Happy Birthday R3n!


The one, the true, the great.
TNP Nation
This man deserves his own thread. Stalwart member of Europeia, Equilism Senator, and former Delegate of TNP! What a resumé; and I'm sure there's even more I don't know!

I remember a while back good ol' r3naissanc3r said he was returning in October. It's almost October! Plus, it's his birthday!

Cheers, r3n, and thanks for everything you've given NS! Have a very happy birthday!

:ph43r: :ph43r: :ph43r:

A million happy birthdays, R3n! May you have the best of health and wishes every year.

~ Tomb :)
Thanks everyone :) .

Also, regarding this from Syrixia's OP:
I remember a while back good ol' r3naissanc3r said he was returning in October. It's almost October! Plus, it's his birthday!
Well, I'd say it's rather unlikely that I'll return in October, or ever :P .

I haven't completely vanished from forums, making a post every now and then. I'm also happy to stick around and help maintain the various technical stuff TNP and other regions use, or even develop new technology (e.g., the dispatch poster last week). But my RL situation doesn't allow me to extend my activity beyond these, let alone go back the the activity levels I maintained before February.
I remember a while back good ol' r3naissanc3r said he was returning in October. It's almost October! Plus, it's his birthday!
Well, I'd say it's rather unlikely that I'll return in October, or ever :P .

I haven't completely vanished from forums, making a post every now and then. I'm also happy to stick around and help maintain the various technical stuff TNP and other regions use, or even develop new technology (e.g., the dispatch poster last week). But my RL situation doesn't allow me to extend my activity beyond these, let alone go back the the activity levels I maintained before February.
:cry: :horror: :shock: