Feredation of Kundam Factbook

What is Kundam?

Kundam is the land where you can be whoever and whatever you are as long as you do not harm any other living being and you abide by the laws Kundamians have given themself through a democratic, liberal and fair process.

We believe in freedom, peace and hapiness.

We put people first, not money. We do not seek to be the strongest, most influential or richest country in the world, we want to be the happiest one.
Some statistic data:
Civil Rights: 68.26
Economy: 97.28
Political Freedom: 38.1
I do not agree with that!!
Don't know what I've done to fall so low! :(
Following national referendum, the people of the Federation of Kundam have decided to change the National flag.
The Government and Parliament of The Federation of Kundam have complied to their will.
Political parties of Kundam

From far left to far right:

- Communist Party of Kundam: Economy: Communism/Socialism; Social: Anarchism.

- Green Party of Kundam for Peace and Love: Economy: Mixed Economy; Social: Libertarian/Progressive.

- Democratic Socialist Party of Kundam Federation: Economy: Mixed economy. Social: Progressive.

- Liberals: Big tent party, Social Liberalism.

- Alliance and Union: Economy: Social market. Social: Ultra Conservative.

- Liberal Conservatives Party: Economy: Mild intervetion in a free capitalist market. Social: Conservative.

- Libertarian Party of Kundam: Economy: Free market capitalism/Laissez faire, No welfare state. Social: Libertarianism
To make it more realistic, every time the Nation will be reclassified, we pretend the government and the leading party have changed.
Right wing classification, right wing party as Leader and viceversa.