Resolution to Establish the NPTO Refugee Commission


Members of the Assembly,

I present to you this resolution to establish a commision for the management of refugees. I am a humanitarian, my country has a law which mandates the acceptance of persecuted people. I feel it is necessary to establish a commission for this matter.

-Alec Durand

Part 1: The Refugee Program

Section 1

Members of the NPTO may voluntarily participate in the refugee program. "Participant" is defined as a member nation who has chosen to participate in the refugee program.

Applications for membership in the NPTO shall include an option to participate.

All participants shall report the amount of refugees which they shall be willing to absorb within a period of time.

Participants shall have the right to leave the Program at their discretion.

Section 2

Upon the passage of this Resolution the Chair of the Assembly shall hold applications from current Member States to participate in the Refugee Program.

Part 2: The Commission

Section 1

The Commission shall consist of the High Commissioner and two other Associate Commissioners.

The High Commissioner shall be elected by the Assembly.

One Associate Commissioner shall be elected by the Peace Council, the other appointed by the Chair of the Assembly.

The terms of the Commissioners shall be four months.

The Assembly has the power to remove members of the Commission by two-thirds majority vote.

Section 2

The High Commissioner shall be in charge of conducting votes of the Commission, which shall last for a minimum of three days, or until all members have voted.

Discussions of the Commission shall last for a minimum of three days.

Part 3.

Section 1

A "refugee crisis" is defined as a situation in which refugees must be absorbed by the Participants.

Refugee crises may be reported to the High Commissioner by any member nation. Non-member nations may also be reported.

The Commission shall discuss and vote on whether to intervene in the refugee crisis.

If the Commission votes to intervene, the High Commissioner shall report to the Participants the number of refugees to be absorbed. The Participants will report to the High Commissioner the amount of refugees they will absorb.

The Participants shall facilitate the transportation of the refugees they intend to absorb.

The Commission will not intervene in a Refugee Crisis within the territory of nations which shall have refused to allow intervention without the approval of the Peace Council, in which the Peacekeeping Forces shall provide protection for the refugees.
Parliament wholeheartedly and unequivocally supports this resolution. Syrixia has a similar legislation to Plembobria's in place concerning persecuted peoples and/or refugees, and so far it has been working wonderfully.