A series of eight maps detailing Akbar's Conquest, year by year from its start in 6 BE to its conclusion on January 1, 1 SV, when Akbar I, also known as Akbar the Conqueror, was crowned as the first Emperor of the Syrixian Empire.
Akbar conquered Syrixia with the blessing of the Guru-Baba, who saw that Syrixia needed a united leader. He also conquered with the help of Kyloth kul Kyloth, progenitor of Clan Kyloth, Syrixia's clan of tiger dragons, who now live in the western groves of Meru Island.
The years correspond to their RL counterparts. For example, 3 BE = 3 BC, and 1 SV = 1 AD.
Akbar conquered Syrixia with the blessing of the Guru-Baba, who saw that Syrixia needed a united leader. He also conquered with the help of Kyloth kul Kyloth, progenitor of Clan Kyloth, Syrixia's clan of tiger dragons, who now live in the western groves of Meru Island.
The years correspond to their RL counterparts. For example, 3 BE = 3 BC, and 1 SV = 1 AD.