Minister Reports


Please post your biweekly reports here. They will be compiled and distributed to TNPers, so be sure not to include anything classified. :)
The first roll call for the Foreign Ministry went better than expected. We were able to resort and reorganize, removing ambassadors who had not been active and appointing new ones. Currently only two of our embassies, Ainur and the Allied States, are without ambassadors.

As the Ministry continues to grow, we intend to reinstitute the Diplomatic Teams policy started by my predecessor, Raven. The purpose of this is to give less experienced diplomats valuable on-the-job training by serving as a Junior Ambassador to our Senior Ambassadors. Once we have the numbers for it, I intend to roll this out in our large treatied allies before moving on to using it in any large, active region we have embassies with.

We're finishing up our first Foreign Update in quite some time which should be fun to try. It will be a short overview of the major things that have happened in TNP recently - shorter than an issue of The Northern Lights, but longer than many of our diplomatic partners are used to from us.

EDIT: first nerds
C&E report:

>>We successfully re-launched Stories of TNP.
>>We've been mobilising the Executive Staff, and this is good for interregional events. Planning on a interregional event on our forums is underway (I hope we're able to host it at some point in October) and in the meantime we will be touring with the Flying Circus, which at the end of the day is like a lot of mini interregional events.
>>As a result of my contacts with TSP, I've been given permission to see and post on their Regional Affairs HQ and help them with future events (including the South Pacific Games :yes: ) and of course we will be invited.
I hope future contacts to be as positive as this one. The Flying Circus and other interregional activities (our participation on the Pirate Party on Lazarus) are making us look friendly and approachable again, and less (culturally) isolated.
>>To keep the kids entertained and their signatures pimped, we've been giving away gifs with their flags waving.
And finally:
>>The proposal and debate on new Arms and Flag for the region is a project powered by the Ministry of C&E to improve and modernise our symbols. If it passes, we will make them official on the 28th of November, a significant day (ten years since the adoption of this forum). It started as some sort of game but since we took over the Ministry it became a goal, and we have been able to attract many people to the debate, pretty much everyone who's active has participated in a way or another.

Currently planning an event. Not so sure about theme weeks. RP is under control cause Nierr is a rockstar.

I don't know if I forget anything...
Defence report, 31 September 2015

Commander-in-Chief: Delegate SillyString
Minister of Defence: McMasterdonia
Deputy Minister & Chief of Staff: Tomb

High Command Officers: Eluvatar, r3naissanc3r​

New Members: Glorias, Transcampania, Yuri Dolgorukiy, Kialga, bootsie, Cronaal, Sasten, empire caesar,

Departing Members: Valory, Aikku, Flooforia, JetS, Kiwi, Akhil, GMLP, Ben, xm1n1 manx, Charles Kensington, Socius, The Backwardest Nation You Know, Siida, Surbervania, Renian, mralexgamingstrategy, Nikolai Makarov, and Elkhorn_6.

# Operations Conducted: 3 since last report, 199 recorded operations overall

Most significant operation (summary): The most significant operation in the Ministry's opinion was the West Pacific liberation efforts. The West Pacific guardians and community were in open rebellion against a foreign invasion, and upon the guardians request the North Pacific Army were sent into action by Delegate SillyString. This operation helped to create new friendship between TNP and the West Pacific, and was a great demonstration of feeder unity against a foreign invasion, where past differences were set aside for the greater good.

Other Matters: High Command staff have started to reorganize membership lists and the current ranks of active NPA soldiers. We intend to publicize this list as soon as it is completed. In addition we are considering membership reform that will involve more members in the command structure of the NPA. Finally, High Command Officer Eluvatar has recently conducted a widespread update of our recorded mission logs. While it is likely that many operations were not recorded due to various Ministry changeovers, the NPA currently stands at 199 operations.

Ribbons Awarded this Month: Ribbons for the TWP and the GGR operation are currently being created and will be awarded soon.

Deployment record (Overall): 25

Deployment record (this month): 13

Soldiers with most update operations this month: Bootsie, Kialga, Sasten, Glorias, McMasterdonia

Upcoming member award: In this update, I would like to award Glorias with the upcoming member award for this month. He has shown great interest in the NPA and has been available to meet all requests in a timely manner.
Education Report, 31 September 2015

Minister of Education: McMasterdonia
Deputy Minister of Education: Plembobria
Chief Administrator of Education: Lord Ravenclaw
Chancellor of TNPU: Bootsie

RMB Guardians: Sasten, New Haven America

New Members:: Lorbank

Ministry Matters:
  1. Roll Call
    The Ministry conducted it's first roll call. Staff responses were initially slow, but the roll call demonstrated that there was still a significant number of individuals ready and willing to contribute to the education Ministry.
  2. Staff Appointments
    In late September, the Minister of Education appointed a number of individuals to staffing positions here. Plembobria was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Education, and will be responsible for assisting the Minister in guiding the education ministry and in initiating reforms. Bootsie of Guslantis was appointed as the new Chancellor of the North Pacific University, and Lord Ravenclaw was appointed as the Chief Administrator, a position responsible for the administrative side of the Ministry and for whipping staff into line.
  3. Reform of TNPU
    The North Pacific University is in need of reform. Staff members agreed that the University should be reorganised to meet the needs and interests of TNPers. While this discussion is still ongoing, the Ministry is confident that Chancellor Bootsie will present his plan to reform the university over the coming weeks. A lecture plan has been discussed, and the Minister has already contacted some individuals who are interested in giving a lecture. More updates soon.
  4. Factbook Updating
    The first task of the new Ministry was the updating of old factbooks. Factbooks become quickly out of date with changes of government, and the removal/inclusion of Security Council members in particular. The new factbooks are linked together through an updated layout and feature the North Pacific Yellow Pages as their homepage. Responses to the new factbooks have been positive so far, and the Ministry will continue to keep these as up to date as possible throughout the term.
  5. RMB Guardians
    RMB Guardians were a new initiative announced by the Minister on both the regional message board and the forum. Sasten and New Haven America were the inaugural holders of this position. RMB Guardians are responsible for helping new members on the RMB, keeping the RMB active and interesting, proposing games, discussion topics, polls, and the like, as well as assisting the Delegate in dealing with adspam and rule breakers. These Guardians may eventually be elected by in-game poll in the North Pacific region, but it depends on the success and ongoing viability of the program.