[FT]The Veridian War


Factbook Addict
TNP Nation
(Please read the OOC thread before posting)

Allen Gray enjoyed the quiet moments. There weren't many, not when he was cooped up in close quarters with the rest of his unit. The nine people that made up his unit of Shock Infantry had to share an area that was smaller than a two bedroom apartment on Terrannannov, which meant privacy was a rare thing. But these moments, right before a drop when he was alone, that was the best times.

His entire company was now strapped into pressurized capsules, loaded into the bellies of a Carrierhawk Warship in orbit some three hundred kilometers above the planet Dereloc. The capsules blocked all signal, and communication wouldn't be reestablished until he burst forth from the capsule planetside. So he waited, strapped in so tight he could only move his fingers, and enjoyed the silence and waited for the sensation of free fall that would tell him he was planet bound.

He thought about home, back on Brovundy, where his parents farmed Ourish Rice. He thought about his younger sisters, who were now old enough to go off to academy. Sometimes he felt guilty for volunteering. His father had called it running away. The guilt came because it was the truth. He had never been satisfied at home. His mother had cried, but she had understood that he needed to leave, had to get off world and see the universe for himself.

His thoughts were interrupted by the unmistakable sensation of weightlessness that told him the ship had disgorged its occupants. His capsules display came on showing him a selection of numbers which represented his course and velocity relative to his target. He was thankful to see a perfect launch. There would be no course correction after leaving the ship. He moved a finger, flipped a switch, and brought up a display that showed the positions of his squad. Eight other capsules fell through the outer atmosphere, hurtling towards ground, their trajectories laid out. Or at least their trajectory if their launch had also been perfect. The capsules were invisible to all scanners, even those on the ship that was quickly disappearing behind them. They would show up for a quick few seconds as the entered the lower atmosphere, and then the capsule would flood the enemies sensors with static and false reads. He continued to wait, helpless, as his life was given to fate. The capsule fell through space and would only stop upon hitting the ground.

Allen watched the numbers change, count down towards their target. A loud pop filled the capsule and his ears plugged up as he punched through the atmosphere. His display showed the dummy signals were being sent out. From that point it only took seconds until the capsule released the first of it parachutes which was quickly torn away. Another second and then the next parachute was deployed lasting only three seconds. The third was deployed, lasting the longest so far, then the fourth which didn't tear away. He watched the display as the capsule crashed into the ground, the impact rattling his teeth and then the release was blown and the top of the capsule blasted away. He flicked a finger and his straps loosened. He quickly yanked himself out of the harness and pulled himself through the top, grabbing up his rifle which had been stowed behind his head.

He quickly scanned the area around him, checking for targets. He was greeted by dense jungle and brush, but he was alone as far as he could see. Then he noticed that his personal uplink was coming back up. He could hear Sergeant Boraskov calling role. His squad began calling out their names. He activated his com. 'Gray here,' he said. The rest of his squad had soon reported in. Allen used those few minutes to get his field pack out of the capsule, checking his weapons and equipment.

'Fantastic, we're all here,' the sergeant said. 'Some of you drifted a bit south but we're all inside the drop zone so make sure to thank those flyboys for aiming straight.' There was a short pause as the sergeant switched channels, likely reporting to the lieutenant. Allen checked the squads location and marked the sergeant's location. Baraskov came back on. 'All right killers, form up on me. Stay alert and don't do anything stupid. Remember, we've got an angel watching.'

The High Command had decided this mission was so important that it committed a good amount of resources to its success. Dereloc was the least defended world on the Allied Systems border, and yet was within striking distance of their capital, Calimund. Three regiments of Shock Infantry were dropped on the surface with the orders of creating a beachhead.

All involved were aware of just how important the Compact leaders considered the mission because they had chosen to send an Angel. Outfitted with the most advanced combat suit, the Angel was prepared to personally lead the fight.

They regrouped at a small village near their landing sites, driving off a small force of defenders, before securing the area. Soon more troops and equipment were landed. The army moved northward toward one of Dereloc's larger cities. Fighting erupted along the route as the defenders rallied together. The angel personally lead the fighting, throwing herself into the thickest of combat.

Plasma and pulse weapons ripped back and forth between the armies as the Compact's forces fought their way ahead driving the enemy back. To the soldiers of the Allied Systems, who had never encountered an Angel, she seemed invincible, dropping out of the sky with plasmablade in hand, her wings stretched out behind. They fired their weapons at her but with her armor and personal shield she shrugged them off.

The Battle of Dereloc lasted nine days, and ended with the complete withdrawal of the Allied System's forces.

The Veridian War, also known as the Third Interstellar War, was a full-scale armed conflict fought between the two major power blocs of the Grand Compact and the Allied Systems from 3645-3664 in the wake of the 3645 Sojak annexation of the planet Nikolae. The main cause of the Interstellar War was the growing conflict of interests between the Compact and the Allied Systems, and the militant imperialism of the Sojak Federation. Both alliances initially vied for favor with outlying colonies and sometimes this would lead to proxy wars within the system. The Tristar Republic, the leading power of the Allied Systems lent military aid to rebels on Zalgrav in the Zakir system which led to terrorist attacks against the Sojak allies of Corral. The Sojak Federation responded with sanctions against Republic ports and goods, siezing large shipments of Veridian Crystals that were on their way to the Republic markets.

Fearful of the rising power of the Sojaks, the Tristar Republic joined together with the Korrev Confederacy to block Sojak expansion. Both sides began an arms race, increasing their military might while putting pressure on colonies to become protectorates.

The most heavily contested planet was Nikolae in the Seluva Sytem. Nickolae was originally settled by colonists from Sojak—though a good number of immigrants from the Republic had settled there as well—and the government overall favored Federation interests but a large number preferred closer relations with the Republic. As negotiations became more intense, both nations began to fortify positions along their borders. Republic warships began to gather in the Yeva and Inna Systems. The Federation hired ships from Vorg to bolster their overstretched fleets, least a preemptive strike leave them vulnerable.

In 3642 the Sojak Federation, the Sorvaet Union, the Kingdom of Vorg, and the Kingdom of Corral signed the charter for the Grand Compact, officially putting their individual militaries under the supreme command of the USF. This move had the effect of pushing the Republic's allies squarely on the Republic's side. The Republic, the Korrev Confederacy, and the Seleocid Collective soon cut off all trade with the members of the Compact members.

As diplomacy broke down on Nickolae, the Federation finally annexed the planet-state, citing the origins of the original colonists as legal support for their actions. Immediately, the 1st, 3rd, and 8th fleets moved into orbit and troops were landed to subdue pro-Republic riots. The Tristar Republic denounced the Federation’s actions as illegal and demanded that they pull their forces from the planet and return independence to the system. The Federation ignored their demands.

The Republic sent their own fleets to Nikolae under the command of Admiral Jin Mizmirro in an attempt to force the Compact to withdraw their forces. What incurred instead was a devastating battle that signaled the start of war.
The first half dozen battles of the war went in favor of the Allied Systems. Nickolae, Gateway, Progniov, and Corral. The frontline defenses of the Compact were broken, while both Nickolae and Gateway fell to Allied occupation. The Compact won the battle of Dereloc though even that was at a high cost and with the loss of Gateway meant the occupying force was cut off from reinforcements for the time being. It did prove that the Sojak's angels program, genetically modified humanoids, were a complete success.

The Allies set there sights on bringing the war to a swift close. That meant moving against the Sojak capital of Terrannannov. First though, they'd have to secure the Selkiev System. A fleet under the command of Admiral Jin Mizmirro was sent against the Sojak defenders.
Two Cogorian battle fleets emerged from the gateway leading to Dereloc, each one built around the mamoth Pobedy class Battleships. Red Banner, and October. They were the largest ships in the Cogorian navy and the most advanced. Though lacking the sophistication of their allies or opponents, they made up for it with their heavy hull plating made from a multitude of heavy Tungsten based alloys. Bristling with racks of multi-stage nuclear missiles, they packed a long range punch. In each battle fleet the eight cruisers and ten destroyers took formation around their assigned battleships. Due to a lack of information on the enemy's fleet presence, the two fleets were little more than a reconnaissance in force. Proceeding slowly into the system, they fired of scouting drones and began a sensor sweep.

Waiting to transit into the system when the all clear was gives, was the Third Cogorian Shock Army (CSA). Loaded onto a large fleet of transports, the 50,000 men were making them selves ready, they were to be the first and hopefully only wave. With the number of surviving enemies still on the ground still being a mystery the Stavka had also dispatched the 6th and 13th armies. The 6th and 13th were composed primarily of conscripts, and possessed close to a hundred thouseand troops each. The 3rd CSA however was composed of professional soldiers, and were considered a 1st tier formation by the high command. Included in their OB were 2,500 Revolutionary Guards.

The majority of the Cogorian Navy however was currently on route to replace Allied ships in defensive positions, releasing the Allies' technologically superior ships to take part in the Selkiev offensive.
The Compact occupiers of Dereloc watched with apprehension as the Cogorian fleet made its way into the system, bearing down on the planet. The small fleet which had been orbiting, broke from their defense pattern and headed out of system. They wouldn't have stood much of a chance against a larger fleet. The defenders began preparing for a ground invasion.

As the Allied fleet headed towards the Selkiev system, the Compact commanders were faced with having to plan for the possibility that the system would fall. On Terrannannov the military command began the process of conscripting more forces. The Valaithian government agreed to send the larger part of their own fleet to aid in the coming battles and protect the now vulnerable systems of the Sojak Federation.

It looked like the Alliance already had one nation declare support and send forces and there were others that looked to be siding with them as well. The compact hoped that they would be able to mount an effective defense.
-Carboa Station, Capital of the Carboa Defence Alliance

"Today, the CDA High Command has made a decision, we will, no MUST go to war. We declare full support for The Allied Systems, and as such the First fleet, lead by the CNS Kodiac will be leaving to support the Selkiev offensive. We will show the Compact our strength!"

As the Kodiac left its dock, it put on a show, weaponry powering up, its Ion Cannons glowing a bright blue, it took its place amount the fleet, and made its way to the nearest jump point.
As the Cogorian fleets entered orbit, they began to clearly designate their intended landing zones. While the Alliance did not want their planet back irradiated, this still left Cogoria with their secondary bombardment weapons. Firing in sequence and devastating a large region of land close to the primary population centre. The fleet were firing solid tungsten rods at the planet, using the pure kinetic energy to kill everything in the landing zone, with numerous rounds fired at suspected ground to orbit defence sites and potential enemy troop concentrations, though little to no fire was directed at the cities and towns themselves.. While the fleet bombarded the troop transports and assault craft entered the system and began their trip to Dereloc