The Tau Regime's Introductory Press Conference

Lord Tau

[OOC: Since I'm new here, but I've gotten the basics of my nation's backstory and characters lined up in my head, I thought I would introduce my nation in this fashion. Enjoy!]

For a long time now, Xaar had played out this moment in his head. It would explain why he stood there with an air of calmness about him, dressed in his dark tunic and flowing cloak - the standard formal dress of the Tau Regime. He had long envisaged how he would address the masses and now that moment was almost here. He was impressed with the speed and efficiency at which the locals had arranged this "press conference" as they liked to call it. Xaar thought of it more as a formal introduction. A sort of "getting-to-know-you", but on a much larger and grander scale. Apparently the organisers had to move this event from the standard briefing room into the main debating chamber, such was it's popularity. The United Nations or World Assembly (it went by so many different names, thought Xaar) had never witnessed something like this before and everyone wanted to be a part of it. But it wasn't just here that they'd be watching. Xaar had heard that nearly every citizen across the world would be tuning in to see this. But this did not faze Xaar in the slightest. Besides, as Consul, it was likely that he would have to get used to addressing large groups.

"Are you confident about the pronounciations, sir?" asked a voice next to him. The voice belonged to his second-in-command and vice consul, Gallinpi.
"I'm not worried about the pronounciation," Xaar replied. "I am more concerned about the translation. One wrong word in the wrong place and it could be a disaster,"
"Sir, as you know, we've had the finest linguists from the Regime here working day and night to not only learn the language, but become fluent in it. They assure me the translation is accurate,"
"It had better be, Gallinpi. You say that this was the easiest of the languages to learn?"
"Oh yes, sir. Additionally, English is one of the most widely spoken languages around here, so it was useful to get started on learning it as soon as possible,"

Just then, another figure arrived into the room and announced that they were almost ready for the Consul. In response, Xaar acknowleged it and headed for the door that would lead into the main chamber. As he got to the door, he turned to look at his staff, gave them a knowing look and then returned to face the door, ready to be called in. He heard the voice of the Secretary General on the other side

"And now, it is my great honour to introduce to you the first person from another world to address this chamber," he said. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Consul Xaar of the Tau Regime!"

The door opened and Xaar stepped out into the main chamber towards the podium, where the Secretary General was waiting, beaming with pride. The applause of the assembled masses - journalists, diplomats and even some other leaders was as deafening as the flashbulbs of the cameras were blinding. Xaar reached the podium and noticed the Secretary General's outstreched hand. A curious custom that Gallinpi had informed him about. Normally, Xaar would have simply made a salute by crossing his arm across his chest and lowering his head. But Xaar was eager to partake in the local customs and so he took the Secretary General's hand and shook it enthusiastically. The Consul then stepped up to the podium, looked out on the sea of people and began his speech.

"Thank you, Mr. Secretary General, for inviting me to speak here this day. It is truly a great honour for me to be the first offworlder to address the citizens of your world. I am also very grateful for the hospitality we have received since our arrival. Particularly the gift of an area of land for our colony. It is truly appreciated. I am Xaar, a general in the Diplomatic Division of the Tau Regime and the duly appointed Consul to this world."
"Your world is unique. There are very few, if any, others like yours out there. The other inhabited worlds out there are discovered whilst their civilisations are in their infancy. As a result, the Regime and the other domains of the Imperium are able to shape them and influence them right from an early stage. But this world is different. Being located so far away from the rest of civilised space, your world went undetected for centuries. And so, you were able to form civilisations and societies free from the influence of the rest of the galaxy. And look at what you have accomplished! You should all be so proud."
"We are here not to interfere, but to become part of your world. We would like the chance to build a civilisation of our own amongst yours. We would like to offer some of your citizens a chance to live in our colony so that we may get a better understanding of our respective civilisations."
"I do not expect you to make decisions immediately. But I am willing to answer any questions you have about us, our colony or the Regime as a whole."
Despite the cheering crowds there was at least one unsmiling face observing the farce happening on the stage, at the end of the consuls speech, Baryshnikov lifted his wiry frame from his seat and leaned towards his own microphone "The Armed Republic of Cogoria refuses to acknowledge any legitimacy of this proposed colony, these creatures speak to us as children. Proud? Pah! As long as these vile things remain in this assembly Cogoria shall not! And should any of your supposed 'colonists' come near our borders we shall consider it an act of war and give you damned invaders the welcoming you truly deserve!" With that the Cogorian delegation left the assembly, while back within Cogoria new pamphlets were already being distributed educating the Cogorian population about the risks the invaders posed.

From within the antechamber, Gallinpi watched on as the Cogorian delegation stormed from the chamber. As Xaar continued his speech, seemingly unfazed by the interruption, the Vice Consul turned to his staff.

"What happened?" he asked of his staff. "Are you certain the translation of the speech was accurate?"
"Absolutely, sir!" responded a member of staff.
"Hmm..." mused Gallinpi. "I admit I was expecting a little hostility but nothing quite like that." He thought for a second, looking back out into the main chamber where Xaar stood, still talking and remaining confident. After a few moments, Gallinpi called out to one of his staff members who came over.
"Captain Zagar - I want you to find out as much as you can about this Cogoria. See if they genuinely pose a threat or if they are all talk," ordered Gallinpi
"Yes sir," replied the Captain. He turned and as he headed for the exit, he pointed to two other members of staff to accompany him.
"Oh, and Zagar," said Gallinpi as the Captain was about to leave. "Be careful,"
Gallinpi watched as Zagar nodded in acknowledgement and as the Captain left to start his mission, the Vice Consul turned back to watch Xaar continue to address the crowd.
Goltah watched carefully from his office in the Grand Khural, Wolfsea had formally resigned from the World Assembly following the Rhuvish war in protest to the lack of action from the assembly but this new colony was a possible issue, however not much could be done whilst both the Khan and Princess Sera were away. He ruminated on a possible course of action, noticing that the Wolvesh seat still appeared to be in the WA chamber, as though they expected them to return. The Grand Boyarin sighed, the Wolvesh legions were already tense and Cogoria's provocation didn't help any, especially since he doubted these Tau would become clients of the Khanate. He continued to watch, curiosity piqued.
With the conference concluded, Consul Xaar and the rest of the Regime delegation returned to their colony. Almost immediately upon their return, they were greeted by an enthusiastic young staff member.

"Sir," he said. "We've detected an Alignment. Real time communications with the homeworld will be possible for a few minutes!"

This was good news. Because of the vast distance back to the homeworld, communications usually took days or even weeks to arrive. The only exception to this were a phenomenon known as an Alignment. Xaar wasn't sure of the science involved. All he cared about was being able to talk to his superiors.

Xaar went to the communications room where everything was being set up. He readied himself to speak.

"Alignment in position in," called out an officer. "We have an Alignment"
"Patch me in directly to the Hall of Diplomacy," ordered Xaar
"One moment...Sir, I have Vizier Zoron on the line,"

Zoron was Xaar's superior and one of the Viziers - the main governing body of the Regime. Zoron was the Vizier of Diplomacy, a role that Xaar one day hopes to hold himself. Xaar prepares himself as the screen filled with the image of his superior.

"Consul Xaar," came the voice of the Vizier - slightly distorted the distance and interference. "What news from the colony?"
"Sir, I'll be brief as our time is short. Our introduction largely went well, but we seemed to have encountered more hostility than anticipated. The colony is small at the moment and we're still getting used to the way things operate here. Recommend a small military detachment be sent from the homeworld in case things get rough here,"
"Understood," replied Zoron. "However we cannot send in military forces. No advanced weapons,"
"I understand that, however in these circumstances..."
"These orders are final. The Vizier of Defence and the Grand Vizier won't allow it,"
"What if I went to the Imperator himself?"
Zoron laughed. "Don't be absurd. This matter is far too trivial to bring up with the Imperator. But if you want to do serious damage to your career and reputation by bypassing the line of command and going straight to the top, then go ahead by all means!"
Xaar sighed. "Very well. We will continue with our operations here and update you again at the next Alignment." Xaar then performed the traditional Regime salute. "Glory to the Imperator!"
Zoron returned the salute. "Glory to the Imperator!" and with that, the screen went dark.