The Return of The North Pacific Army


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
The North Pacific Army has once again returned to a strong period of activity and operational success. The new Government led by Delegate SillyString was quick to make the North Pacific Army a priority for the administration. Recruitment efforts are a focus of the new Minister of Defence, McMasterdonia, and the Minister of Home Affairs & NPA Chief of Staff, the Democratic Republic of Tomb. In the last two weeks, the North Pacific Army has been involved in two operations, the defence of the West Pacific, and the invasion of the Greater German Reich.

The West Pacific operation saw a large coalition of GCR forces & friends coming to the aide of the West Pacific, who were in open rebellion against the regime of then-Delegate United RussoAsia and forces from DEN. United RussoAsia had handed control of their nation to DEN's Knot, also known as Ivo, who later briefly gave control to Cormac Stark. The operation saw the North Pacific send in approximately 11 soldiers, who were constantly moving in and out, in a game of ping-pong with the sitting Delegate. This is the largest operation the North Pacific Army has been involved in since May. It would appear that the aggressive recruitment style of the Minister and his team is paying off, with many new recruits being the most eager participants in the operation. The RMB saw a huge amount of activity during this time, but most importantly, the operation fostered new found friendships between TNPers and West Pacificans, showing a possible greater future for cooperation and partnership between the two regions.

The training operations conducted by the NPA leadership team have extended into spotting for foreign invasions. This week, the North Pacific Army joined with our allies in the Taijitu Citizens' Militia and pre-emptively defended several regions. NPA officers could see a DEN-affiliated force of approximately 16 updaters staging in Nugut, and deployed to Middle Earth, Asia, and Belgium, in order to preemptively defend those nations from DEN. DEN then surprisingly "liberated" the region of The Eternal Realm from the forces of Auralia. (They have not, of course, actually restored the region to its pre-invasion state.)

The North Pacific Army continues to go from strength to strength, and it is fully expected to be an active and prosperous term for the North Pacific Army and the region. NPA High Command is currently working on a number of proposals that will cover both NPA membership reform, and a broader NPA communications policy. Stay tuned for future updates.
A well written article over all, thank you mcm. However, I do have a question or two or one. The first being, is this meant to be more of an outside-looking-in article (the first two paragraphs indicate this, with the lack of we) or an article written by the Minister (the last two paragraphs indicate this, with we being used several times)?
I guess it will be read as written my me, right? I assume you will ilst the author next to the article?

So I guess.. written from my perspective as Minister :|
Yes it will have your name listed as author. I only asked because of the shift from 3rd person to 1st person around midway through.
This is really out of date now. No more articles for the newspaper? I could freshed in up a bit, but there is likely not much point unless there is going to be an edition soon. Perhaps between the cabinet members we could get the first one done, and then see how we go next round? Might remind people how awesome the Newspaper is.