The esteemed General Assembly of this World Assembly,
RECOGNIZING that unexploded, improperly placed, and intentionally disruptive cluster munitions injure, maim, and kill thousands of civilians yearly,
BELIEVING that action by the World Assembly is necessary to protect innocent civilians and combatants alike,
HOWEVER REAFFIRMING the right of nations, World Assembly or not, to defend themselves,
ACKNOWLEDGING that a large amount of unexploded ordnance after a conflict are cluster munitions,
1) 'Cluster Munition' as any air, ground, or sea launched conventional explosive device that splits into smaller explosive submunitions,
2) 'Cluster Munition Delivery Device/Mechanism' as a device/mechanism designed to deliver cluster munitions to a target.
3) 'Dud / Dud Percentage' as a ordnance that fails to act as intended / detonate as designed, such as failing to explode upon hitting the ground in the case of a conventional bomb, and Dud Percentage as the percentage, per cluster munition dropped, of duds in a batch of dropped munitions.
1) Cluster Munitions shall be required to maintain some form of time-delay failsafe, such as a timer, that either sets off the device or renders itself inert in lack of the device performing its intended purpose
2) Cluster Munitions shall be required to maintain a dud rate no higher than 5% per dropped device.
3) Member States shall not possess, stockpile, purchase, sell, or otherwise involve the affairs of cluster munitions that do not meet the aforementioned standards set forth by this body.
*insert fancy stuff to woo TNP with gifts here*