ARCHIVED: Proposal: Sanctions against Rhuvanland


After great consideration and deliberation, the Council of the Democratic Union does resolve that actions against the Socialist Federal Republic of Rhuvanland (hereinafter referred to as "Rhuvanland") are necessary.

  1. That the transfer of electronic or physical funds from Member States to public or private entities or persons is prohibited;
  2. The Governments of the Member States shall freeze all assets held by public or private entities or persons in Rhuvanland;
  3. That residents of the Member States are prohibited from traveling to Rhuvanland, unless on the specific exception of their respective governments or the DU chair;
  4. Residents or Citizens of Rhuvanland shall not be granted entry to Member Nations unless:-
    • They arrive requesting asylum or refugee status;
    • They already hold citizenship or residency in the member nation;
    • They are eligible for citizenship or residency based on family relations or any other such criteria as the Member Nation in question shall provide;
  5. The Member States shall withdraw their respective ambassadors from Rhuvanland;
  6. Diplomatic relations between Rhuvanland and the Member States shall be conducted by a joint Democratic Union representative appointed by the Chair subject to the confirmation of the Council;
My Employers, the Council of the Coalition of Ilian States and the Coalition Department of Foreign Affairs have unilaterally decided to condemn this proposal. These bullet points go vastly beyond sanctions and slip into the territory of a full embargo something that none of us want to see.

An embargo would help no one and would penalize the citizens of the stated nation. How can we consider completely cutting off food, medicine and other essentials for life to the citizens of an entire nation. If anyone should be hurt for their actions its the government itself and not the people they are supposed to serve.
(OOC: I probably shouldn't have posted when I was highly pressed for time. That previous post is null now.)

The Syrixian Empire supports this proposal to a certain extent. The idea of economic sanctions against Rhuvanland is acceptable, but a full out embargo makes us the cruel ones; and Rhuvanland's propaganda will definitely use that to their advantage, painting us as evil. We will not accept any full embargo suggested. Sanctions are enough.
The delegate from the Kannexan Reich does not understand why the Rhuvish, who so far have not engaged in any aggressive acts against its neighbors, would be targeted with an embargo and the Nebulans were not when they were conducting wars of aggression during the Great War. We withhold our support.
Rhuvanland is rapidly militarizing and becoming increasingly radical in their politics. If we make sure this does not continue, there will likely be no aggression from them against their neighbors at all.

However, Syrixia still maintains that a full embargo is going a bit too far.
I have reworked the text of the resolution, and am laying it on the table for amendments and recommendations by council.
(OOC: SONACIST Federal Republic of Rhuvanland.)

The Empire finds nothing wrong with this proposal as it stands with the reworked text.
The delegate from the Kannexan Reich does not understand why the Rhuvish, who so far have not engaged in any aggressive acts against its neighbors, would be targeted with an embargo and the Nebulans were not when they were conducting wars of aggression during the Great War. We withhold our support.
I certainly agree that sanctions may have been useful against Nebula. However, it was the opinion of my government that the Great War was a ridiculous farce carried out by nations on all sides who had no desire for a peaceful resolution. The war just had to play out.

In McMasterdonia we refer to the Great War as the "War of Idiocy" because it made little sense, and in reality, only encompassed a very small geographical area of Erastide.

I believe that we should go with a full embargo against Rhuvanland. We should start out with stronger actions and then ease them as the actions are eased. It is true that the people will suffer in the short term, however, it is the people of Rhuvanland who must rise up and overthrow their government. The rest of the proposal has my support.
From the Grand Speaker's office, we have no objections to the proposal and support it as written. Understanding the need for us to be proactive in protecting our region, this proposal will help maintain stability.
The Jewel supports this proposal and offers its diplomats to the Union for its use if needed. We also second the motion to vote.
The Kaltian Federation and the Andalucian Commonwealth are on board with sanctions against Rhuvanland. However, the Callaician Republic has chosen to remain neutral in this matter.

As such, we also back the move for a vote.
The wording of Article 1 must be fixed. In addition, this harsh freezing of money in- and outflows would absolutely destroy the Rhuvish economy and cause undue suffering to the people of Rhuvanland. We aim merely to teach the Nazo regime a lesson, not to maim and starve out the Rhuvish -- in their desperation they would only lash out at us. By draconian measures such as this you risk outraging the innocent Rhuvish populace and fueling their propaganda against us. We ask that you reconsider the scope of the proposed actions.

Nowhere in the resolution are specific bans on trade mentioned. We ought to prohibit the sale of small arms; missiles; all military-grade vehicles, chemicals, and equipment; petroleum; minerals; heavy metals; etc. as most of us already have but we should allow for the limited sale of food, crops, and medical supplies. In addition we ought to forbid any bank doing business in the Member-States to make loans to Rhuvanland or Rhuvish-based companies. But Kannex believes that the best route is to pursue a non-compulsory, volunteer effort to isolate and apply pressure on the Nazo regime. We furthermore object to Article 6; each member-state should be allowed to conduct its own diplomatic affairs independently.
The wording of Article 1 must be fixed. In addition, this harsh freezing of money in- and outflows would absolutely destroy the Rhuvish economy and cause undue suffering to the people of Rhuvanland. We aim merely to teach the Nazo regime a lesson, not to maim and starve out the Rhuvish -- in their desperation they would only lash out at us. By draconian measures such as this you risk outraging the innocent Rhuvish populace and fueling their propaganda against us. We ask that you reconsider the scope of the proposed actions.

Nowhere in the resolution are specific bans on trade mentioned. We ought to prohibit the sale of small arms; missiles; all military-grade vehicles, chemicals, and equipment; petroleum; minerals; heavy metals; etc. as most of us already have but we should allow for the limited sale of food, crops, and medical supplies. In addition we ought to forbid any bank doing business in the Member-States to make loans to Rhuvanland or Rhuvish-based companies. But Kannex believes that the best route is to pursue a non-compulsory, volunteer effort to isolate and apply pressure on the Nazo regime. We furthermore object to Article 6; each member-state should be allowed to conduct its own diplomatic affairs independently.
Valid points, all. As a Democratic Union, we should stand on a united front and not allow each nation to act independently from our proposals... it would weaken the effectiveness of the DU and therefore, I object to the objection of Article 6 and move to vote.
Mister Masses:
The wording of Article 1 must be fixed. In addition, this harsh freezing of money in- and outflows would absolutely destroy the Rhuvish economy and cause undue suffering to the people of Rhuvanland. We aim merely to teach the Nazo regime a lesson, not to maim and starve out the Rhuvish -- in their desperation they would only lash out at us. By draconian measures such as this you risk outraging the innocent Rhuvish populace and fueling their propaganda against us. We ask that you reconsider the scope of the proposed actions.

Nowhere in the resolution are specific bans on trade mentioned. We ought to prohibit the sale of small arms; missiles; all military-grade vehicles, chemicals, and equipment; petroleum; minerals; heavy metals; etc. as most of us already have but we should allow for the limited sale of food, crops, and medical supplies. In addition we ought to forbid any bank doing business in the Member-States to make loans to Rhuvanland or Rhuvish-based companies. But Kannex believes that the best route is to pursue a non-compulsory, volunteer effort to isolate and apply pressure on the Nazo regime. We furthermore object to Article 6; each member-state should be allowed to conduct its own diplomatic affairs independently.
Valid points, all. As a Democratic Union, we should stand on a united front and not allow each nation to act independently from our proposals... it would weaken the effectiveness of the DU and therefore, I object to the objection of Article 6 and move to vote.
This is a democratic body that does not require unanimous approval for it's proposals. Members are expected to go with the majority decision.

I disagree with the honourable ambassador from Kannex on this matter, quite strongly. The freezing of money is absolutely an important part of this resolution. We must show absolute strength, and yes, people will suffer, this however is necessary in the short term. No overthrow of the Nazo regime can occur without the people themselves rising up against them. When they see the international community uniting together in supporting crippling sanctions - sanctions that could be lifted if the Nazo's simply agreed to international rules, they will naturally rise in protest against their own government.

I agree that bans on trade could be mentioned in more clearer terms. This should be an additional ruling on top of the freezing of money and other sanctions. SANCTIONS are not supposed to be without pain. They are not supposed to be easy. It is impossible to impose sanctions that will only hurt the government.

Article 6 allows the DU to communicate through an intermediary. This allows for a unified negotiating stand point, which is why it was included in the proposal. The intermediary cannot act unilaterally - anything they agree to would need to be ratified by the larger body.

That is my opinion.
The Empire of Kannex has no intention of following this 'democratic centralism,' nor of surrendering its right to independent diplomacy. The undue pain done to the Rhuvish people will merely harden their attitudes towards the outside world.
Have we anything more to discuss? For if not, I would like to move for a vote.