(logo designed by Graphics Officer/Deputy Minister of MiniCult Kasch)
HAPPY CREATION DAY, everyone. Today is an opportunity for players to commemorate and celebrate the establishment of NationStates.net, and to enjoy and extend fellowship to our counterparts throughout the NationStates community.
Like, wow, guys. To think this all started when one guy wanted to advertise his book and made a small but bold web game on this day in 2002. 14 years later, and NationStates is about one year younger than me. A real person.
NS has gone from a small political simulator based on a book to a massive community, with interregional war and diplomacy, roleplay, discussion on numerous topics, regional politics and elections, spam games, and, of course, just plain good ol' banter.
You can talk about your nation's first steps here, or reminisce about NS' many historical events past. But whatever the case, have fun and enjoy NationStates's special day!

So, TNPers, shall we celebrate NS' birthday together?
