[At Vote] Repeal Nuclear Arms Possession Act [Complete]


Category: Repeal
Target: GA#10
Proposed by: Frustrated Franciscans
Onsite Topic

The World Assembly,

Understanding that all nations have the natural right to proper self defense,

Not understanding what the definition of "wrong hands" in the target resolution is meant to be,

Understanding that if nuclear weapons were kept from the "wrong hands", the "Mutual Assured Destruction" principle that supports having a nuclear arsenal would become moot,

Believing that the best way to deal with non member nations is not to engage them in a cold war arms building race,

Hereby repeals GAR #10, Nuclear Arms Possession Act.

Please vote For, Against, Abstain, or Present
Repealing the ""Nuclear Arms Possession Act"" presents the General Assembly with two different options depending on voters' views on nuclear weapons.

For those who believe in the retention of nuclear weapons, repealing GA #10 provides an opportunity to lay down a replacement resolution, which the author of this repeal is preparing, to help clean up the language of GA #10 and reduce ambiguity. The debate over what defines the ""wrong hands"" can be put aside with a resolution that clearly defines acceptable parameters for the sale and transfer of weapons. However, the drafting of the replacement resolution has not been completed, which means a successful repeal would leave the fate of nuclear weapons vulnerable to the other option, disarmament.

Repealing GA #10 also provides an opportunity for those supporting nuclear disarmament to pass a resolution in their favor, since the possession of nuclear weapons would no longer be guaranteed by a World Assembly resolution, and GA #10 would no longer serve as a blocker for the outlawing of nuclear weapons under the Contradiction Rule. Also, if the repeal author's replacement resolution makes it out of the drafting stage, it may also contain provisions for the limitation of stockpiling of weapons, if it can't outright ban them.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs asks voters to consider their own personal views on the matter with the information provided and vote accordingly.
The author of this resolution seeks to replace GA#10 “Nuclear Arms Possession Act”, with a resolution to eliminate/restrict WA members' right to possess nuclear weapons. I am against such a measure.

GA#10 may indeed be unsatisfactorily worded, nonethless I would only be in favour of its repeal where there is a replacement resolution protecting the right of WA members to maintain nuclear weapons.

Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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