Ministry Report 10/2/2015


Official Report of the WA Affairs Ministry​

The WA Affairs Ministry has presided over five votes since the appointment of Mall to the position of the Cabinet. These votes were as follows:

A Proscription on Living Shields (Ministry Recommendation FOR, NS vote ONGOING)
Condemn Wallenburg (Ministry Recommendation AGAINST, NS vote AGAINST)
Repeal "Read the Resolution Act" (Ministry Recommendation AGAINST, NS vote AGAINST)
Condemn Kknight (Ministry Recommendation AGAINST, NS vote AGAINST)
Minimum Standard of Living Act (Ministry Recommendation NEUTRAL, NS vote AGAINST)

So far voters in TNP have turned out to let their opinions be known on each of these resolutions.

Goals going forward:
  • To encourage more discourse on the specific reasoning behind votes on TNP's forum,
  • To get more TNP Citizens involved on the NS forums for the GA and SC,
  • To have Ministry Recommendations communicated to all WA nations in TNP through the Delegate nation's ability to telegram the region.
To have Ministry Recommendations communicated to all WA nations in TNP through the Delegate nation's ability to telegram the region.
As a note, in the past we've been sending the recommendations using the mass-telegramming page. That way, Ministers can easily send the telegrams without having to go through the Delegate.

Even when the telegras were send by the Delegate, we were using the mass-TG page to make sure only WA nations were telegrammed.