Nation Blurb Posts


The one, the true, the great.
TNP Nation
I feel I ought to appeal the decision made by the Mod Team here; concerning the use of stereotypes as devices of humor in an RP post of mine. If this is the wrong subforum, by all means move the thread.

I only posted in that style because I got the idea from Kannex and his post. I understand I am somewhat at fault for making the post myself, but that doesn't excuse Kannex either. If my post is offensive to Indians and was reported for such, how come he goes away scot-free? His post is offensive to Germans.

If that style of humor is not welcome in one case, it shouldn't be welcome in any. If anything Kannex's post is more offensive. If a nation outside of Europe is made fun of it becomes a big deal, but if a European nation is made fun of we just shrug it off and call it fun humor? Since when was the system of moderation and post reporting on this forum so Euro-centric?
Mein Land ist das beste Land. Hier vi hab the best Wurst and the most byütiful virgin girls (und boys, ja). All othaar cuntries are dumb, becauze zey Englisch speak! But vi speak ze German, ja! Ze beste language man kann speak, ja! Vi hab die beste ov everyting, beste Wissenschaft, gutes food, beste Bier, und die beste Nuklear-Veapons, ja! Vi hab cutting-edge technologie, ja, und cleaneste air and healthieste peeple, ja! Und alzo our medizin ist die beste, becoz I zay zo, eh!? Vi enjoy ze most freeeeedomss, becoz vi die beste are. Did ich ferget zu zay, dat vi beste are? Vi are zo gut vi dont need prisons und warfare, ja SDFJSDFL NEIN HELGA HÄNDS OFF MY KEYBOARD ICH BIN NICHT DRUNK
I appreciate the consideration of the Mod Team in reading this thread.

Appeal what? Your warning level was not increased; you were simply given some friendly advice as to what some people may find offensive. I would recommend you do not push the issue.

We responded to your post because that was the one reported to us. We do not go looking for posts to moderate, we respond to report tickets raised. If you feel a post of Kannex' deserved moderation then report it, do not imitate it. And certainly do not whine about it. It makes you appear juvenile.

I would add that while your blurb post was not considered warnable, posting a private Message in a public area of the forum IS against our forum rules*, and is a warnable offence. I suggest you delete it immediately before it is reported.

*forum rules:
You may not post personal messages in a public area of the forum without the author's permission.