[GA] AT VOTE: Repeal "Convention on Execution" [Complete]

Repeal "Convention on Execution"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Category: Repeal
Resolution: GA#112
Proposed by: Christian Democrats

Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #112: Convention on Execution (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The General Assembly,

Recognizing that Resolution 112, Convention on Execution, "[g]rants the right of member nations to allow the use of execution,"

Further recognizing that Resolution 112 "[e]ncourages any nation that has legalized execution to restrict its use to the most extreme cases,"

Believing that international encouragement (instead of an international mandate) is insufficient to prevent less civilized governments from using their "right to execute" in cases where a death sentence is too harsh, such as illegal drug possession or sexual impropriety,

Convinced that this august body should take back the legal authority to limit the crimes to which member states may apply capital punishment,

Repeals Resolution 112, Convention on Execution.

Please vote: For, Against, Abstain, or Present.

As a reminder, a vote For this repeal means that you want to remove the existing legislation from the lawbooks.
Greetings, TNP! I encourage your region to support my repeal proposal. The GA already has procedural and substantive protections for children and mentally disabled individuals, so the only relevant clause of Convention on Execution in the present day is its grant of an absolute "right" to member states to execute residents for any crime whatsoever. Such authority is fundamentally unjust and inconsistent with dignity and personal rights.
I received this telegram regarding it:

Excidium Planetis:
Honourable Delegate Lord Ravenclaw,

I ask you, if you have not already done so, to support the repeal of Convention on Execution currently at vote.

For too long, the World Assembly has restricted the rights of nations to kill their own people. With Convention on Execution repealed, we will finally regain the right to execute people for any reason, without trial! GA#112 places needless burdens on member nations:
  • Convention on Execution unfairly requires not one, but two separate trials for those who face the death penalty, one to convict of a crime and a second to decide if the death penalty is appropriate. This is completely unnecessary.
  • GA#112 bans the execution of pregnant individuals, children, and the mentally handicapped. The strong arm of the law should apply to all individuals, regardless of their circumstances!
  • GA#112 prohibits summary execution, the killing of people without trial. Surely criminal scum should not be allowed to defend themselves in court when their guilt is clear?
  • Lastly, GA#112 leaves the door open for further WA regulation on execution, specifically in the final clause, which is unacceptable! With GA#112 repealed we can finally author a resolution which forever closes execution to further legislation, enshrining the right to unrestricted executions.

Make the right choice, nations: Vote FOR repealing GA#112!

I am disinclined to agree with the logic of this campaigner.
Christian Democrats:
Thank you for the support so far. I just want to note that both authors of the Convention on Execution have endorsed this repeal proposal, wanting to see stronger restrictions on capital punishment put in place.

The question this repeal proposal poses is simple: Should nations have the power to execute people for any crime whatsoever?
Don't you find it at least slightly disturbing that of the two For votes here, one expressed a desire for less restrictions?
Excidium Planetis:
Christian Democrats:
Thank you for the support so far. I just want to note that both authors of the Convention on Execution have endorsed this repeal proposal, wanting to see stronger restrictions on capital punishment put in place.

The question this repeal proposal poses is simple: Should nations have the power to execute people for any crime whatsoever?
Don't you find it at least slightly disturbing that of the two For votes here, one expressed a desire for less restrictions?
Not at all. My proposal makes it clear that I want to see "an international mandate" to prevent "governments from using their 'right to execute' in cases where a death sentence is too harsh." Once the repeal is complete, a lot of nations that voted against the repeal due to fears that there would be no replacement will certainly vote for replacement legislation. They are, after all, death penalty opponents or death penalty moderates.

Death penalty opponent = abolish capital punishment
Death penalty moderate = limit capital punishment to extreme cases
Is there "an international mandate" to prevent "governments from using their 'right to execute' in cases where a death sentence is too harsh" in the works?
St George:
Is there "an international mandate" to prevent "governments from using their 'right to execute' in cases where a death sentence is too harsh" in the works?
Yes, there are four replacements being debated in the GA right now.
  • One proposal would abolish capital punishment entirely.
  • Two proposals would limit capital punishment to serious crimes.
  • One proposal would basically do the same thing as the Convention on Execution.
Needless to say, I strongly oppose the last of these proposals.

If necessary, I'll revive a proposal that I drafted in 2012 to ban the death penalty for all crimes but murder.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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