Well, I do have an idea for another RP. I was considering claiming another nation on the map, in the east, with a situation much like the one in Syria; a three way civil war, with a government, rebels, and possibly a splinter group of Flemingovianism that are basically terrorists, and want to create a Flemish state ( the religion can vary). I was also considering creating a terrorist event in Blackwater City similar to 9/11 or 7/7. This would lead to a probable invasion of the nation, with an insurgency too, in a style similar to Iraq in 2003.
Additionally, I still have my other terrorist idea (shh I'm not obsessed with terrorism) about the launch of a probe being hijacked, and officials of visiting nations kidnapped.
this would be cool.
I just think that, in general, we haven't had a lot of good RP lately. That looks like it's going to change, and I hope it does, but we had a dark period there. We never really finished the Rhuvanland negotiations to a satisfactory extent. I feel like the ending of the troubles in Cronaal seems a little rushed and let's-get-this-over-with. And then I go back and read some of the old posts, pre-Great War, and I wonder, "What changed?" Blood and Gold is looking like it'll be a good one, but I'm worried it'll go the same way as some of our other RPs that don't have an end in mind. We've had a lot of RPs fail for that reason. Granted, the ones that turn spontaneous and unpredictable are also really fun, but they get out of control really fast (remember the three separate nuclear crises during the Great War? That probably would have been better in a much more restrained fashion). I think we need to put our heads together and come up with another decent chain of RPs for the summer- we came out of the Great War with a really great story when it all came together. Obviously I don't think we need to have it be so violent, but, I don't know, just a string of events that are tied together in a way that makes them a good story.