[b]Vice Delegate:[/b] <Tomb>
That's my vote, what's yours?
"Sir, do you really want to do this?"
"Yeah, why not? I have the looks, I mean the experience and knowledge to handle the post."
"Sir, are you sure? We tried this before..."
"A fighter never gives up, John. Now go and introduce me at the rally."
And so on that note, I would like to make it apparent that I am seeking the Vice Delegacy in January of 2017.

Tomb Montersor talking to supporters during his first campaign rally.
Hi everyone, I am seeking your vote and support for the January 2017 Vice Delegate (VD) election. As January came around, I actually had no intention of seeking the VD position. However, with sitting Vice Delegate Lord Ravenclaw declining to seek another term and with only one other person declaring candidacy to run for this office, I decided to personally take a shot at the position. As you may know, I’ve served previously as Delegate of The North Pacific. Aside from my tenure as Delegate, I’ve served as Minister of Home Affairs (for a cumulative period of 15 months), Court Justice, Deputy Speaker, and many other positions within our great region. Outside of TNP, I’ve served as Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of Culture (along with two terms as MP) in United Kingdom. In Balder, I am serving a second term as Speaker of their legislature, and I’m also their Minister of Foreign Affairs. To view my full NS resume, feel free to checkout my forum signature. I outline all of this to assure you that in the event that anything happens to the Delegate or in the event that the Delegate resigns, I will be ready to assume office as acting Delegate until a new one is elected. Aside from performing security checks, which I will get to in a bit, I think the Vice Delegate’s most important responsibility is being prepared to be Delegate within a moment’s notice. With years of service in TNP’s executive branch under my belt, I am currently the candidate with the best qualifications/experience to deal with an emergency in which the Delegate’s position is vacated.
My agenda as Vice Delegate this term will be centered around several goals. First of all, I will be working hard with the Security Council to attempt and raise the endorsement levels of SC members. With the Delegate having an endorsement count of almost 1,300 endorsements, I’d like to have higher Security Councilors be at 900-1,000 endorsements at least while also have lower Security Councilors be at 800-900 endorsements at least. This will take some work, yes, but I believe it is essential for our region. With the Delegate’s endorsement count constantly going up, our Security Councilors must also match this upward trend in their endorsement counts. In addition to that, this goal will require Security Councilors to be more active and interactive with TNP populace (at least on the RMB) as they work with me to try and reach their desired endorsement levels.
My second goal will be centered around security checks. As you know, the Vice Delegate performs security checks on all citizenship applicants. As someone who has served 15 months as Minister of Home Affairs (integration), I can easily tell you that the faster we admit citizens, the greater our chances of retaining them are. Of course, this is a political simulation game. Some citizens are going to sign-up for citizenship, and ultimately, they may never come back. But I believe it is the Vice Delegate’s job to work with the Speaker and the Administration Team to get applicants admitted in a timely manner. For my part, I will perform checks at least twice daily – at 8 AM EST and 8 PM EST. I should be able to perform checks in between those times, but if I have a busy exams week in RL, you can count on the checks happening during those two times.
My third goal is to continue the World Assembly Development Program (WADP). I think this is an excellent program, and it is actually part of the reason that TNP has the high amount of endorsements that we do. While other regions restrict the amount of endorsements you may have, TNP encourages and awards endorsing other nations in the region. This keeps our community safe and it makes the game a lot more enjoyable for nations as they get to endotart. So basically, I’ll make sure that the WADP awards are out on time, that nations are telegrammed when that happens, and that generally, this program remains active.
My fourth goal is rather personal. Over the coming four months, I want to engage more with the RMB/game-side community of TNP. The truth is that most WA nations do not have accounts on the forums (otherwise we’d have 1300 citizens), and so it is vital to engage with them. I plan to do that by upping my participation on the RMB, by continuing my involvement in the Ministry of Home Affairs, and by joining the RMB Guardians. I hope that with greater involvement in the game-side aspects of the game, I can get more nations (both WA and non-WA) involved in TNP whether it is by endorsing the Delegate and Vice Delegate, participating in the WADP, or joining the forums and participating in our community.
For now, that is all. I welcome all and any questions, and I hope that I can earn you vote and support for Vice Delegate.