The newb's complete glossary to WA memes and forum jokes




Original title: MEME ME UP, SCOTTY!!
Date: Aug 27, 2014.
Comments: Originally by Omigodtheykilledkenny; reproduced with author's permission.


The newb's complete glossary to WA memes and forum jokes


Just how many of these frickin' 'guides' are you guys gonna write before you're finally satisfied?

Hey there, WA newb! Ever found yourself in a debate where someone mentions something that makes no sense whatsoever, but everyone else catches on, then it's like they're speaking a foreign language? Or in a drafting discussion where GA veterans start cracking inside jokes and you find yourself laughing along with them just to fit in? Well, trouble yourself no more, because right here is your complete guide to understanding the WA's many memes and inside gags! Now you can rattle off WA/GA jokes like an old pro, and make people think you're someone's secret puppet while doing it! Below you'll find explanations for just about every joke or meme you can find on these forums (and some really old ones that predate even this forum!), plus some descriptions of the sillier aspects of WA roleplay. Newbs will appreciate the knowledge...veterans will like the memories some of them bring up (or possibly make them want to kill themselves for being reminded of something they'd rather forget)! Either way, it's all yours now, so enjoy!

17-lb trout
Weapon of choice for Flibbleites' Bob Flibble, who liked to call himself the "Don of the Sovereigntist Movement." He repeatedly threatened to hit insolent debaters over the head with his trout if they didn't shut their yaps, but few instances of the Don actually following through on his threat were reported. The Flibbleites' desk also reeked of dead fish, but few ever know, because he had the trout.

Alphabet Soup
Common term referencing the many, many abbreviations used for WA committees or resolutions. (Many of them can be found here.) Borrowed from a term initially used to criticize Franklin Roosevelt's Depression-era public-works projects...but that was over 80 years ago. Let the [post=14124]Cobdenians[/post] worry about it.

AO conspiracy
As long as there has been an Antarctic Oasis (AO), there have been conspiracy theories about what they're doing to ruin the game for everyone else. Over the years AO members have been indicted (without evidence) for wanting to repeal (and/or "block") everything in order to rob the UN of all power and purpose, trying to reverse the advancement of human rights, plotting with moderators to create stifling game rules or to arbitrarily preserve "antiquated" ones, and a whole load of business about gameplayer conflicts that aren't really relevant here. Just so you know, if you think you've discovered something about AO that doesn't smell right, you're not the first. You're actually taking part in a tradition nearly as old as the UN/WA itself. And it's not like AO members try to discourage all the conspiracy talk, either. They're shameless attention whores and will do everything possible to stoke the controversy.

Abbreviation for "Another useless committee," used for proposals devoid of substance that tack on committees as mere filler, to make it look like it does something. Or if the committee is totally unneeded.

Corruption runs rampant within the halls of the General Assembly, where soliciting bribes in exchange for favorable votes is commonplace. This is true especially of Horatio Sulla of The Palentine, who still puts out his famous pickle jar from time to time to announce that his nation's vote is for sale. Not to mention Knootoss' own Aram Koopman, who is only too willing to drop proposal drafts his foes don't like...for the right price.

Building Management
The bureaucracy that runs WA Headquarters, made official by [post=320]GA#8[/post]. Headed up by the aptly named WA Building Mgmt, they are portrayed as a humorless, almost-Kafkaesque company obsessed with procedure and insisting on processing mountains of paperwork before they can do anything; hence, member nations' requests for office space are frequently subject to extended delays.

Once incredibly popular devices for dispensing snark-filled wisdom to n00bs, or just to have fun with inside jokes circulating the forums, the UN/WA cards still make occasional appearances in drafting or debates. An [post=4671488]attempt to revive them[/post] a few years back met with moderate success.

Catherine Gratwick
The reputed Secretary-General of the World Assembly (and the United Nations before it). A comic supervillain who climbed a ladder of shady underground organizations to eventually blackmail her way into office as the UN/WA's top dog. However, she is always too occupied directing her henchmen in schemes for world domination to devote much attention to being secretary-general, so various deputies (Lord Evif and Miguel Estrada have been often mentioned) and the Secretariat (RP codename for the mods) are usually the ones to pick up the slack. Originally dreamed up by the nation Der Angst to run his puppet Sovereign UN Territory, Ms. Gratwick also appears in numerous NationStates Issues...and bears an uncanny resemblance to Rosa Klebb from the Bond movie From Russia with Love.

Compliance is mandatory
A commonly cited rule when nations threaten to defy resolutions they don't like. Noncompliance may be against the rules according to the FAQ, but it's entirely possible in gameplay (through the way you answer your Daily Issues), or even roleplay (through loophole-hunting or "enforcing" mandates in a subversive manner). Outright defiance is also possible in RP, but generally not encouraged in the GA forum, and nations who adopt the attitude that they can ignore any resolution that displeases them are often dismissed as Godmoders. (See also: Creative Solutions Agency, Gnomes, Great Dodgeball War.)

Creative Solutions Agency
Reference to the Kennyite government agency devoted exclusively to the time-honored UN/WA practice of "exploiting loopholes for fun and profit." Other nations frequently reference their own CSA-type agencies (some of them actually named "Creative Solutions Agency") in the course of discussing loopholes found in WA legislation.

Cute, cuddly and beloved of children everywhere
Originally a satirical jab at some of the arguments used to oppose repeals of the Historical Resolution Protection of Dolphins Act. Fans of the resolution would often remark at how friendly, intelligent and child-loving those charming cetaceans supposedly were...until the Palentine introduced their notorious squadrons of foul-mouthed dolphins and ruined it all. The phrase was soon used to describe anything (animal, vegetable or mineral) the UN/WA sought to protect. You could even say that memes are cute, cuddly and beloved of children everywhere; it might help explain why some of them refuse to die.

Death Star
Also "the Freaking Death Star," a relic from a much darker period of GA history, when filthy sovereigntists ran the roost, and repeatedly threatened debate opponents with a destructive barrage from the moon-sized space station. Originally designed and constructed by government scientists from Cluichstan, the keys to the infamous Star were eventually acquired by the Flibbleites, but no one's really sure who controls it now.

First, a simple vocabulary lesson: defenestration means to throw someone out a window. In the GA, this can be accomplished with or without opening the window first. This common tactic for dealing with disruptive delegates was brought to dizzying new heights during the floor debate for UN Fair Wage Convention (possibly the greatest debate in the history of the UN or the WA), wherein Iron Felix unveiled his Defenestratinator v2.0, capable of ejecting multiple ambassadors from the chamber at once. Luckily the GA chamber is on the first floor, and the Vastivan Memorial Reflecting Pool is just outside, so ambassadors frequently survive these attacks unharmed, if a bit damp. Just dry yourself off and return to the chamber if it happens to you; no need to start WWIII over it.

Destructor Bunnies
When Iron Felix eventually decided that his own patented brand of mayhem was just too much for one reanimated corpse, he amassed an army of mechanical Bunnies to do his bidding, auguring a new reign of robotic terror in the General Assembly. A widely circulated Internet video of the Bunnies' savage beating of the Norderian ambassador served as a terrifying example for delegates to fall in line or be destroyed. But they will generally do no harm to diplomats smart enough not to cross them (or Felix).

The ACME Deweaponizer is a technological wonder within WA Headquarters that instantly transforms dangerous weapons into innocuous objects -- machetes into butterknives, machine guns into SuperSoakers, cherry bombs into Nerf balls, arrows into suction darts, suicide belts into salamis. So if you're coming to the GA chamber thinking that today is a good day to kill, think again.

Dictionary Wars
Sometimes referenced when a proposal draft or debate becomes bogged down by semantic discussions and disagreements over the definition of legislative terms or language. Comes from the particularly semantic-clouded debate for WA General Fund, when some delegations became fed up and simply started hurling dictionaries at each other. We will never forget the needless lives lost over the definition of "assessment," and strive tirelessly to assure it never happens again.

Dibs on their office!
Often uttered when a nation threatens to resign from the WA over the impending passage of a resolution. Sort of a way to tell the ambassador they won't be missed; otherwise an implication that the slow-moving WA Building Management has yet to assign the claimer an office. Numerous acts of "bagsying" departing members' offices have also been recorded, but since British slang doesn't make any sense, it's uncertain what that even means.

Reference to former UN regular DemonLordEnigma, who was mostly known for ridiculing proposals as having little or no relevance to her nation, seeing how they were light years ahead of the rest of us mortals. She also liked to intimidate newbs with casual references to her vast space empire's ultra-advanced weaponry, and how she could convert their countries to glass in mere seconds if she wanted. The player behind DLE supposedly died in Iraq in 2005. Mentions of her name today are invariably allusions to her tech-wank. (See also: Spacewank.)

Eradicate the Arctocephalinae
A legendary proposal by former UN/WA regular Cobdenia, who seemed alone in his fight to rid the world of this dangerous parasite.

Festering Snakepit
An affectionate nickname for the GA chamber, coined by The Palentine. But for an assembly constantly beset by bickering, trolling, brawling, defenestrating, rules-lawyering, pie-fighting, magic-wielding, alien-abducting, terrorist-attacking freaks, we fear the Evil Conservative Empire may have been a little too easy on them.

An appropriately cutesy nickname for UN/WA voters who mindlessly vote for legislation just because it sounds nice. Protect the dolphins? Love the gays? Think of the children? Women's right to choose? Wonderful! Let's make it law! (Nevermind that the actual text may require nations to poison puppy dogs or something.) Gruenberg once tried to test the theory that fluffies would vote for anything based on the title with a devious proposal called "Teddy Bears for Children Drive," which actually forced all nations to drop all protectionist devices on trade, but nonetheless garnered some praise from fluffies on the old UN forum. It never got to vote, but surely would have passed.

Foul-mouthed dolphins
During the time while dolphins were under international protection, the Palentine navy sought to prove just how intelligent the man-loving species was by training some of them to decommission underwater mines. An unexpected byproduct of this experimental program was that by hanging out with sailors, the dolphins eventually absorbed their vocabulary -- from then on corrupting children and horrifying parents the world over, and earning themselves the nickname "the scourge of the Southern Seas." Now foul-mouthed dolphins serve as diplomats for the Palentine, addressing the GA from a specially installed aquarium on the voting floor.

Gay science
A gag from an old repeal draft for the Historical Resolution "Gay Rights," wherein the proposer asked an opponent, "Are you gay science that seems to be all you care about?" This prompted forum regulars to jokingly ask each other, "Do you know what 'gay science' is?" Apparently it was rip-roaringly funny at the time...I guess you had to have been there.

G l o g come to Far Talking Cave Mountain. See many pointless law. Pointless laws BAD!!! Glog repeal. Repeals GOOD!!! Strike out bad law. Glog work hard on [post=20012299]repeal law[/post], write while fighting cave bear and snake. Snake BAD!!! Bear crunchy, good with ketchup. Glog take break at strange cave inside Far Talking Cave Mountain, where nice lady give Glog and other ambassadors drink. Drink GOOD!!! Make Glog feel happy.

Forum regulars may know these little buggers as the guys who run the inner workings of the WA...or as practice targets in The Palentine's shooting range. They actually rose from a running joke, early in the days of the UN, when nations would wonder what had caused their stats to change so drastically overnight, after the passage of a resolution (causing their wonderful Corrupt Dictatorship to become an Inoffensive Centrist Democracy, or whatever), and forum regulars would simply snicker, "Gnomes did it." It soon became a tongue-in-cheek RP assumption that the Compliance Commission was actually run by the gnomes...and a later reference in the committee rules to "mystical beings who spring into existence" led many players to assume the gnomes ran the committees too. You might see players telling newbs promising to defy a new GA resolution, "Too bad, the gnomes will change your laws, whether you like it or not," but that has been dismissed as Godmoding by some RPers.

Great Dodgeball War
A memorable international incident from days long past, when GAer Sophista threatened to refuse compliance with the controversial Historical Resolution Law of the Sea, only to be challenged militarily by now-moderator Frisbeeteria. Since neither nation had a very powerful or fearsome army, they agreed to sort out their differences with an internationally broadcast game of dodgeball, where players hit with balls would become POWs for the opposing nation. It is (or at least, was) often cited as a prime example of "roleplayed noncompliance," though no one's really certain who actually won the historic bout. Since no one's seen Sophista around in awhile, I think it was Fris.

The humongous building complex where the WA meets. It is located at an inexplicable point within the multiverse where all realities, dimensions, worlds and universes within NS converge. It is commonly assumed to be 40 stories high (with multiple sub-basement levels), and to contain the General Assembly chambers, the Strangers' Bar, office suites for every member nation and standing WA committee, a breakroom for the gnomes, and banks of interdimensional portals leading to every NS nation and region.

A sentient 1963 Volkswagen bug that, for some reason, is invoked in an uncommonly large amount of silly/illegal proposals. Example: "Herby REPEALS GA#30: Freedom of Expression." Why so many proposal authors have decided to invest so much power in one little car remains to be seen, but one thing's certain: Herby definitely isn't shy about responding whenever he's mentioned. Which only raises another question: since when can "Herby" talk? I thought he only ever honked at people.

Hippos are Large
A (really) old-skool reference to the proposal HIPPOS ARE BIG, which was mod-deleted, causing an uproar on the forums over whether a previous Historical Resolution, Freedom of Humor, actually permitted humorous proposals. The mods said it didn't. A succeeding proposal, HIPPOS ARE REALLY QUITE LARGE, was allowed to vote (for whatever reason), and failed spectacularly. But it lives on to this day, as one of the most memorable silly proposals of all time. (cf. History of Silly Proposals.)

i comply
A humorous allusion to the nation of Picker, who used to reply to the passage of every resolution with a forum post, reading only, "i comply". Forum regulars had a lot of fun with this unnaturally compliant nation while he was around, including the creation of the mysterious puppet nation "Anti-Picker," who would reply to each passed resolution, "i uncomply".

Inflatable Gandalf
Another reference to a silly proposal, the Inflatable Gandalf Act, which sought to eliminate the need for crosswalks by giving all pedestrians their very own Inflatable Gandalf, which would duly warn approaching vehicles, "YOU!! SHALL NOT!! PASS!!" so that the pedestrian could cross safely. Sadly, this gem never made it to vote, but it survives on the forums, and in the nation Inflatable Gandalf.

Invading Chechnya
A really old one. A common sig some years ago was, "98% of users who read this post have used drugs. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, put this in your sig!" It eventually led to satirical replies such as, "2% of users who read this post have invaded Chechnya. If you're one of the 98% who hasn't, put this in your sig!" Soon, GA regulars who'd tire of a particular debate would grouse, "Sod this! I'm invading Chechnya!" The phrase found its way into many silly forum polls, but got kinda old after some punk actually decided to roleplay an invasion of Chechnya. What was that dude's name again?

Invisible tree people
A peculiar concept introduced during the debate for the Historical Resolution Mutual Recognition of Borders, wherein proponents of the measure contended that it would prevent wars by compelling nations to recognize any possible kind of border, including the hidden realms of "invisible tree people." Mocked and ridiculed though they were at the time, they have contributed indelibly to the culture of the UN/WA, with a joke that just keeps on giving, even appearing in some of the sillier repeals considered over the years.

The law means what the law says.
Other versions are "The law is what the law says," or "The law does what the law says." Popular retort for proposal/resolution-writers who insist their work product means something entirely different than what the text lays out. Or for opponents of a proposal/resolution who misread the text, or are deliberately misinterpreting it, for whatever reason.

Mad Sheep Railgun
A reference to a silly proposal (dubbed "the greatest proposal of all time" by a GA regular) calling for railguns to be mounted onto the backs of sheep shaved to look like Hitler. It ended with the immortal aside: "Nurse, my medication!" and immediately gave birth to years' worth of inside jokes by forum regulars, as well as the nation Mad Sheep Railgun.

Max Barry Day
An oft-cited illegal resolution from 2007 that somehow escaped the notice of the mods and proceeded to vote. Seeking to declare Max Barry's birthday an international holiday to commemorate the five-year anniversary of NationStates, it passed overwhelmingly. It was repealed 10 days later by an equally illegal resolution, congratulating Max Barry on his many beauty titles from across the NS world, but contending the resolution was entirely inappropriate for a body that had yet to eradicate the Arctocephalinae, and further directing that ambassadors be kicked in the nuts for their trouble.

Short for "Moo. Oink. Squee. Squee." Applied to OPs who offer up proposal ideas without producing the proposal text. It's sort of a way of saying that the proposal could say anything, including just animal noises.

Necessary Security
Refers to the security officers who police WA Headquarters. Established by GA#8, it is the only legal police force ever created through WA legislation. The mods decided they passed muster because they are no better than rent-a-cops. True to form, they are often heard warning troublemakers, "STOP! Before I yell 'STOP!' again!!"

Occasionally break out during GA floor debates when the discussion of the actual resolution becomes tiresome, with pies at times substituted with other forms of food, like quiche, borscht or rotten vegetables. However, pastries are the weapon of choice for the Palentine's Jaegermonster Corps. (If you intend to attack the Kennyite delegation, cream-cheese is our favorite.)

Puppet of HotRodia
Former Game Mod HotRodia used to control dozens of puppet nations, and his ambiguous presence on numerous offsite forums (with varying nation names) gave rise to a running joke that all GA regulars were actually puppets of HotRodia.

Read the resolution!
An oft-uttered interjection to naive forum posters who claim a resolution would force them to do X when in fact the text clearly states "Y." Or when fluffies vote to pass legislation based purely on the title. Also used ironically when discussing silly proposals. In 2010, Aram Koopman, the hate-filled pyromaniac who also happens to be the Knootian ambassador, got fed up with simply telling people to read what they pass and decided to make a proposal about it. It passed -- though it's debatable whether the voters actually read it -- and remains the only forum meme (to my mind) to become a [post=4026148]WA resolution[/post].

Rubber Stamp Brigade
A motley crew of delegates who tend to approve any proposal just because they see it on the Proposal List. It's been noted that any proposal, no matter how stupid or illegal, somehow racks up at least 25 to 30 approvals before it finally expires at the end of three days, possibly because approving proposals makes some delegates feel important, or maybe they're just bored and have nothing better to do? (See also: WZ Forums/Jimmy Hart)

A term describing expert-level citation of WA rules during intensive WA drafting sessions. Can also be used in the derogatory sense to criticize excessively nitpicking a proposal to death with peculiar interpretations of language, overly legalistic application of the rules, or accompanying one's post with paragraphs of incredibly detailed footnotes.

A quasi-IC reference to the WA moderators, who see to the tireless work of mulling over the legality of GA proposals, issuing timely, well-researched and impeccably reasoned rulings that put the storied history of Anglo-American common law to shame, punishing rulebreakers with tough but fair judgments, swiftly sorting disruptions by drunk and/or disorderly diplomats, and of course, dispensing drinks at the Strangers' Bar. It's a thankless job, but someone's got to do it.

Security Council
Security...what? What the fuck are you talking about?!

Also called "planetwank," "elf-wank" or "$WHATEVER-wank." A derisive term for the practice of wording resolutions (or insisting that authors do so) in order to accommodate nations that RP as non-human or representing foreign planets and/or star systems. Opponents of this tactic argue that it runs contrary to Reasonable Nation Theory, which in part holds that "outlier" nations should be able to find a way to make modern, realistic mandates apply even to them. Also that concerns over non-human sapience can be sorted with a sapience-recognition accord, which the UN/WA has failed several times to adopt.

"Stomping" or "a stomp" (sometimes called a "mousey stomp") occurs when one or two delegates with large vote totals decide on their own to vote down a resolution almost as soon as it reaches vote, to prevent it from gathering momentum for passage. This practice has been utilized by numerous major delegates in the past, but Mousebumples seems to have made the term quite popular. "Stacking" (or "vote-stacking") refers to a coordinated effort to get a number of large delegates to vote a resolution up or down early on, depending on the coordinators' whims. This has helped some resolutions in the GA pass or fail by more-or-less artificial means in recent years.

Strangers' Bar
The famed [post=580]drinking establishment[/post] at WA Headquarters; a place for diplomats to relax, socialize, play games and find respite from their usual duties. Also to get drunk off their asses and senselessly brawl over football games or what someone supposedly said about someone else's mother. Started by Enodia in 2004, it is the longest-running continuous roleplay in NationStates history, having played host to many diplomatic summits, international incidents and romantic entanglements over the years, not to mention the occasional zombie infestation. All WA diplomats and their guests are welcome, but military forces are banned, as are killings, weapons and debating GA proposals. More info found here.

A crazed, fanatical suicide-terrorist who frequently bypasses security and threatens to blow up the General Assembly if he does not get his way. Purportedly the "ambassador from Omigodtheykilledkenny," he is actually banned from WA Headquarters. He is to be considered armed and extremely idiotic. Any sightings of this lunatic should be immediately reported to WA Necessary Security.

Thessadorian Ambassador
A constant (and very welcome) presence in the GA debate halls, the Thessadorian Ambassador (originally a gag from a silly forum poll) is admired internationally for her various "talents" and prized "assets," often complemented by a [strike]tight[/strike] flattering T-shirt. She has lovely eyes too; if you wanna look up a little... Hey! *snaps fingers* Are you even paying attention?!

Vastiva is innocent
Reference to former GA regular Vastiva, who was mod-deleted after some forum brawl. Numerous GA regulars put this in their sigs to commemorate the player; many did so ironically. (Very old meme; not in use much anymore.)

Vastivan Memorial Reflecting Pool
A glimmering artificial pond, thousands of feet long, stretching out from just outside the main windows of the GA chamber, conveniently enough to serve as the main depository for the many hundreds of defenestratees unlucky enough to land in its waters over the years. Though presumably built in memory of the DEATed nation of Vastiva, the purpose of the memorial has been long-since forgotten, and with the ambiance being constantly disrupted by screaming diplomats violently splash-landing into the pond, it is not an ideal place for quiet reflection.

Victory for Gatesville!
A jab at the region of Gatesville (now Gatesville Inc), who used to claim credit for every passed repeal or failed resolution, and list them all on their offsite forum as "Victories for Gatesville" -- notwithstanding the fact that even though the region was staunchly anti-UN, its members had not contributed to the drafting, debating or campaigning for any of their claimed "victories." Soon forum regulars would jokingly call every tiny misfortune to befall the UN or one of its ambassadors as "Another victory for Gatesville!" In April 2008, the UN/WA passed a resolution to invalidate all standing resolutions at once; one might think Gatesville would have counted this as the victory to end all other victories...inexplicably, Gatesville voted no. They're awful hard to figure out sometimes.

WhaleCo Global LLC
An evil corporate conglomerate bent on rescinding the UN's ban on whaling, so that it could profit off of the subsequent global slaughter of this noble aquatic mammal. WhaleCo, which was directed by a cabal of dangerous lunatics like Iron Felix and Kennyite ex-President Manuelo Fernanda, officially sponsored the [post=20012188]UN repeal[/post], in the process holding a cook-off to test delicious recipes incorporating whale meat. We think Flibbleites' Swedish Chef Sven won the competition, but we're not sure.

World Assembly (TV series)
A widely popular television show broadcast in parts of the NS world where they prefer to think of the WA as a zany reality contest rather than an actual authoritative body. It debuted in 2009 as a tongue-in-cheeck response to the admins' decision to [post=29119]"hijack" the WA[/post] to suit other purposes, rather than continue the WA's ostensible goal of "improving the world." World Assembly originates on Omigodtheykilledkenny's K-SPAN network, but also airs in numerous other countries.

World Heritage List (WHL)
An especially controversial Historical Resolution that innocently sought to protect historical sites and natural treasures on an international scale, but which foolhardily lacked any screening process, meaning nations could add items to the list in order to hinder their opponents' defenses, and there was little anyone could do about it. During the debate for WHL's repeal, an NS fan-wiki page for World Heritage List was vandalized beyond repair, with nations jokingly adding everything from "Bob Flibble's genetic jackhammer" to "the entire nation of Sillytopia." The resolution was eventually repealed, allowing the NS world (and wiki administrators) to breathe a collective sigh of relief.

WZ Forums/Jimmy Hart
An apparent pro-wrestling fan who also served as a small but uncommonly dedicated Regional Delegate, and felt duty-bound to approve every single proposal that appeared in the UN/WA Proposal List, even repeals of proposals he had approved to vote weeks before and had subsequently passed. He gave proposal-writers a faint sense of relief that even though the game said that X approvals were needed to achieve quorum, the actual number was X-1 plus WZ Forums. One proposal-writer, upon seeing WZ Forums had been displaced as Delegate, actually sent a puppet to WZ Forums' region to telegram members and insist that they endorse him, so he could be Delegate again. WZ Forums' puppet nation Jimmy Hart also from time to time served as Delegate (and compulsive proposal-approver).

Yœthe Gørr
A Yeldan sculptor noted for his famous work, My Struggles Amongst the Feral Babies of Glog, which adorns the WA campus. The statue was donated by Iron Felix to replace a sculpture, destroyed during a duel, of UN founder Taf Drater Dratsab.