Hey y'all, Agadir Island here. I'm looking forward to a more active community. -Lord Surreptitious
AgadirI TNPer TNP Nation Agadir Island Oct 19, 2016 #1 Hey y'all, Agadir Island here. I'm looking forward to a more active community. -Lord Surreptitious
Yalkan Minister of You - - - TNP Nation Yalkan Discord Ixy#2810 Oct 19, 2016 #2 Welcome to TNP! Why not share a few things about yourself and your nation.
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Oct 23, 2016 #6 Welcome to the North!
Pallaith TNPer - - - - Oct 24, 2016 #7 Then you came to the right place. Lots of places to chat, and always something to do. Hope you enjoy it.
Then you came to the right place. Lots of places to chat, and always something to do. Hope you enjoy it.