Forum Mentors: Mentoring Program Thread

Mystery Player
Trefasia | ptdcaliguid | Reachout TG
Jamisonian Empire | Jamisonian Empire | Introductory PM
Mosair | Mosair | Introductory PM
The Prole | The Prole | Reachout TG
metsfan06 | Iteriastan | Introductory PM
sean2112 | People Republic of Sino | Introductory PM


MilleniumSword | North Armatas | Introductory PM
Inorganic Tomb Thing | ITT | Reachout TG
The Vlandian republic | Vlandia | Reachout TG
Erach | SonOfASelkie | Reachout TG
Lavene | Lavene | Reachout TG
The Soviet Federal Socialist Republic | SFSR | Reachout TG
New Darlan | AtomicVectris | Reachout TG

Articlegion | Articlegion | Introductory PM
British Alban | GalacticEmpire1545 | Reachout TG
LudwigFischer | Unknown Nation | Introductory PM
Catabrias | Oakrugia | Reachout TG
Jodgia | Jodgia | Introductory PM
Zeral | Zeral | Reachout TG
wodan | wodan | Introductory PM
Silberheim | kacper_js | Reachout TG
Rubistein | Rubistein153! | Reachout TG
RedRunele | Athuman | Reachout TG
Lungha | Sturmovik Sam | Reachout TG
Tredano | Tredano | Reachout TG


Pomeranian Polonia | lennz8 | Reachout TG
Slippers | Slippers | Introductory PM
Xhakhaslovakia | Xhakhaslovakia | Reachout TG
Alpha Centaurie | FuriouslyFast | Reachout TG
USA Indies | Ritin | Reachout TG
Jiodi | Jiodi | Introductory PM
Aztortzka | Aztortzka | Reachout TG
Castlo | JamesDitomosso | Reachout TG
Bobdabuilder | Bobdabuilder | Reachout TG
Libanon colonys | Yor | Reachout TG
Novaeshi Empire | Reich2017 | Reachout TG
Ostrolia | Ostrolia | Reachout TG

I am happy to announce that I am appointing Yukkira as a forum mentor. Their strong level of commitment to the Ministry as well as enthusiasm makes me certain they will do well in this position.


Confederate QWERT | AManWhoWalks | Introductory PM
New Corrania | Corrania | 5 Day Check-Up (NS)
Arjavia | Arajavia | 5 Day Check-Up (NS)
Warm County l AnimaGod l Reachout TG
New Godastrada l New Godastrada l Reachout TG

Mystery Player:
Rodekyia | Benrush333 | 5 Day Check-Up (NS)
The Romanian American States | secen | Introductory PM
Nobility l sillynolan l Reachout TG
Arcadim l teik1999 l Reachout TG
Herrodia l Orestis l Reachout TG

Italygiuseppe l Italygiuseppe l Reachout TG
Russia federatsia l Russia federatsia l Reachout TG
Atlantic Faroe Islands l Plato l Introductory PM
Salmiakkia l Salmiakkian Leader l Introductory PM
aubra l francisthelumberjack l Introductory PM
Dodione l Edwardidk l Introductory PM

Buda l Buda l Reachout TG
Wunderstrafanstalt l Wunderstrafanstalt l Reachout TG
Islorgorthauff l Wumpus l Reachout TG
United Provinces of RKO l Rko17x l Introductory PM
Nationalist Republic of Alaska l NationalistRepublicAlaska l Reachout TG

The South Falls l The South Falls l Introductory PM
Alphire l Alphire l Reachout TG
Remand Lan l Remand Lan l Introductory PM
Zigarusstan l Communist from somewhere l Reachout TG
Azzarel l Azzarel l Reachout TG

United States of Americanas l United States of Americanas l Reachout TG
Varola l Arstotzka1 l Reachout TG
CurryIndia l CurryIndia l Reachout TG
A Chicken Coop l Eggmaster101 l Reachout TG
Trevisan l Trevisan l Reachout TG


Amestris-Britannia l Amestris-Britannia l Reachout TG
New Amur l New Amur l Reachout TG
Ervelo l Ervelo l Reachout TG
David Davidson l Dmtrans01 l Reachout TG
Shqipia l Shqipia l Reachout TG

Faasland l Faasland l Reachout TG
Tsamuth l Mirnlonh l Reachout TG
mnemosyne l Mnemosyne l Reachout TG
Caya Gato l Caya Gato l Introductory PM
Zanderslovya l ZanderMustain l Introductory PM

Clean Land l Clean Land l Introductory PM
Aloriansa l Aloriansa l Introductory PM
The North Pacific l The Soul Harvester l Introductory PM
Ikigais l Ikigais l Reachout TG
Very Good Democratic republic l Very Good Democratic republic l Reachout TG


Miedzymorse l Catalunya l Introductory PM (Cartographer Guild Member)

Berkowitzia l Elected Rep. of Berkowitzia l Introductory PM
Worasm Ters l mkelly1082 l Introductory PM
Belichickistan l Belichickistan l Introductory PM
Istip l Frost l Reachout TG
Reune l Reune l Reachout TG


Creme Fraiche l Zdicho83 l Introductory PM
Lovaraia l Lovaraia l Reachout TG
Austacias l MaskedOne l Introductory PM
what is new l The republic of what is new l Reachout TG
Vivami l Atomicapple l Introductory PM

Reschusindeatasiaopia l zamerriman l Introductory PM (Executive Staffer)

I was nice and linked everything...


Canadiana of Freedom l canadiana_of_freedom l Introductory PM
Escuenia l escuenia l Reachout TG
Krakovhia l Krakovhia l Reachout TG
kitsunisalami l Mirandi l Reachout TG
MelissaGrant l Anturar l Introductory PM


James Hamilton l nation ??? l Introductory PM


The Holy Wyoming Empire l The Holy Wyoming Empire l Reachout TG
Bububuzz l Bububuzz l Reachout TG
NZSlav l Battion l Reachout TG
LordX l Khaldea l Reachout TG
Corioalanus Snow l thecapitol_of_panem l Reachout TG
MarcXavier l Llyddiant l Introductory PM


Skeeve l The_Crism_Union l Reachout TG
araplia l Araplia l Introductory PM
Akriun l Akriun l Reachout TG
schiavoland l schiavoland l Reachout TG
George1833 l georgetania l Reachout TG
Parzi l Kurburose l Introductory PM


Chinar1 l sakaryata l Reachout TG
JohnV l united_states_of_feerwerd l Reachout TG
moosilauke18 l moosilauke l Introductory PM
Botero l Botero ; Introductory PM
Candiana of Freedom | Canadiana of Freedom | Introductory PM
Escuenia | Escuenia | Reachout TG
Krakovhia | Krakovhia | Reachout TG
Pacifilassa | AlliedNation | Reachout TG
Devaland | Devaland | Reachout TG
Lokomotiv | Gibi | Reachout TG
Fascist Confederation of Europe | Fascist Confederation of Europe | Introductory PM
doctor_boyardee | Itallitopia | Introductory PM
Synnarka | Synnarka | Introductory PM
Swindenland | Swindenland | Introductory PM


Emily Island | EmilyHre | Reachout TG
Gelapoli | TheeEmpress | Reachout TG
The Merry Prankster | TheMerryPrankster | Reachout TG
Nanatovna | DilutedSalt | Reachout TG
ArchadienK | Archadien | Introductory PM
Theba Isla | Theba Isla | Reachout TG
Theeefaction | Theeefaction | Reachout TG
Xeplya | Xeplya | Introductory PM
Prototype | NatsukiLand | Introductory PM
Bedoui | Bedoui | Reachout TG
Eleutheriat | Eleutheriat | Reachout TG

I'd like to resign as a forum mentor. I already don't give enough of my time to this program, and with my election, I wish to focus more on my new office. I hope to remain in Home Affairs, however, so I will shift my focus here into recruitment whenever I can. ~[me]
I'd like to resign as a forum mentor. I already don't give enough of my time to this program, and with my election, I wish to focus more on my new office. I hope to remain in Home Affairs, however, so I will shift my focus here into recruitment whenever I can. ~[class=administrator]Darcania[/class]
Thank you so much for your service as a forum mentor and as a recruiter in general. You always complete your assignments in a quick and orderly fashion. I understand that as Speaker it will be very hard to fit in other commitments. Your service is much appreciated by the Ministry.

Mystery Player:
Atheenos | Atheenos | Introductory PM
Unicotta | Unicorra | Introductory PM [has applied for Executive Staff]
The Philadelaware Forum Post | Philadelaware | Reachout TG
Dragan | Mom-Basi | Reachout TG
The Utopian Movement | The Utopian Movement | Introductory PM
Kingdom of Tryan | Tyran | Introductory PM

arvok1 | piracema | Introductory PM
Pancho Villa | Mayan-Mexico | Reachout TG [has applied for NPA]
TFTalon | Task Force Talon | Introductory PM
Almonia | Almonia | Introductory PM
LunMakhanya | South Lu | Reachout TG
Celebia | Celebia | Introductory PM

Locké l Aningem Atron l Introductory PM

Khandan l Saint Marks Island l Introductory PM

RepublicofNunca l Republic of Nuncan l Reachout TG

Cerulus l Venus Cerulus l Reachout TG

Democrats1545 l Easton l Reachout TG

quino223 l Quiwell l Reachout TG


Kroneshka l Reachout TG

Alsatian Island l Alsatian Island l Introductory PM

Ol' East River l Ostrekoj l Introductory PM

•|•• l Ultima Atlantea l Introductory PM

NTB1787 l NTB l Introductory PM

Francis J Gaffney l Gaffney l Introductory PM


zbenny l West Kamchatka l Reachout TG

Amerislovakia l Amerislovakia l Reachout TG

Anoobis_29 l Imperia-Exodus l Reachout TG

UyghurTurkistan12 l Uyghur Turkistan l Reachout TG

NOOFNOOFNOOF l Cortinus l Reachout TG

United reds federation l United Reds Federation l Reachout TG
Nation[c]Account[c]Type[c] Eumara [c]Eumara[c]Reachout TG[c] China 4 [c]Bogush4[c]Reachout TG[c] The Red Lords [c]Red King[c]Reachout TG[c] Furry Nation [c]HenryTheDino[c]Reachout TG

Nation[c]Account[c]Type[c] ASongOfIceAndFire [c]ASongOfIceAndFire[c]Reachout TG[c] Elijaia [c]Elijaia[c]Reachout TG[c] Western Vapia [c]Vapia[c]Reachout TG[c] Ozstan [c]Ozstan[c]Reachout TG

Nation[c]Account[c]Type[c] United States of Medford [c]Kingsley[c]Reachout TG[c] Leondaldal [c]Leondaldal[c]Reachout TG[c] Palathia [c]Katie[c]Reachout TG[c] Alcarand [c]TigyDavid134[c]Reachout TG
I would like to announce that I am appointing Deropia as a forum mentor!

I am appointing them for a few key reasons. For their enthusiasm, their remarkable communication skills, and their desire to help people.

Format: Account | Nation | Type

OperationGaming | terrajida | Reachout TG
Kreal Panards | Kreal Panards | Introductory PM

Sukathrop | Sukathrop | Introducotry PM
OverDude | trumpski | Introductory PM

libkula | libkula | Reachout TG
Ladesha | Ladesha | Introductory PM

Abhijit | vathekia | Introductory PM
Ben_Perry | eliot | Introductory PM

wyatt740 | Deutsch-Amerika | Reachout TG
pope-throckmorton | suicidistan | Introductory PM

Niko0914 | torresia | Reachout TG (mention to try and reapply for citizenship)
Eire | New Co Derry | Reachout TG

Nørdics States | Nordics States | Reachout TG
Chameau | babacar | Reachout TG

DoctorWellington | nhada | Reachout TG
Klein aber Ash | alpesfenberg | Introductory PM
plodonia | plodonia | Introductory PM

Mysterious Player
Seagoat | Seagoattopia | Introductory PM
Lungha | Lungha | Reachout TG

Lazarus | new lazarania | Reachout TG
Do you know de way | Do you know de way | Reachout TG

Edrarin | Edrarin | Reachout TG
Jay | East Sento | Reachout TG (has applied for NPA)

Notes: Many Introductory PMs may need to be modified as almost all accounts are already citizens.
For public record, the below nations have been assigned and completed by myself:

Kannabyss l Kannabyss l Reachout TG

Outcastcolt l Singel l Reachout TG

Aalrev l Aalrev l Reachout TG

Bombeiro l Rhoxland l Reachout TG

Stephen rules15 l The American G l Reachout TG

Braussland l Braussland l Reachout TG

Bekadia l Bekadia l Reachout TG

Berukhah l Berukhah l Introductory PM

Alcambi l Alcambi l Reachout TG

124mm10 l 124mm10 l Reachout TG
Valandais | valandes | Reachout TG
studeland | studeland | Introductory PM - has citizenship


rahatalia | rahatalia | Reachout TG
1$Seabird | the patriarch confederacy of anime | Reachout TG

Warriorc1 | new coldieland | Reachout TG
Spokesman of Asgard | scientific empire of asgard | Reachout TG

Diche Choklate | Diche Choklate | Reachout TG
Tommatito | Tommatito | Reachout TG

byzantiaum | byzantiaum | Reachout TG
riverwinde | riverwinde | Reachout TG

Elendili | the ered engrin | Reachout TG
sallanas | sallanas | Introductory PM - has citizenship

Mystery Player:
M0llusc0id | galannia | Reachout TG
Chinar D. | sakaryata | Introductory PM

Ebay | angelsthan | Introductory PM - has citizenship
thoven | thoven | Reachout TG