

Don't really know what to say..

Hello, I'm happy to be part of this region and I really hope to enjoy this game.. Though I'm pretty sure of it now I'm here. BTW, I really want to learn more, I'm sure there is much to be learnt here.
Hello Princey! Welcome to TNP! Of course, there is a lot to learn about this region. I encourage you start out by applying for citizenship, the NPA, and membership in the Executive Staff.

Citizenship http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7306731/138/
North Pacific Army http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7279690/27/
Executive Staff http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7198621/44/

And Princey, please join our Discord chat at: https://discordapp.com/invite/0p2MoFJe5Tq8M3Kd
This is our regional chat where you can ask questions, get answers, and just get to meet everybody.

Once again, welcome to TNP! :)