I have a shiz ton of cobblestone. Xcept I can't come on rn cus it's, like, midnight. Maybe could you be on like 8-10 hours from now?Cronaal:Eh.Syrixia:It's not that big. Spawn to Jaipur is about a 2-5 minutes' walk.Cronaal:u_uSyrixia:Yuo want ally with grorious empire of Jaipur?Cronaal:I'm not sure if it's a simple issue with my own connection but the spawn building doesn't seem to be working/opening!
It's not a major issue but I thought I'd throw it out here.
I'll be working on a small settlement in the nearest not-desert biome!
Considering the desert is so big, we're probably very far away unless you want to build a road, right now.
I'm rather busy right now, I'm collecting material before I create my home!