[UF] Pelendur Wolendi, Vampire Hunter


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
A stout blackhaired man in denim overalls and a black nylon jacket sat at an intricately carved oak desk behind a bronze plate inscribed "Pelendur Wolendi", gazing out a window across the northern side of Carth, between the river and bear mountain. It was a cloudless, sun-filled day, with a slight wavering haze on the horizon.

Perfect for clearing out vampire lairs.

If only yesterday was like today.

Pelendur winced, and returned to his form 87: "Bureau of Supernatural Creatures Form 87 -- Class 8 Creature Disposal Report."

He still had to answer "Describe, in full, any Stewardship assets lost during disposal, and how each loss might have been avoidable."

He could have pulled out his little bottle of light a smidgen faster. He could have fucking held it aloft as they went in. Hurin could have held onto his warding stone.

They could have waited another day for better weather.

Hurin could have fucking lived.