Yeraennus for AG


Hey all! Some of you know me, some of you don't, but in case ya'll didn't I'm Yeraennus. I got nominated for Attorney General and gratefully announced my candidacy for the position, so here we are. I'm not a fan of being overly verbose or wordy, so I'll give some explanation as to why you should elect me.

I'm Active. While almost certainly I don't have as many posts or haven't been around as long as some of the wonderful folks in TNP, I'm certainly active. I'm usually on every day for most of the day, and I'm always happy to be conversing with people.

I'm Open. Some people in TNP might seem vaulted and hard to talk to, especially concerning problems with the region. I'm always initially friendly with everyone I meet, be they newer or older, but I won't turn away people if we've had rough patches in our history.

I'm Fresh. It gets boring seeing the same people get elected time after time, with nothing changing. New people in office means the region can truly change and progress, maintaining its position as an example for all of the NationStates community.
I'm Fresh. It gets boring seeing the same people get elected time after time, with nothing changing. New people in office means the region can truly change and progress, maintaining its position as an example for all of the NationStates community
I can agree insofar that sometimes fresh faces can add something to the overall landscape. But some offices in TNP benefit from experience and knowledge of what the job entails. People generally seek a deputy position to learn their way around and learn from those whom they work with.

Anyway.. my question:

Do you feel that you have a firm enough grasp of the AG's role to function adequately if the current term was to see a sudden increase in activity for the office?
Hi Falapatorius! I'm glad you dropped by and I'll be happy to answer your questions.

While I do agree that some nations have more experience in governmental roles than I myself do, I believe that I have the necessary skills to perform my job adequately, at least in comparison to any other candidate. The time one spends in office (or out of office, as the case may be) is not the sole factor, or even the major factor, in determining one's success in any position, but rather it's their willingness to listen and have integrity in all matters pertaining to their position that determines their success and competency.
Best of luck, my friend. I look forward to working with you regardless of the outcome of the election.
A question, if I may: What gives you an edge over your opponents, some who have a plethora of experience, that makes you deserving of a vote?
First off - excellent avatar. Sam Vimes is an inspired choice. You might consider a name change though if you want a political career. I have trouble taking you seriously (which may be my failing, not yours)

The court house has had no cases this term, and I think no R4Rs. If you had been either justice or AG during this last term, how would you have spent your time?
Sorry, all, for the short response, but I'm answering the best I can on mobile.

First, Bootsie. I can't really state that I 'deserve' a vote, especially considering the relative lack of experience I have to some of the other candidates, I feel that I can hopefully prove myself a serious enough candidate to hopefully earn genuine consideration against other candidates.

Second, flemingovia. While I appreciate your comment on my avatar, I must say that your comments regarding my name are rather out of place and silly. Instead of judging me based on the name I created for humorous purposes on a website that is primarily satirical in nature, focus on the quality of my posts and how I act as part of the community. As for how I spent my time, I would've focused on examining the RMB and forums to make them more accessible and open to new members. The way they are now, I feel some of the newer members are intimidated by multiple factors, including, unfortunately, the close knit community we have established. I absolutely don't accuse anyone of being closed off, but from an outsider's perspective, we might seem uninterested in welcoming them or that their genuine questions might get lost and not answered.

Third, Gracius Maximus. It really depends on what people view as a 'proper' temperament for The office of AG. If that temperament is one of fairness and a willingness to listen to both sides, then I believe that I possess that temperament.
yeah. Scatological humour just oozes political gravitas.
His nation's name doesn't matter. I could call myself Dickbang6969 and be a great attorney general at the same time if I ever became interested in running.

Relax, Flem. Let the man run. This shouldn't even be an issue.
Him running is not in my power to grant or deny, Dickbang. It was more in the nature of friendly advice from someone who has been in this game for over 12 years. People with juvenile names often have trouble being taken seriously and treated as adults.
Him running is not in my power to grant or deny, Syrixia. It was more in the nature of friendly advice from someone who has been in this game for over 12 years. People with juvenile names often have trouble being taken seriously and treated as adults.
Still, based on his personality and political experience, do you think he would make a good AG or not? He could easily be called The R. Hon. Lord Lawyerton for all he cares; yet in the end it's whether he can do the job well and how he'll do it that'll garner votes. His name matters not overall, though I do agree first impressions count.
When I joined the game in 2003ish I chose a nation name that opened me up to word endless wordplay around phlegm, phlegmmy, lemming, flamingo, flaming, flem, etc etc etc.

More than once I have regretted my choice of name. I dread to think what would have happened in the long run if i had picked Yerannus.

So, yes, this was in the nature of friendly advice.

I tend to make judgements on people based on the quality and maturity of their posts. So all I would say is that Yerannus has less to worry about in that regard than you do.
I appreciate your concern, but I'm not particularly concerned by people making obvious jokes regarding my nation name. Partially because I've seen (or made) most of those jokes before, partially because my nation was originally a joke, albeit one that's transformed over the year or so I've spent here with this community and partially because it isn't honestly my problem if am individual can't look past my name enough to take me seriously. Also, I don't think taking shots at Syrixia is very topical, in regards to the nature of this thread.
If by active you mean how 'on the ball' I would be with bringing cases before the court? I'd have to say as soon as I have enough evidence to bring a case to trial, I would do so as quickly as possible, permitted by my schedule, of course.
If you were to be elected AG, would you seek to reform any of the current crimes in our criminal code? Remove any? Add any? If yes, please elaborate on what changes you would make, and if no, please explain why.
I would either seek to add a definition to spamming or create a new definition regarding toxification and spam of the RMB under Section 1.4 of the criminal code, defined as something along the lines of "Any nation or nations, including those considered as residents or citizens of The North Pacific spamming (as defined in 16 and 17 under Section 1.4) the forums or regional message board and preventing normal conversation or questions regarding the state of the game or region from being properly answered or seen". The idea is rough, but it reflects the general idea of what I have in mind. I would also implement some law against verbal abuse against a person or persons for real or imagined slights, though I have less of a clear idea on how to write that.
You are accused of heresy on three counts -- heresy by thought, heresy by word, heresy by deed, and heresy by action- FOUR counts.

Do you confess?
Heresy against what? Accusation without evidence or clarification shall be considered baseless and unable to be brought to trial