing forth a creative and intelligent environment for progress,

Further Impressed by the level of achievement in sports Forest, and more specifically the nations of The Cool Temperate Rainforests of Errinundera and The Ivory and Ebony Tower Zone of Zwangzug have achieved over time,

Seeing that Forest is one of the most mature and intellectual communities in the world, with consistent openness, debate, and democracy,

Believing that Forest deserves to be recognized for their devotion to protecting the environment and saving the lush ecosystems of the world,

Hereby commends Forest

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!
Commendations are a good way to recognize nations and regions acting in good faith for noble causes, and Forest certainly qualifies as deserving a commendation for its efforts in bringing environmental issues to the forefront. However, the resolution itself is lacking strong examples that justify the commendation. We would like to see a rewritten resolution that strengthens the argument for the commendation, but understand if nations care more about the commendation itself than the semantics of what was written.

The Ministry of WA Affairs asks voters to take these points into consideration when casting their vote.
Personally, I don't see enough substantial content in this resolution that makes this region stand out from every other themed region. I'm against this. What do the rest of you think? Do you see something I don't see?

While Forest is definitely a respectable region, I don't think there is enough in the resolution to warrant a commendation. If Forest has members that are worth commending, then just commend those nations.
I'm voting Present as I'm not completely convinced one way or another.

Commendations shouldn't be given out like candy and nothing in the bill screams out 'commendable' to me.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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