King Durk the Awesome
Great to see TNP overcoming its latent sexism 

Aye, Bootsie is male I believe.Gracius Maximus:This is incorrect.
lol We all missed JAL's sense of humour, didn't we?Lord Ravenclaw:He's trolling you folks.
Great Bights Mum:I could be wrong, but I think TNP has had more female delegates than any other feeder.
Correct! Me and you have been around too long, GBM if we can remember Treenudity's delegacy!Great Bights Mum:How about Treenudity?
SillyString:An interesting corellary, perhaps, would be how many of our delegates have been female out of all the delegates we have had.
That may provide different information than the flat numbers would seem to suggest.