r3naissanc3r (HMS Unicorn)


Minister of Culture
TNP Nation
Presented by Bootsie

"I want to be Delegate because I know I can do a damn good job. I have the skills, I have the experience, I have the connections, as I said I have the time; and I want to put these to good use towards The North Pacific, a region I care about. You do not need to take my word for any of the items in this list. You can instead look at the empirical evidence from the one and half year I have been a Regional Assembly member. As a legislator, I made more contributions to our statute book than any other member during that period, bringing far-reaching reform and uniformly improving our laws. As a judge, I wrote elaborate and rational decisions, offering quality additions to the regional jurisprudence. As a minister, I ran my department competently, carefully drawing out and effecting the regional foreign policy, and organizing an efficient diplomatic service to represent us abroad."

-R3naissanc3r, in his first run for the Delegacy

Now, when someone hears the word Delegate in The North Pacific, one of the first users they think of is R3naissanc3r, who served as the region's Delegate for the first time in May 2014, then sought out a second term that following September. He brought a plethora of great ideas to the table, and is regarded by many in the region as one of the greatest "Modern Delegates". His vision for six active ministries and his persistence that they would succeed in bringing TNP to the world stage was one of the reasons R3n was and is a perfect example for those seeking the Delegacy in the future should look to.

Where are they now?: R3n is now serving as a member of our administration team, and helps the Security Council with its numerous scripts, notably the World Assembly Development Program Awards script!

So, everyone, please dress up in your best black and white, and thank R3n for his service, and tell us any fun moments you have from everyone's favorite penguin!
R3n was one of the best Foreign Ministers and was one of the best Delegates. The criticism he received from external figures before he was even given the chance to spread his wings so to speak was truly incredible, and he surely proved all critics wrong.
I might not have been here in TNP when he was delegate, but I heard a lot of good things about R3naissanc3r, and his legacies that we still enjoy up to now. Thank you for your service! *salutes*
r3n was basically my NS dad. He guided me through the opening days of my career and I couldn'tve been where I am today without his guidance.
r3n will be remembered as the greatest, in my opinion, and one of the most modernising delegate's in The North Pacific's History.

Where we have McMasterdonia who furthered advancements in the World Assembly, Foreign Policy, Defence and Culture, we have r3n who took those advancements in the World Assembly and taught a masterclass in Management, Administration and Progress. The World Assembly Development Program is his brainchild, the executive reforms that brought the Executive Staff into modern prevalence, and the amendments to the legislative structure that removed the distinction between Citizens and RA Members are all testaments to his legacy within the North.

The North Pacific has a lot to be grateful for, when it comes to r3n. He has worked incredibly hard and provides, to this day, a huge percentage of the infrastructure needed to automate recruitment, integration and other vital livelihoods of our community's government.

Thank you r3n <3
If I recall correctly, r3n was delegate when I first joined NS (and TNP!). I don't recall much from then, even though it was only a year and a half ago, so I can't speak as to my experience with him, but I'd be more than happy to thank him for serving as delegate.