- Pronouns
- he/him/his
- TNP Nation
- Zemnaya Svoboda
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- Eluvatar#8517
Apparently our treaties are make-believe and irrelevant, and we have therefore never acted upon them.

Sentinel Optik:I don't buy into the gameplay where people sign irrelevant treaties with each other and then don't act upon them. If I wanted to play make-believe that I was a member of Parliament I'd go elsewhere. I am here to wage war, and DEN is extremely good at what it does, which is why the only opposition we get is on the NS forums, not on the field of battle.
Raiding IS for the greater good because it is the only pure way to play this game, and the only organization where people support each other through actual action, not roleplaying that they're signing a worthless treaty.
Apparently our treaties are make-believe and irrelevant, and we have therefore never acted upon them.

ChingisOtchigin:I again, may note that I'm not sitting on a high horse, I don't believe in me "Doing good to NS", but neither do I really believe I'm "Playing the asshole", at least as far as tag raids go. When I do raid, i have a sole goal, and that's to hit as many regions as possible. Yes, it means "burning them out", but I have yet to see a native reaction and be like: "YAS! A REACTION! LOLOLOLO, I'M SO 1337". During occupations, I loooove seeing a reaction, trolling the native, acting like a 12v who only just discovered the internet, but with tag raiding... I really don;t see how you could say that we do it for the sake of getting a reaction from natives.