Recruitment List #1: WA Voters for NPA


Hello everyone! This will be our first recruitment task for the term. For some of us, this will be your first time recruiting at all. That is why I will be instructing you what to do in a step by step fashion.

Here is how you would recruit:

1.) Before you start, please CLAIM what row number(s) you will recruiting by posting it below. We don't need 3 people doing the same row accidentally.
2.) Open up a new tab, go to your TNP nation, and go to the Telegrams.
3.) Pick a row, copy the nation names (don't remove the commas), and paste them in the "To" section of the telegram.
4.) Now is the time for the body text of the Telegram. I would recommend creating your own personalized message to use as a template, but I understand that not everybody has the time to do so. That's why I will be providing a sample template. However, if you would like to create your own, all the better. The point of this is to be as personalized as possible. Nations respond more when they feel that the telegram they're receiving has been designed personally for them, rather than a bland, mass telegram.

So since we are recruiting for The North Pacific Army (NPA), this particular message needs to outline what the NPA is, the benefits of joining, and some of the stuff the NPA does.

Here is a sample template that you guys can use:

Sample Telegram:
Hello there!

I have noticed that you are an active, voting member of the World Assembly (WA), and I wanted to reach out to you and talk to you about the North Pacific Army (NPA). The NPA is The North Pacific's military force, and it is currently the largest military in the game created regions (GCRs) and one of the largest in all of NationStates (NS). The NPA participates in both raiding and defense operations, and so we are involved in a wide variety of missions including: tags, detags, refoundings, liberations, hold missions, support missions, and much more. The NPA holds training exercises and formal operations on weekly basis, and on top of that, the NPA has the ability to field more than 20 troops at most updates. This makes the NPA one of the most active and experienced military forces in all of NationStates.

I want to invite you to become part of this elite military organization and represent TNP at home and abroad by joining the North Pacific Army. The only requirement for joining the North Pacific Army is that you have a World Assembly nation in The North Pacific. Up on joining, we will assign you a military rank, and you will start training with the most experienced commanders and most friendly troops in all of NationStates. The NPA has two active branches to accommodate everybody's needs with a Special Forces corp for players that are online and active during update times and an Auxiliary Force for less active players who can still serve as backup troops.

So what are you waiting for?

Joining is simple and easy. All you have to do is register on our forums at:

Apply for citizenship here:

And then apply for membership in the North Pacific Army right here:

Registering on the forums and applying for citizenship and NPA membership takes less than 10 minutes of your time. The NPA continues to grow by the day, and we want YOU to be with us as we expand and continue to dominate NS as the best military force.

If you have any questions about the NPA, joining our forums, or anything else, please let me know.

Looking forward to seeing you on the forums,

[Your Name]

*If you're not interested in the above, you're welcome to keep your WA here in TNP. Just make sure to endorse our newly-elected delegate [nation=short]Plembobria[/nation], to help speed up the delegacy transition. Thanks!

4. Copy the telegram above and paste it in the telegram box. Click Send.
5. Repeat the process with another row from the provided list.

It is as simple as that, folks.

You can claim row numbers as I am about to do now:

I will be covering row # 1-21. (You include that last row you did, so 21 is included here)

Guys, I want us to try and finish this list as soon as possible (by Wednesday), please. The more people that participate here, the better. Let's get it done, team!!!
(OK,since you'll cover row #1-21,I guess that I have to cover row #22-42.)

I will be covering row #22-42.

Also a question:we must mark these as recruiting TG?
I'm going to claim rows 43 - 60.
are we sending these Tg as recruiting ones?
Very good question, Darklord, and it is one that I should have clarified to begin with. I apologize about that.

Guys, do NOT mark the telegrams as recruitment or campaign. When that pop up comes up, just send the telegrams. We are not recruiting nations from other regions to TNP, and so it is not necessary to mark them as such. Again, do not label them as recruitment or campaign.
I'm going to claim rows 43 - 60.
are we sending these Tg as recruiting ones?
Very good question, Darklord, and it is one that I should have clarified to begin with. I apologize about that.

Guys, do NOT mark the telegrams as recruitment or campaign. When that pop up comes up, just send the telegrams. We are not recruiting nations from other regions to TNP, and so it is not necessary to mark them as such. Again, do not label them as recruitment or campaign.
Unfortunately I've send some rows as recruiting TGs for an organisation. :(
What do I do now?
With Pallaith's claim of the last nations on the list, we are done folks! I honestly thought it would take us a couple of days at least, but you all have beaten the expectations. Excellent work!

For the record, rows # 11-21 were actually covered by Brihimia, not me. He got started on the list ahead of everyone else, and so I wanted to give him credit for his work.
I'm going to claim rows 43 - 60.
are we sending these Tg as recruiting ones?
Very good question, Darklord, and it is one that I should have clarified to begin with. I apologize about that.

Guys, do NOT mark the telegrams as recruitment or campaign. When that pop up comes up, just send the telegrams. We are not recruiting nations from other regions to TNP, and so it is not necessary to mark them as such. Again, do not label them as recruitment or campaign.
Unfortunately I've send some rows as recruiting TGs for an organisation. :(
What do I do now?
It's not a big deal at all, Darklord. Honestly, it doesn't matter, but some nations block recruitment telegrams.

You've done a fantastic job, and just remember to not mark them as anything for the future.