Hey there!


Foreign Envoy
I figured it's about time I thoroughly check this place out.

I mean, I've only had this account for almost nine years, it's about time.

I probably know the majority of you, whether you know me or not. S p o o k y, right?

Anyway, you'll probably see me rant about hot dogs or something.
Nah, you don't know me. But from I can tell, you seem to literally be a wolf in sheep's clothing. Thanks for taking more of an interest in us, hope you enjoy it.
Welcome- is that even the right thing to say to you?

I will pay you if you can manage to beat Kasch's average post per day count, though.
Nah, you don't know me. But from I can tell, you seem to literally be a wolf in sheep's clothing. Thanks for taking more of an interest in us, hope you enjoy it.

That's what they say. :shifty:

Welcome- is that even the right thing to say to you?

I will pay you if you can manage to beat Kasch's average post per day count, though.

I will probably spam until I'm over 100 and then just post like a normal person. :P
Welcome- is that even the right thing to say to you?

I will pay you if you can manage to beat Kasch's average post per day count, though.
I laugh at anyone who thinks that's possible.

jk its easy just wait for me to sleep