Vote: IA Support


The following resolution is put to a vote:
WHEREAS the Socialist Federal Republic of Rhuvanland under the leadership of the National Sonacist party has committed numerous human rights violations;
WHEREAS Rhuvanland has refused to allow citizens of Imperium Augustum to leave Rhuvish territory;
RECOGNIZING the right and duty of Imperium to protect its citizens;
AWARE that Imperium has a reputation of fair and just rule, despite being non-democratic and unaffiliated with this Union;
SHOCKED at the haste at which the Kingdom of Wolfsea, and the state of Yeraennus, have undertaken military operations in Rhuvanland, and in its support, respectively;
ASSERTING that military intervention in Rhuvanland must be sanctioned by the international community at large;
UNDERSTANDING that elected governments cannot establish competent and effective governance immediately in nations recently stricken by destruction;
DUMBFOUNDED at the staggering cost that Member States would have to cover to rebuild such a nation;

The Democratic Council therefore resolves:-
  1. That the Member States conditionally supports Imperium’s claim to Rhuvish territory;
  2. That the Kingdom of Wolfsea, and Yeraennus are to be reprimanded for their military operations;
  3. That the Member States shall avoid preventing the August government from conducting all necessary and reasonable operations to occupy Rhuvish territory;
  4. That the provisions of this Resolution are to be held null and void if, in the opinion of the majority of the Democratic Council:-
    • Civilians are targeted by August forces on the order of the August Government;
    • Unreasonable violations of human rights are committed by the August Government;
    • Exploitation of Rhuvish persons for the purpose of labor is committed by the August Government.

Please vote "aye" "nay" or "abstain," voting ends on the 23rd.