Zucce05 Introduction


Hello all,
My name is Zucce05, pronounced by me as Zeus05. In third grade (over two decades ago for me, now) I had trouble coming up with unique game names and asked a first grade neighbor how he would spell Zeus. Zucce is that result, and it's been mine since. I use it on everything, so it's my nations name, my name, my forum tag, my discord name and even my EVE, battle.net, steam and emails names.

Long introduction for a name, but it seemed like a good way to introduce myself and break the ice. I'm still relatively new to NS, and only recently discovered there's so much more going on than just making a few choices a day that are fun to read through. I've joined TNP's Discord and have already had a lot of help from several people in the-agora channel.

I'm traditionally a hardcore gamer, but over the past few years I've been on the passive side, having done oil field trucking for a few years followed by 4 semesters of university at 17-21 credit hours per semester. Not a heck of a lot of time to game how I like. That's one of the appeals of NS for me, being able to put in as little or as much time as I can get away with. I also tend to play incremental games in the background. If you don't know what incremental games are, avoid them they suck your life and have absolutely no purpose.

I hope this works as a foundational introduction, and I'm looking forward to working with and talking to everyone in TNP!

- Zucce05
- Zucce05@hotmail.com
Zucce05, welcome to TNP! I'm glad to see that you've decided to our forums, my friend.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask :)

P.S. Your account is currently "validating." You can automatically upgrade it to a "full member" status by posting 2 more times on the forum. You can do that by applying for citizenship, which I highly recommend, and then applying for the North Pacific Army, Executive Staff, or replying to this very thread.