July 2016 Update

"The legs feed the Wolf"
JULY 2016
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A Shenanigan Too Far


The Shining Empire

What started off as a simple training operation for new recruits took a sudden and unexpected turn when Commander Knot of The Invaders - with Benevolent Thomas hot on his heels - stormed into The Shining Empire as soon as the wolves jumped, juking the warden in the process. Realizing that he was had, Thomas endorsed the native delegate initially, but they were woefully inactive, so he opted to endorse someone else. Ultimately, he found his way to a suspiciously fascist-looking nation. He later withdrew the endorsement and resigned WA on his puppet, demanding to know who was leading the other operation in IRC.

"How to properly oppress a region" ft. Klopstock - Taco Radiation

The wolves held their position within the region overnight, managing to sneak away with the Delegacy during minor. Later that day at major, TITO invaded the region and then proceeded to show us the finer points of subjugating regions. By sending in almost four times the amount of endorsements - 6 to 22 - XKI had one goal in mind: complete control. In a last-minute satirical gambit devised by Scardino, the World Factbook Entry was changed with all mention of 'Lone Wolves United' replaced with 10000 Islands. 'Wolves' with Taco. The forum link was also changed to reflect this. In short: XKI and Klopstock were outraged and went to our Embassy in Gameplay to complain after reporting it as malicious impersonation: for good measure, of course.

Klopstock believed that he had caught us red-handed in the act on the NationStates forums, when in reality we were not even aware of his post until well after having changed it back to the original message of our own accord. However, we were essentially let go with a clear warning not to repeat this in the future. Lone Wolves United stands by the factual accuracy of the World Factbook Entry.


Klopstock upon reading the changed World Factbook Entry.

In the end, Klopstock was denied the cherry on top of his operation and the icing was clearly flavored to our liking.

Ultima Thule

Thule was a standard operation noteworthy for being the first raid in modern times where Khalif Dream Killers was point. Defenders did not try and stop us initially, conserving their strength instead for the next minor where they missed the target by milliseconds thanks to variance. They managed to take the region back at major when XKI jumped into the fray, determined to make up for the blunder in The Shining Empire. 7 banjections were counted for, and it was a good raid overall.

Coalition of Sovereign Nations

The year-long silence in the Coalition of Sovereign Nations was trampled as a voracious flock of sheep broke free from a nearby pen, causing chaos and destabilizing the region. Reports from across NationStates confirm that various regions fell victim to sightings of unsolicited sheep visits. The premier containment organization, SHEEP PEN, is dangerously understaffed and overworked. Leading experts in the field fear that this may only be the beginning of a much larger, global event affecting all sheep within the World.

Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
Three bags full;
One for the master,
And one for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.


What every region shares in common. Note the color of the curtain and the frilly bottom. This varies.

Lone Wolves United, with the support of Unknown and The Black Hawks under the cover of darkness, exploited the confusion during major to assault the Coalition of Sovereign Nations with cute and cuddly weapons of mass deception. The native delegate with over one year in office, Magonia, was conscripted to help round up the sheep but in the process left the curtain to the regional control booth open. Calamity ensued when the head sheep, Baa Baa Black, took ownership. The safety patrol scrambled to react in time but were forced to regroup and watch the shenanigans from afar. Our fun was ended prematurely when the founder decided to come back and restore order.


Little Bo-peep fell fast asleep,
and dreamt she heard them bleating;
but when she awoke, she found it a joke,
for they were still a-fleeting.
Then up she took her little crook,
determined for to find them;
she found them indeed, but it made her heart bleed,
for they'd left their tails behind them.
It happened one day, as Bo-peep did stray
into a meadow hard by,
there she spied their tails side by side,
all hung on a tree to dry.
She heaved a sigh and wiped her eye,
and over the hillocks went rambling,
and tried what she could, as a shepherdess should,
to tack each again to its lambkin

"She is larger than life."

This is the first installment of a new segment for our updates that revolves around interviewing individuals within Lone Wolves United. Each month we will sit down with a member of the region and talk about their history in NationStates as well as what they envision the future to be. We invite anyone interested to submit proposals for candidates to be interviewed by sending a telegram to Dream Killers in game with the name(s) of the individual you would like to know more about.


Does this look like the face of mercy?

DK: When did you start playing NationStates?

Nee: Late 2003. I am not sure if I got active in 2003 or 2004, but the nation was created in late 2003.

DK: How did you find NationStates originally?

Nee: I actually found Nationstates from using Fark. I never joined up with Farkers or anything, but that is where I originally found the link.

DK: What region(s) did you initially get involved in?

Nee: The West Pacific.

DK: Was there something specific that inspired you to get active within that region?

Nee: That's where my nation spawned, and I stuck around.

DK: So, how did you come about joining Lone Wolves United?

Nee: I was sort of not really anywhere, and Scar suggested that if I wanted, I could give LWU a try. I took him up on it, and am very glad I did.

DK: If you had to choose a title to call yourself, what would it be?

Nee: Formally speaking, one of my personas is an Empress. But in general terms, I'm just Nee. I have a list of lulzy titles put together by Dali with help from Biyah and maybe Wham. if you'd like to pick one off there :-P

Her Imperial Wickedness the Imperatrix Neenee,
Dark Queen of the Wine
Corrupter of the Innocent
Temptress of the Pure
Glitter Terrorist of the First Degree
High War Criminal
Guardian of Closets
Keeper of the Dungeon Keys
Scourge of the Unenlightened
Evil Woman
Former Tyrantess of The West Pacific and The East Pacific
Discordian Mistress
Instigator of Schemes
Dominatrix Ghetto Valleygirl
Daughter of The Wicked Witch of The West
Thief of the Lifeforce
Walking Statistical Anomally
Breaker of Spirits
DK: One of your titles is 'Glitter Terrorist of the First Degree'. I expect you to give Elindra a run for her money one of these days.

Nee: I started the glitter thing.

DK: I should sneak you into the Unknown regional chat - let you commit some acts of terror.

Nee: Hah. I've mellowed, I'm far less terrible now. Mostly. Depending on who you ask.

DK: What is your most memorable moment in NationStates so far?

Nee: Probably when we took and held The East Pacific. That was fun.

DK: Could you tell me more about that?

Nee: Myself and a small group of others I trusted entirely took the Delegacy of TEP away from Gnidrah, through a use of good planning, endorsing, an anti-endorsement campaign, Gatesville backup, and bold-faced lying. I became the delegate as Lady Phedre. We were called The Empire. The identities of the individuals involved were not known at the time, we all took false names. This was 8 years ago. Gatesville was actually so super helpful. And Gates was wonderful.

DK: Who was involved in this Empire of yours?

Nee: I'll doublecheck to see which names were officially revealed, but the generally most often noted members were me, Dali, NK, and Biyah. Those are the names still associated with it today, even though it's not active. The other names involved and who did come out, so to speak, were Evil Wolf, Nai, and Ivan.

DK: Is there a story behind the name of your main nation, Minineenee, or that of your name, Neenee?

Nee: At the time when I went to create a nation, I couldn't make Neenee, so I added a Mini in front of it, because IRL jokes about me being a mini version of my mother. The Neenee half of the main nation name is actually a RL nickname. People started calling me Neenee or Nee because Minineenee is kinda long, I guess.

DK: What is life like as an established Feederite?

Nee: Enjoyable. I always saw the feeders as the places to be, and I came up at the right time for it, I think. There was always something going on, and I knew someone everywhere. Due to me coming and going a time or two, I know fewer people now, and am not as familiar with all the feeders, but I still feel a love for them.

DK: Would you say that it was a family of sorts?

Nee: It so much was. The extent to which depended on the region. I am from TWP. That place always had a family feel to me.

DK: Does this, in your opinion, translate to UCRs? Or is it generally something more present in GCRs?

Nee: It can translate to UCRs. Equilism is the best example I can think of for that.

DK: Time for a question of utmost importance and I need it answered truthfully . . . do you have a favorite color?

Nee: Purple.

DK: If you had to choose a song that would be declared as your "theme song" what would it be?

Nee: When You're Evil, by Voltaire >_>

DK: Hahahahahaha. You know, I almost put that in the last update as the hidden video.

Nee: Hahahaha. My brother played it for me, the first time I heard it and told me "I found your song".

Nee: The other song that came to mind . . . Did you watch Galavant?

DK: That does not ring a bell. I have a major backlog of things to watch.

Nee: ...I could show you the song, but it occurs at the end of the first season.

DK: Well, for the sake of the update I am fine with you spoiling that.

[spoiler="Secret Mission" - Galavant][flash=500,250]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLrpb8Z--fs[/flash][/spoiler]

Nee: This would be Empire-era Nee >_>

DK: What is your favorite part about raiding?

Nee: I'm not sure, there's something fun about taking stuff, though. I don't know that I've been doing it long enough to have a favorite part. I'm sort of just appreciating the whole thing.

DK: If you could do anything you wanted in NationStates without consequences, what would it be?

Nee: That's hard to answer, because I'll do most things even knowing the consequences. >_>

DK: If you had to guess, what do you think your future in NationStates will be? Or, alternatively - What kind of future do you want in NationStates?

Nee: For myself?

DK: Either for yourself or just in general. Whichever one appeals more to you.

Nee: May I give my answer in the form of a picture?

DK: Of course!


DK: So you are going to burn a Game of Thrones region to the ground, steal their replica Iron Throne and laugh?

Nee: That's not seriously what came across with that, is it? :-P

DK: Oh no, I am just being a smartass. It is quite clear.

Nee: Good ^ _ ^

A major thank you to NeeNee for agreeing to this interview and telling me their history. I enjoyed learning more about such a memorable NationStates player and I hope others enjoy the story too.

Or thereabouts . . .

New domain name

We recently acquired the domain name LoneWolvesUnited.com and as such this will directly link to our forums now! Yay! Wooooo!

Disney cameos in NationStates?
Main article link; Credit: Elindra Kshrlmnt

Suddenly Disney. You may have noticed many Gameplayers on Skype changing their display pictures or their forum avatars to that of Disney characters recently. This is in response to a post on the NationStates Gameplay forums made by Elindra Kshrlmnt of Unknown that contains a list compiled by NeeNee, Anerastreia, and Greyghost. Notable players from throughout the game were compared to various Disney characters based on a plethora of criteria considered strictly top-secret within the small development team.


We raided a few places, made Klopstock cry to the mods, changed our forum domain name, were turned into Disney characters, and had a pleasant interview with the legendary Glitter Terrorist of the First Degree, Dark Queen of the Wine, Instigator of Schemes - NeeNee!


"Smashing!" - Evil Wolf

This dispatch has been brought to you by the magical Department of External Established Relations