Akillian Talleyrand
Hi, I'm Akillian
I've been on NS since 2013 and I'm currently the PM of the UK. My other regions are the LKE, Arda and KGB. So I'm not in many places and I figured I should do some exploring. TNP seemed like a great place to start
I look forward to getting to know you all

I look forward to getting to know you all

Nickname(s)?: Most people call me Aki, or Ak, and to a lesser extent Killy (I don't like that one personally)
Main Nation?: Akillian
RL Country?: Scotland
Favourite Colour(s)?: Red
Do you use Discord? Yep: akillian.talleyrand
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: I'm pretty moderate/centrist, it depends on the issues.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?:Yes, though I don't always have the time for RP