The Republic of Luskainia


"The land where the Sun never sets!"
[c] President [c]Ketan Narain[c] Vice-President [c]Thomas Henderson[c] Secretary of the Interior [c]Kyle Sanders[c] Secretary of State [c]Michelle Hollande[c] Secretary of Defence [c]Priya Patel[c] Secretary of the Exchequer
(Finance Secretary)[c]Sanjiv Peterson[c] Secretary of Culture, Media and Sports [c]Oliver Krail[c] Secretary for Agriculture [c]Shawn Lance[c] Secretary for Transport [c]Andrew Heartwright[c] Secretary for Business [c]Elizabeth Peterson[c] Director of Homeland Security [c]Katherine Elsey[c] Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff [c]Peter Amsberg[c] Field Marshal [c]Philip Mountsead[c] Air Marshal [c]Brian Lewish[c] High Admiral [c]Olivia Adams[c] Capital City [c]Verony[c] Largest City [c]Cale[c] Population [c]165,340,231
(last census May 2015)[c] Standing Army Size (Reserves) [c]842,974
1,657,235[c] Currency [c]Dollar[c] Drives on the [c]Left[c] Internet code [c]
I'm a bit worried now. Cus you seem to have 2 cities with Indian-like names, and your President as well as plenty of your leaders have Indian names. Syrixia is like the India of TNP, so I'm now wondering if Luskainia and Syrixia have a possible history?