Greetings from Newer UniVille!

Nickname(s)?: Not many. But you can call me Uni or Alex. (Alex isn't my real name)
Main Nation?: Newer UniVille.
RL Country?: America
Favourite Colour(s)?: Blue, black, red and white.
Do you use IRC?: Nope.
Do you use Discord?: Yep. Already on the server!
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Centrist Libertarian, but I lean more towards a Social Democrat. In all honesty, my political views jumble between Conservative and Liberal. (Socially Conservative, Economically Liberal.) The Social Democrat part comes in because of my disgust with Capitalism.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: I enjoy Nation RP, and I prefer to do it on Discord.
Who would have guessed that this game would attract Uni students. Welcome my friend and feel free to ask anyone for help, I'm sure it won't be a burden!