Category: Condemnation
Nominee: The CAIN
Proposed by: Neo Danzig
Onsite Topic
Please vote For, Against, Abstain, or Present
Nominee: The CAIN
Proposed by: Neo Danzig
Onsite Topic
The World Assembly,
Believing that the so-called "Coalition Against the Ideology of Nazism" (CAIN) doesn't speak for all regions and nations;
Aware that CAIN has taken it upon themselves to eradicate all regions they wish to label as "Nazi regions" or "Nazi collaborators";
Concerned that CAIN has labeled KAISERREICH as a Nazi region based solely on remarks jokingly made by their founder and emperor, which they rescinded and have since shown remorse for, and the imagery used by one nation in their dispatches, ignoring that it predates the ideology of Nazism;
Disturbed that CAIN labels all regions with embassies to so-called "Nazi regions" as "Nazi collaborators", thereby smearing the reputations of more than 100 innocent regions, including those led by Jews and those of Jewish descent;
Denouncing such reckless behavior as counterproductive to the anti-Nazi cause;
Hereby Condemns The CAIN.
Please vote For, Against, Abstain, or Present