Stories of TNP



Stories of TNP ~Second Edition~

Stories of TNP was an original idea of r3naissanc3r (let's also remember Olvern) that beautifully accomplished many objectives, mainly rewarding creativity and promoting RolePlay. With time, though, and for many reasons, the format became stagnated but the idea is too good to just let it die. TNP still has many stories to tell!

Nowadays, and perhaps thanks to the success of the original edition of Stories of TNP, factbooks have had enough prominence; now we need a different point of view, a different kind of story. So... What can be better than a story written by a TNPer? My answer is: a story written by more than one TNPer, a collective RP thread! Not just a character in our region's history but a piece of the world of interactions between many of them. Many of us.

I'm aware that this perspective shifts the focus from featuring a player to featuring a thread, and therefore removes the individual reward (and I know better since I was the first being featured lol), but individual reward... That's what the Lennarts are for! *winks* Also, I personally would feel thrilled to be part of an award-winning RP thread.

The OP of winning threads will be edited to contain this Logo:


And OPs can use this smaller version to show off:


Now, the Ministry of Culture and Education will receive suggestions about which thread we should feature. It's better if they're recent or ongoing, but there's also a bunch of older threads that are still relevant to TNP RP history and/or fun to read and follow, we should not forget them!

I will personally accept suggestions via this very thread, PM, or TGs in-game.

The first thread will be featured soon, and that will include an update in this thread, a line in the News Box and an announcement in-game (RMB). There will also be a factbook covering the project, as done with the original Stories of TNP, RMB trivia and Regional Identity Crisis. The nation covering the project will be Culture and Entertainment, which will also cover other projects during this term.

Date [c] Thread [c] Author
[c] September 18th - 25th [c] McM Pol Crisis [International Response thread] [c] McMasterdonia
[c] September 26th - October 3rd [c] Remembering Better Days [c] SillyString and The Grim Reaper (Imperium Augustum)
[c] October 4th - October 11th [c] Conference on the Status of Shei Ren [c] Syrixia and Nebula (The Watching Nebula)
[c] October 12th - October 21th [c] State Funeral: Matilda II of McMasterdonia [c] McMasterdonia
[c] October 22th - October 29th [c] Guslantis is Ours [c] Bootsie (Guslantis)

Stay cool

(Copypasted from the C&E HQ thread.)

Brilliant! can't believe no one thought of this. I'd like to suggest this thread to start off:

The thread listed is the Conference on the Status of Shei Ren between me and Nebula, which is actually very important currently. Whether the conference succeeds or fails will determine whether the world will face another war or not. The RP's impact has spread across to the NPTO as well, and an entire Coalition was made by Nierr himself concerning the possibility of war. Basically, this RP will literally shape the immediate future of Eras for not all but many nations.

Eras = the TNP RP world, btw.
(Copypasted from the C&E HQ thread.)

Brilliant! can't believe no one thought of this. I'd like to suggest this thread to start off:

The thread listed is the Conference on the Status of Shei Ren between me and Nebula, which is actually very important currently. Whether the conference succeeds or fails will determine whether the world will face another war or not. The RP's impact has spread across to the NPTO as well, and an entire Coalition was made by Nierr himself concerning the possibility of war. Basically, this RP will literally shape the immediate future of Eras for not all but many nations.

Eras = the TNP RP world, btw.
Thank you for your suggestion, that thread will go to our pool of suggestions/nominations.

Ministry Of Culture and Entertainment:
The RP thread McMasterdonian Political Crisis [International Response thread] has been selected to be featured in the Second Edition of Stories of The North Pacific program.


The thread was chosen because of it relevance, number of TNPers involved and because it's a well crafted thread in a series of intriguing, interesting events.

McMasterdonia, as the author, is now entitled to use the badge for featured thread authors in his forum signature, as well as include it in his featured thread OP.

I do believe the McMasterdonian political crisis to be another relevant situation as well. After all, it did cause a FREAKING RECESSION. :lol:

It may be worth making a form for submissions, as with the original Stories.
I've made TG announcements and RMB announcements based on the ones you used, still have to smooth some rough edges. At least the OP is updated with a table, just like the dispatch in-game, also based on your work!


Ministry Of Culture and Entertainment:
The RP thread Remembering Better Days has been selected to be featured in the Second Edition of Stories of The North Pacific program.


The thread was chosen because of its elegant narrative and style, we all should aspire to that standard.

Given the nature of the thread, both The Grim Reaper and Sillystring, as authors, are awarded and now entitled to use the badge for featured thread authors in their forum signature, as well as include it in the featured thread's OP.


Ministry Of Culture and Entertainment:
The RP thread Conference on the Status of Shei Ren has been selected to be featured in the Second Edition of Stories of The North Pacific program.


The thread was chosen because of its relevance, it's high number of replies and views and a satisfying ending.

Given the nature of the thread, both Nebula (The Watching Nebula) and Syrixia, as authors, are awarded and now entitled to use the badge for featured thread authors in their forum signature, as well as include it in the featured thread's OP.


Ministry Of Culture and Entertainment:
The RP thread State Funeral: Matilda II of McMasterdonia has been selected to be featured in the Second Edition of Stories of The North Pacific program.


The thread was chosen, again, because of its relevance, number of TNPers involved and because it's a well crafted thread in a series of intriguing, interesting events. And also to reward one more time one of the best OPs TNP ever had.

McMasterdonia, as the author, is now entitled two badges for featured thread authors in his forum signature, as well as include it in his featured thread OP.

When can we return to Factbooks or Dispatches, not RP Threads? I don't think most of these are worthy of being in the Stories of TNP, I don't find them interesting and see them as any other RP thread.
That may be because you don't participate in RP threads other than the map claims thread. I think Lennart is focusing on this style of RP because it involves multiple people and actually encourages more RP activity.
It's in my opinion, you don't need to find a way to insult me. Most RPs here don't appeal me, because they aren't original. The Stories of TNP should focus on more Original RPs instead of the same old 'Conference in (Insert Nation Here)' or '(Insert Name Here) Alliance'
I think only one of the stories so far has been a conference. Also I didn't insult you, I'm just saying if you participated in them more then you may find them more deserving for what they bring to the table.
Personally, I think Stories of TNP should be about stories. I like Lennart's direction with this - I find myself more interested now than when it was all about factbooks.

I also think Queen Matilda's funeral is very deserving of this award. Congratulations mcmcmcmcmcm - how many civilians will the Royal Family mustard gas to celebrate this great honor?
Personally, I think Stories of TNP should be about stories. I like Lennart's direction with this - I find myself more interested now than when it was all about factbooks.

I also think Queen Matilda's funeral is very deserving of this award. Congratulations mcmcmcmcmcm - how many civilians will the Royal Family mustard gas to celebrate this great honor?

Thanks Myroria!! :D

Officially - we will not be gassing any. As you may well be aware, the King is a fierce advocate against the use of chemical weapons. Unofficially: We will lose count.
Personally, I think Stories of TNP should be about stories. I like Lennart's direction with this - I find myself more interested now than when it was all about factbooks.
I think the two directions are complementary.

The original version of Stories was designed to be primarily a gameside-to-forumside recruitment tool: use dispatches to identify talented players, and try to get them to join the forum. And it worked very well in that regard, much better than I originally expected. Besides the winners themselves, several nations joined the forum and became involved in the Ministry of Culture and the RP section, out of an interest in the Stories program. Obviously, it also had other positive effects, such as increasing dispatch activity in the region (there was a while when a good chunk of RMB discussion was about designing dispatches, Lennart will recall that); and encouraging players already on the forum to get involved in dispatch writing and national RP. But the relative magnitude of these effects was smaller than that of the primary, recruitment effect.

In the current version of Stories, I believe it works the other way around. By advertising high-quality RP threads (which will usually be from established members), we are primarily looking to encourage people already on the forum to become active in the RP section. Naturally, it will also help draw gameside-only players to the forum, but that effect is secondary.

Ideally, we would be running both programs in parallel. As I said, they are complementary, and they are both of great value.

As an aside:
Personally, I think Stories of TNP should be about stories.
Admittedly the name "Stories of TNP" was a bit of a misnomer for the first edition of the program.

When I came up with the idea for the original Stories, I didn't have a good sense of how RP-inclined nations use dispatches. I was expecting that there would be a decent volume of dispatches used for narration of events, rather than just wiki-style nation descriptions.

I realized later that I was wrong, but by then it was too late to rename the program, so I stuck with the original name.
Ideally, I'd like to see Stories of TNP featured in The Northern Lights whenever an issue comes out, as the more people we can get examples of good and great RP to, the higher the likelihood is we'll be able to sustain RP activity - something which most GCRs and gameplay regions struggle with.

It's, to coin a phrase, soft recruitment, same as anything else we publish in other regions or in the gameplay forum.
Most TNL issues had at least one story about RP, and I think that should continue. However, I don't think Ministries should wait for TNL to publish their events, especially given how hard it has become to sustain regular TNL issues.

Instead, Ministries should use The North Pacific Press Releases. TNPPR is a very effective and seriously underused publication medium.

The way it works (or at least used to work) is very simple. Every time a Ministry has a newsworthy story (especially one that does not get published as a dispatch elsewhere), someone in the Ministry writes 2-3 paragraphs about it, slaps the TNPPR footer at the bottom, and publishes it as a dispatch using The Northern Lights. The Home Affairs Executive Staff will make sure the dispatch is upvoted quickly by a large crowd, so that it will climb to the top of the new dispatch list. Then, every two weeks or so, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will compile a selection of TNPPRs into a longer publication, to be distributed to NS GP and all embassies in lieu of a regional update.

In the past, we have used TNPPRs primarily for elections and NPA updates, and more sporadically for other stuff, including certain RA and RP news. There is no reason why it cannot be used for other Ministry business. There's a new Stories of TNP volume? Post a TNPPR about it. There is a new University development? Post a TNPPR about it.

TNPPRs make sure that the news will be promoted broadly, through the dispatch upvotes and embassy distribution system. They can happen very fast, without having to wait for the long publication cycle of TNL, and nowadays without even having to wait for the delegate to post the dispatch, thanks to the dispatch posting service. Finally, each Ministry can tailor them to its own needs, since they are in charge of producing the content.
r3n makes another excellent point. Thanks for clearing up the misconceptions I had about this program - I understand its (reasonable) intention much better now.
It's in my opinion, you don't need to find a way to insult me. Most RPs here don't appeal me, because they aren't original. The Stories of TNP should focus on more Original RPs instead of the same old 'Conference in (Insert Nation Here)' or '(Insert Name Here) Alliance'
I agree with Myro and r3n. It's called STORIES of TNP. RP threads are stories too. :headbang:

Ministry Of Culture and Entertainment:
The RP thread Guslantis is Ours has been selected to be featured in the Second Edition of Stories of The North Pacific program.


The thread was chosen as a good, very active, new thread where around 10 nations are involved!

Bootsie (Guslantis), as the author, is now entitled to use the badge for featured thread authors in their forum signature, as well as include it in their featured thread OP.

If you're gonna feature that, I'd recommend also featuring Cummings Central Command at the same time. Same story, and quite a few nations have been involved too. Plus, it pioneers a new type of RP- that of a military operation with orders from the command and other nations sending troops.
Are you sure these are Stories of TNP or just RP Threads that are made by influential TNP Roleplayers?
I suggest you stop complaining about every single winner.
It's spoiling the fun D:
Are you sure these are Stories of TNP or just RP Threads that are made by influential TNP Roleplayers?
Who are you to ask such questions about RP in general? :lol:
Make a RP thread yourself Arux, then it might be featured. Influential RPers are having their stories featured because well... they actually post stories :P

I'd suggest Novrith Conference for the next one.
Hey guys! I'll be locking this thread, as the Second Edition of Stories of TNP has come to an end.

We are working around the clock to get up an official Third Edition of Stories of TNP up, and I'll be throwing a link up here!