Meterra Economic Treaty Association

St George

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Meterra Economic Treaty Association

The Meterra Economic Treaty Association - META for short - is a trade, culture and customs union and non-aggression on the continent of Meterra. Nations in the Association have agreed to ease restrictions at trade and travel, and overcome barriers to co-operation and co-habitation on the Meterra continent.

Current Members:
The Federal Commonwealth of Demescia
The Marä of Naizerre
The Kingdom of Sasten
The Triple Federation of Trinster
The Republic of Mouxordia
The Kingdom of Gustlantis
Meterra Economic Treaty Association


CONSIDERING that the pursuits of peace and prosperity are best safeguarded by the collective efforts of nations

DECLARING that those efforts can be furthered by measures of common sense in all sectors

HOLDING that the marketplace of ideas is best protected when nations of all types come together in friendly competition

RESOLVING to create a new environment of brotherhood and co-operation in place of historic rivalries

HAVE DECIDED to create a Merchant Trading Organisation to this end also agree upon the following articles of trade and co-operation;

Article 1

The SIGNATORIES agree to open their borders and economies to open and unrestricted trade between each other.

A signatory may at any time declare a sector or entity within a sector to be an AREA OF PROTECTION, removing it from unrestricted trade between members.

Signatories will endeavour to avoid declaring an AREA OF PROTECTION unless it is unavoidable.

Article 2

The SIGNATORIES will endeavour to create a level economic playing field between each other; for this purpose the signatories will trial a single reserve currency for a period of two years pegged to the current international standard;

FURTHER, the signatories will allow free movement of citizens and subjects of their nations to other signatories; unless the person in question is otherwise restricted by law;

The SIGNATORIES will also allow the free movement of labour between signatories, unless otherwise restricted by local laws.

ALSO, signatories are encouraged to streamline citizenship and visa applications by citizens of other signatories.

Article 3

SIGNATORIES agree not to wage war on each other and will endeavour to resolve all disputes co-operatively and peacefully;

SIGNATORIES will further aid another signatory in any way they can should they come under attack by a non-signatory nation or entity;

SIGNATORIES will further also share relevant intelligence relating to other signatories in a timely and open manner;

Article 4

THE SIGNATORIES understand that the above articles will create an undue strain on existing infrastructures and may inconvenience many, especially those taking advantage of the free movement of peoples;

THUSLY; the signatories shall establish a Committee tasked with thinking of commonsense standardisations leading to better and more effective practices across multiple sectors.

Article 5

FULL MEMBER STATUS will be handed to the original six signatory nations and will share the leadership of the organisation; with a ceremonial PRESIDENT position held in a rotational method;

ASSOCIATE STATUS shall be afforded to nations who adopt some or all of the articles above without first becoming a signatory of the treaty. Associate member shall be encouraged to become full members after a period of time whereby the adopted articles are in effect in their nation;

OBSERVER STATUS shall be afforded to foreign entities who wish to have a say within the organisation and for nations eligible to become Full or Associate Members but choose not to.

NEW MEMBER STATES will only be accepted into the pact with a two-thirds majority vote of current members.


THE ABOVE ARTICLES are adopted in full by the SIGNATORIES who are;






Naizerre delegation signs META Treaty
Togbata Daily News
Naizerre's Minister of Foreign Affairs hailed a new era of international relations today as he signed the Meterra Economic Treaty, which creates a new pan-nation economic and cultural alliance between Naizerre and 5 other nations. Demescia, Domesua, Hermaes, Sasten and Trinster have all signed up to the new organisation, whose goal is the continued "peace and prosperity of member nations" and will "help lead the Meterran nations into a new age of co-operation." Negotiations over the new alliance had continued into a fifth day amidst reports of Naizerri displeasure with the delegation from Domesua.

Speaking with the representatives of the five other nations at a press conference arranged for late last night, Tsubo Tsango denied reports of heated disputes and insisted that the fifth day had always been planned to hammer out the last few details of the treaty. High Chief Mboto Jones greeted the news that the treaty had been signed with an address fully endorsing the new alliances as "a concept long in coming and now realised in the minds of millions."

Among the measures agreed in the treaty is unrestricted free trade, an open border policy and the potential for a new combined reserve currency, on trial for two years. No details on how the new currency will work have been announced. A non-aggression and intelligence sharing agreement is included in the document, as is the creation of a document to standardise a number of sectors, with analysts suggesting as wide a range as measurements to the shape of plug sockets.

A press statement released just before this paper went to print also announced a competition for school children from all member nations to design a flag for the organisation.
The Zeitgeist - 9/18/16
Meterran Economic Treaty Association: A New Power Arises
| "Before, six nations existed in Meterra as autonomous, separate entities; most of whom had little to no cultural ties to each other. Today, on September 18, 2016, Demesces and even Domesces from all over cheer and celebrate as a new power arises from nothingness: the Meterran Economic Treaty Assocation, a mercantile bloc dedicated to union in business, defense, and culture. Delegates from six countries, Naizerre, Domesua, Demescia, Hermaes, Sasten, and Trinster, have agreed to sign the jurisdictional document and start a new epoch.

Passage written by Onith Angues

Welcome to the NEWS FLASH your brief daily update about the most important news.
"Hermaes enters a new era. An era of evolution and advancement. Today and from this day on, Hermaes isn't just one nation! We are a member of a powerful team consisted of other 5 great countries. Today we are 6 nations at once" Stated the Prime Minister Vasilis Tats, just a few hours before the competition about the flag-proposal for the META was completed. The Prime Minister who managed to re-establish democracy and was re-elected earlier this year has already taken action into strengthening the Nation. But the competition is now well over. The judge of the competition George Dimakis is presenting the new flag.
"We asked all students of our nation to create a flag for our new Association. After reviewing all the entries, I the judge and the rest of the council, decided that the flag that's going to represent Hermaes as our national suggestion is a symbol of unity, strength wealth and the glory of The North Pacific. Ladies and Gentlemen I present you our flag."

Yellow: Wealth, Growth
Blue: The North Pacific and Unity
White: Peace, Freedom

The blue line is bigger than the yellow because our identity as people of the TNP surpasses the goals about wealth and advancement.The white symbol is a representation of the unity of our six nations. It's a symbol called the Meterran Bloom (Greek: Anthos Mesirinikou) The Bloom is positioned in the middle of the line where the two colors meet symbolizing that META's goals are both financial and cultural.
Demescia: The Nexus​

Demescia's entry, called the Nexus, was designed by 15-year-old Assac Moor, and was selected by the state to enter into the flag competition.
  • Blue represents dependability and loyalty within the alliance, as well as the seas surrounding Meterra.
  • The white rings represent each nation: Demescia, Domesua, Hermaes, Sasten, Trinster, and Naizerre. They're interlinked to show the bong between the nations of this trade bloc
  • The shield represents economic and political security provided by the nations when they all work together towards a common goal.
Violence Flares as META Protest Grows

Parts of Tögbata province were still ablaze this morning following a night of violence after police broke up a rally of young Taba tribesman against a planned move to the metric system of measurements. The move, proposed under the Meterra Economic Treaty Association Standardisation Committee, would see traditional Naizerri measurements such as the unit of weigh the nëngö replaced with more widely accepted metric measurements, such as the kilo. High Chief Mboto Jones criticised the violence and demanded local authorities, including the Taba tribe chiefs, bring the situation under control.

The Taba tribe are largely nomadic herders, especially of sheep, who give the tribe its name. They, like most tribes in Naizerre, use traditional measurements such as the yöngö to measure length, however critics of the old ways point out that the yöngö has never been officially declined, and each tribe has its own definition. To the Taba, a yöngö is the approximate width of 10 dara, the traditional Taba tribe sheepskin cloth worn by the tribe. To the island dwelling Susu tribe however, the yöngö is simply the distance between a masûa's bow and stern. A masûa is a type of fishing ship used by the Susu.

A leading member of the Pulä tribe, Felix Kolingba has been appointed responsible for instituting the standardisation decided upon by META nations within Naizerre. He released a statement say: "I strongly condemn the violence seen in Tögbata this evening. The move to the metric system will end decades of confusion within Naizerre over the old measurements, such as the yöngö, of which there are over 750 different definitions and the nëngö, of which there are over 2500 differing definitions. By moving to a new system - with our allies in META and more in line with the whole, Naizerre can show it is open for business, investment and prosperity."
By Thomas Backoct
Navaronian Press

Abberarry (NP) -- With pressure from the Prime Minister, Parliament found themselves in a deadlock situation on the question whether or not Navaronia should be isolated anymore. This issue can go as far as back from the Kingdom of Abberarry, where as the King put measures in to prevent contact with other nations (possibly due to the internal conflicts back then.)

"But this is a new world, different from the politics and ever-changing diplomacy in the era of Kings." Said Prime Minister Andrew Monroe to Parliament. Monroe promised when he was elected that he would enter in diplomacy with nations, promoting commerce and joining in organizations that would benefit Navaronia. He kept with this promise, and during his first term he began to trade with other nations more frequently. Parliament has also adapted and old more conservative members of parliament has been kicked out and replaced with new members.

Parliament went to vote, and with an almost half even vote by Parliament they authorized Navaronia to become a member-state of META. This is just an example of what Navaronia is doing to change, and you will probably see it more often.
The Mara of Naizerre supports the Navaronian membership of META and moves that existing members vote on their acceptance as a full member.

Vote Aye for acceptance or Nay to deny.
The United Kingdom of Sasten has no disqualifying objections at the present time. As such, we present a vote of "Aye" on Navaronian membership of META.
The Triple Federation of Trinster can see no issues to the balance of power arising from the addition of Navaronia to META. We have agreed to vote "Aye".
The Mara of Naizerre, as the nation who introduced the application of Navaronia, also votes aye.

The Commonwealth of Navaronia, by a two-thirds majority, is accepted to META.
The Mara of Naizerre would like to introduce the following motion:-

In Keeping with the historic determination the Nations of the Meterra Economic Treaty Association made when they declared that "the pursuits of peace and prosperity are best safeguarded by the collective efforts of nations" in the Treaty that formed the organisation;

And further in accordance with generally accepted international standards and guidelines;

Hereby decrees that the Member Nations of META have an inalienable right to territorial expansion;

So Long as that expansion is requested or accepted by a plebiscite of the peoples of the lands expanded into;

And is done so in peaceable and orderly fashion;

And with the approval of two thirds of META's members.
Hermaes up-votes the membership of Navaronia in the META, but no one is thrilled with the motion proposed by Mara of Naizerre, so there will be a parliamentary vote and then a referendum on whether the people of Hermaes agree or disagree with the decision of the politicians.
The United Kingdom of Sasten is divided on the matter of Naizerre's proposal. The plebiscite of the affected peoples requirement does coincide with the current Sastennic policy on territorial expansion. However, we do have concerns with the requirement that that expansion may only be performed with the two-thirds majority support from the other members of META, regardless of the outcome of the plebiscite and the requests of the expanding member's government, effectively removing some of the power of an individual member nation to control its own border lines.

As such, we currently lodge a vote of Nay on the Mara of Naizerre's proposal.

We are however open to discussion on this matter, and may change our vote if we deem our concerns to have been met.
Trinster Announces New International Tank Project
Today the Trinnish government has announced and displayed the new T-87 "Finaliser", the first international military development project of this scale Trinster has ever conducted.
The partners of the program are Trinster and Naizerre. The tank features a "Advanced Stealth Design", a fully automated turret linked to an EVA unit and a 130mm main gun.

The tank is first estimated to enter service with the Steel Tallons in Trinster, with other nations in META being eligible to buy the tank.


The T-78 "Finaliser"
Akhara to join META?

Today,the Government of Akhara,in search to expand Diplomatic Relations,has decided to join an Alliance.The Parliament polled the people of Akhara,to see a majority 79% agreeing to join one.A second poll saw 81% of the people willing to join META.

''This is a step forward for Akhara''Said president of Akhara,Ian Axelford.''Times are changing,yet not everything can be solved through war.Sometimes,it is better to cooperate with other nations.That is the exact reason why we are planning to join META:Diplomacy.''

We hereby request to join META.

OOC:This took me 15 minutes to make and i feel like i could've done this in 1 minute...
The application by Akhara is noted by META. META apologises for the delay in processing your application and will now enter into a discussion phase, followed by a vote of members.

It is with the highest hopes that I write on the behalf of Andrej Milotova Gogovi?, the President of Mouxordia, to request formal admittance with our fellow Meterrans into the Meterra Economic Treaty Association.

Sincerely and Respectfully,
Boris Kaj Poklonskaja
Secretary of State of the Republic of Mouxordia​
[c] In a press meeting today, Prime Minister Avis Axl outlined their objectives for increasing and strengthening ties with other nations in the region. Among these objectives, they announced the gradual implementation over the next year of all articles in the Meterra Economic Treaty as doing so will help increase diplomacy with many nations in the region that the nation previously had few or no diplomatic, trade, or military ties with. They realize that doing so will be done for the common good of the people in ABC and beyond. They also ask the members of the Meterra Economic Treaty Association to accept them into the organization as an associate state. "Starting today we will begin the implementation of all articles in the Meterra Economic Treaty. We hope doing so will help increase our ties with nations in this region who we have had few ties with before. This is for the common good of our peoples and we hope that the members of the Treaty see this and accept us into the organization as an Associate State." Furthermore he announced his eventual plans to become part of the organization as a signatory, but thought that that should wait until all articles were implemented and had been implemented for a while to see if they truly work for the state. "Why not become a signatory and new member state rather than just an associate?" a journalist commented. They replied, "I see no reason why we can't eventually become a new member state, but believe we need time to see if these implemented articles for the state and its people before doing so." In a press meeting today, Prime Minister Avis Axl outlined their objectives for increasing and strengthening ties with other nations in the region. Among these objectives, they announced the gradual implementation over the next year of all articles in the Meterra Economic Treaty as doing so will help increase diplomacy with many nations in the region that the nation previously had few or no diplomatic, trade, or military ties with. They realize that doing so will be done for the common good of the people in ABC and beyond. They also ask the members of the Meterra Economic Treaty Association to accept them into the organization as an associate state. "Starting today we will begin the implementation of all articles in the Meterra Economic Treaty. We hope doing so will help increase our ties with nations in this region who we have had few ties with before. This is for the common good of our peoples and we hope that the members of the Treaty see this and accept us into the organization as an Associate State." Furthermore he announced his eventual plans to become part of the organization as a signatory, but thought that that should wait until all articles were implemented and had been implemented for a while to see if they truly work for the state. "Why not become a signatory and new member state rather than just an associate?" a journalist commented. They replied, "I see no reason why we can't eventually become a new member state, but believe we need time to see if these implemented articles work for the state and its people before doing so."
Naizerre formally starts the following votes;

-To admit Akhara to META as Full Members

-To admit Mouxordia to META as Full Members

-To admit ABC to MeTA as Associate Members

Vote Aye to admit, and Nay to reject. A two thirds vote is needed to accept new members.
Following consultations within the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and The Royal Council of the United Kingdom, Sasten hereby votes as follows:

On the motion to admit Akhara as a Full Member of the Meterra Economic Treaty Association, we wish to ABSTAIN from voting at present.

On the motion to admit Mouxordia as a Full Member of the Meterra Economic Treaty Association, we lodge a vote of 'AYE'.

On the motion to admit Alpha Verum (otherwise known as ABC) as an Associate Member to the Meterra Economic Treaty Association, we lodge a vote of 'NAY'.

We wish to inform our partners in META of our reasoning as follows:

On the matter of Akhara: The United Kingdom of Sasten does not feel that it has reached a solid verdict on this issue. As a result, we will not be lodging a vote on this issue at the present time, rather than casting a vote on insufficient information or poor policy that we may come to regret at a later date.

On the matter of Mouxordia: The United Kingdom of Sasten recognizes that Mouxordia is not as well-off economically or politically as we are, following a period of long and damaging civil warfare. We do however note their exceptionally strong commitment to the cause of reducing trade barriers and improving international relations with their nearest neighbours. Additionally, their economy presents numerous opportunities for investment and growth that will undoubtedly become a significant asset. We recognize that the upfront cost of assisting the modernization and reconstruction of the Mouxordian economy may be high, but the end results will be of benefit to all of META, in addition to Mouxordia themselves, and we wish to further the development of all members in the spirit of mutual cooperation.

On the matter of ABC: The United Kingdom of Sasten feels that the intended purpose of META is a local association of members committed to the goals of less-restricted movement of persons and goods, economic cooperation, mutual diplomatic relations, mutual cooperation on matters of defence, and harmonization of certain commercial and industrial standards in order to further the aforementioned goals. We are not, as of the present time, a planetary alliance, or a far-flung association of random nation states scattered across the face of Eras. We note that ABC is located on an island many thousands of kilometers from Meterra, and separated from the rest of the treaty members by two oceans and an entire continent. We do not feel, at this time, that it is in the interest of Sasten, nor the other members of META, to extend the boundaries of this association to such an excessive, and frankly spurious geographical margin when the stated purpose of the organization is as a geographically-limited cooperation pact. While we do applaud their commitment to decreasing barriers to trade and movement, and look forward to improving economic and diplomatic relations through other means, we do not feel that META in its current form is the appropriate means through which ABC should do so.

The Triple Federation of Trinster, after analysing all available information to us, have come to the following decisions:

Akhara- Abstain

Mouxordia- Aye

ABC- Nay

The Triple Federation has come to these decisions from the following reasons:

Akhara- Insufficient Information

Mouxordia- No Valid Arguments Against Entry

ABC- The Nation of ABC is not located on Meterra
Naizerre votes thusly:

On Akhara: The Mara votes Aye

On Mouxordia: The Mara votes Aye

On ABC: The Mara votes Abstain
Following a vote of all current META members, the following results are declared:

On the matter of Akhara joining META: the applicant has unfortunately failed to achieve 2/3rds approval and so is denied, however we encourage Akhara to become an Associate Member

On the matter of Mouxordia joining META: the applicant has achieved 2/3rds approval and so has become a new member of META. We congratulate the government of Mouxordia and welcome them to META.

On the matter of ABC becoming an Associate Member: the applicant has unfortunately failed to achieve 2/3rds majority and so is denied. We encourage the government of ABC to enquire as to whether it can become an Observer Member.
The Bravaedian Empire would like to request Observer or Associate Status with META, in the interest of strengthening Bravaedian international trade.
The Bravaedian Empire would like to request Observer or Associate Status with META, in the interest of strengthening Bravaedian international trade.
The Mara of Naizerre advises the Braveadian Empire to first seek Observer Status, until it fully implements the standardisation META nations are expected to adhere to.

Naizerre opens the floor to discussion and questioning of the applicant by other META nations.
The Republic of Mouxordia questions whether any degree of membership status is necessary for the Bravaedian Empire if it only wishes to conduct trade with the member-states of META. If the applicant is only abiding by a single subsection of an article, then is it necessary at all to give to them any signatory status? Mouxordia feels it would be too much for too little. Simple trade between external entities is a cut-and-dry matter, and doesn't align with any of the signatory statuses META currently employs (i.e., Full Member, Associate, or Observer).

Matters of signatory status aside, Mouxordia is interested in establishing trade relations with the Bravaedian Empire. What sort of commodities, goods, or services does your nation produce?
Articles 1,3 and 4 of the Meterra Economic Treaty Organisation are of particular interest to the Bravaedian Empire, though the Central Bank of Bravaedia is concerned with Article 2's attempt to create a single currency as localised recessions cannot be combated with the action of the central bank as effectively under a single common currency.

And on the establishment of trade between Bravaedia and Mouxordia, our economic activity largely consists of heavy and precision machinery manufacturing, in addition to the manufacture of household appliances, aircraft, and computer hardware. Though the software and banking sectors are also major contributors, and agriculture is heavily subsidised.
A Petition To The Meterra Economic Treaty Association​

To the nations of the Meterra Economic Treaty Association,

We write to you today on behalf of The Lancerian Empire. History has taught us that co-operation is one of the greatest virtues that may be shown by any people. Today we continue the pursuit of that virtue. We have watched META with interest since its formation not far from our shores. We have reviewed its articles and seen both common sense and good idea. We have seen the potential to guarantee peace amongst our friends and neighbours and the oppourtunity to bring further economic prosperity not only to the Empire but to the region as a whole. Debate in parliament and polls from our people have shown us that they, too, see the potential in such an alliance.

With all this in mind, we petition META to allow The Lancerian Empire to join the organisation where the Empire is willing to agree to all articles currently in the treaty.


Prime Minister Isaac Oudinot

Queen-Empress Amelia of The Lancerian Empire

Minister of Foreign Affairs Henri Roudan
Naizerre formally starts the following vote:

-To admit The Lancerian Empire as a Full Member of META.

On this vote, Naizerre votes Aye.
Mouxordia formally starts the following vote:

- To admit the Bravaedian Empire as an Observer Member of META on the grounds of trade with all META member-states.

On this matter, Mouxordia votes 'AYE'.
Official Declaration from The Monarchy of Guslantis

Being a long-term contributor to the well-being of Meterra, we formally submit our petition to be recognized as a full member of the Meterra Economic Treaty Association, hereafter referred to as META. One of our largest multinational corporations, Thomas Incorporated, has many production facilities in the member nation of Demescia, and we contribute positively to their economy through that channel. In the coming months, our cities will be undergoing reconstruction efforts, and the use of our neighbor Meterran imports will most definitely come in handy. We also have not declared war in many years, and do not attempt to cause harm to the continent of Meterra.

In short, META will gain a productive and peaceful nation with the inclusion of Guslantis into its ranks. Any questions can be directed to me or my staff.


Dame Alicia Durand, Chancellor of the Monarchy of Guslantis