Condemn DEN
A resolution to express shock and dismay at a nation or region.
Category: Condemnation
Nominee: DEN
Proposed by: A Million Dollars
Description: RECOGNIZING the horrific actions taken by DEN to destroying small regions;
DISTURBED about the raiding tactics used to wipe out any region;
SHOCKED at DEN's ability to form alliances with other regions, including, but not limited to, The Black Hawks, and their ability to detect those who side with DEN and those who oppose their horrific raiding tactics;
FEELING SORROW for DEN's random targets whom do not expect their small, friendly region to be attacked by evil dictators;
BEWILDERED about DEN's choice of targets, as they aren't specific; which makes DEN's act of raiding a sport;
TERRIFIED at DEN's ability to conquer large regions as well, including, but not limited to:
Their latest raid, Portugal;
The West Pacific;
and Anarchy;
NOTING DEN will continue to bring despair to many regions, as well as the nations inhabited in them;
Hereby condemns DEN
Please vote: For Against, Abstain, or Present.