The Democratic Union of Republics Embassy Request

Name of your region: The Democratic Union of Republics
Link to your region's forums: (Discord, Official Forum of the DUR; Secretary of Roleplay is Owner)
Head of Government: President (WA Delegate): Revlona
Head of State: Prime Minister (Founder): North Libya
Minister for Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): Secretary of State The Peoples Republic of Pacifica
Short description of your region: The Democratic Union of Republics (nicknamed the DUR) is a medium sized region with a population of 51 nations. The DUR was founded in Late July 2016 after inactivity in a former region led to a group of nations - North Libya, Belvederan Allied Peninsula, Agregate, Revitallia, and the Peoples Republic of Paciifca to found the DUR. The DUR is a active and known RMB roleplaying region that is neutral in the Raiding-Defending aspect of the game. The DUR has had twelve presidents since July (with elections every month), each democraticly elected by the residents of the DUR. The DUR wants to have as much embassies with other regions to befriend nations and regions alike, and we particularlly have a interest in the North Pacific. We dearly hope you accept this application.
Will your region post regular Foreign Updates: Yes
You do not meet the required population threshold to establish an embassy. You must have a population of at least 50 nations in your region before we can consider your application.